I love babys and i want to have one sooo badly i guess its to have someone to love me as much as i love him or her because everyone im friends with and related to always tell me im a mistake and nobody will ever love me i act like it doesn't bother me but it dose it hurts alot im confused any advice.I am almost 15 and i want to have a baby really bad so any advice (im not a whore either).?
my advice is your friends and family are dicks and dont you are wayyy to young to have a baby.simple and blunt.I am almost 15 and i want to have a baby really bad so any advice (im not a whore either).?
You are retarted
having a baby is not the solution to all your problems. you should probally talk to your parents. and if you have a baby you're just going to have pay the price of being a teenage mom. enjoy your life like other 15 year olds.
That's gotta be the worst reason to havea child.
The child may love you, but you already are unprepared to love it if you are only wanting it to fill a void in your life. You can't take care of a child the best at age 14. You need to wait until you are
a) over this need of someone to love
b) have a loving husband
c) able to financially provide for a baby.
Like the first answer said, get a puppy.
P.s. You should also be vary wary of the guys you end up dating, because this need of yours to want to be loved so badly can very easily end you up in an abusive relationship. Go buy the book ';but i love him'; by Dr. Jill Murrayso you'll be able to recognize the warning signs..
I'm 15 too and yeah, frankly, anyone our age is too young to have a baby, but i know what you mean. One of the reasons that teenage girls have babies is because they want that feeling and security of an unconditional love, and they aren't getting it from a parent or a friend or a boyfriend, and it sucks. but its no reason to get pregnant and stop yourself from doing wonderful things the rest of your life. What i would do is find a regular part-time babysitting job, or even offer to do it for free. Then you get to spend 2 or 3 days a week with a baby/toddler, while helping out the mother, and most parents wont object to free babysitting :) also, i work in nursery on sundays, it helps me get my ';baby-fill'; b/c you get to smile and play and cuddle for an hr or two and then you get to give it back.
Hope this helped :)
i feel the same way, but im not crazy and want to have a kid. go on neopets or something take care of a virtual baby, your immaturity shows that you are clearly not ready to take care of something
if you want someone to love, having a baby isn't the answer. Look for a very nice guy who will treats you well and that's how you'll find love. Don't have kid this young, then it will change you life and possibly ruin it, if they are your friends, then they wouldn't tell you those stuff. Everyone finds love, just got a look for it. :)
Sweaty, you are too young to have a baby. A 15 years old's body the girl is not prepare to have a baby, is not well developed. A baby is a big responsibility, not a toy. You probably feel lonely, it will be better to have a puppy, they need to be adopted. Don't pay any attention to all those jack *** who tell you you will never find somebody that love you. Be patience there will be someone there that love will love you. A baby at this time would kill you, they get sick very often, you have to get up in the middle of the night, you have to change diaper. Why don't you concetrate more in going to school. Please don't do such a mistake. A friend of mine had a baby, she was raped at 13 and she never could have any more babies. The best thing is to get a puppy, they love unconditionally, there are many puppies waiting for you, tell your parent how do you feel. Maybe they don't know. You are too young and you will have all the time in the whole world to have a baby. Remember that God get something for you, just rely on him. I will pray for you that you change your mind. I'm also feel lonely, My mother left when I was 9 years old I lost my father when I was 18. My mother died, my uncle, my father, my young sister all after one. What woud I do with the baby at this time. The baby is not going to make you happy, believe me. Talk to the counseling at school and tell them how you feel. I hope every thing will work for you and you listen and love yourself first. May God bless you.
Ask mommy and daddy for a puppy. You are not ready for a child.
First, I'd like to say, **** all of these judgmental assholes who are telling you you can't do this. God, it pisses me off that people will bash anyone's ideas if they're a little different. You can do whatever you want to do..as long as you're willing to step up to the plate. As long as you're willing to be an adult, miss parties to babysit, get a job, all that mess. Also, you'd have to deal with people thinking that you ARE a whore
I'm 15 and preggo..and I have to say I am a bit excited. So, I understand where you're coming from. Just please please don't rush. I have a boyfriend who I know loves me and I love him. And I know that even if we break up, he'll help me with the baby. That's so important - you can't do it alone. And there's a lot of issues with children without fathers. So think really hard about it.
If you find a boyfriend, and when you fall in love, think about this again. Talk to him about it, first. (And don't trick yourself into thinking you love him if you don't.)
To summarize:
1. Babies are amazing things, but they also suck. So think hard.
2. You NEED support..find a good and loyal guy.
3. Be ready to step up..and defnitely do some research. There's a lot of risks involved in young pregnancy. I'm so scared. 0_o
Good luck. Hope you make the right decision.
having a baby just because you want someone to love you unconditionally is not a good idea, especially at 15.
what kind of quality of life will you be able to give him/her? with a part time job at a fast food joint, and no high school diploma - not a very good one, and he/she may grow up to resent you for that- and that is exactly the opposite of what your looking for. I'll save you the you're too Young to have children or to have sex blah blah whatever speech., and just tell you this
at 15 your life has barley started. you haven't even gotten the freedom of being able to get in your car and drive to wherever you want to go yet, and if you have a baby, you will never have that freedom. it will never ever again be about you. you get your pay check from work, and are at the mall and see a REALLY cute top that looks amazing on you, you love it and you want it so bad, then all of a sudden your 9 month old baby starts to cry because he needs to be changed, and you've just run out of diapers, bye bye cute top, hello jumbo pack of diapers. three years down the road, your 18, and get asked out on a date by a really cute, nice guy that you're really into, but you can't find a sitter, now you have to stay home with your three year old instead of going out with this boy who you really liked.
The way your family is treating you hurts, i get it. i've been there, the best choice you can make right now, is to go to your school guidance counsellor and talk about it. they aren't there to judge you. they will let you talk, and give you advice, its great to know that someone cares enough to listen. please do that before you decide to get pregnant.
let yourself live your life. wait until you've been old enough to legally get into a bar, to find a man who loves you, unconditionally no matter what, who you want to spend the rest of your life with to make a child out of love, not in order to be loved.
i hope you consider everything i've just told you. Good luck
Clearly you are not stable. Why bring a child into this world? You are not ready! You haven't even mention a boyfriend! And a 15 you can barely get a good job. I mean you can't even drive, yet!
You are not as ready as you think you are. How much do you *really* know about taking care of a baby? Do you know how much it costs? Do you know how much time it would take? You would barely have time for school (if that) let alone time to do anything on your own.
Which means that you wouldn't have time to learn to drive. Which means you couldn't get your license. Nor could you have a real sweet sixteen. You can't throw a big party when you've got a baby to take care of.
Also, having a baby won't solve your problems It will only make things worse, because you'll have more to worry about. If you have problems with the way your family/friends treat you,let them know that you're offended or upset. Don't have a kid. It will change the rest of your life. And fifteen is a young age to be making those kinds of decisions.
And I'm not an adult trying to talk you out of this. I'm the same age as you are. Just... please thing about the consequences.
To be honest i am a guy that is 18 i know 2 very close friends of mine that are either have a child or are expecting. For one you are to young and i don't mean anything by it. I cant think of a single guy who would want or who has the mental capacity to care for a child even at my age so I am going to tell u what i should have told my friends.
If you do love the person you want to have a child with then marry them and wait about 2 years just to see if it will work then have a kid.
just just have a baby just to get away from your parents because that is your reasoning u may have not said it but from what u said about them that at lest has some factor on your decision.
What are you thinking having a child will bring you love but it also brings alot more then that.No matter what anyone tells you its up to you to believe in yourself and not be brought down to levels like wanting a baby so that you can be loved.How will you support the baby because believe you me public assistance doesn't do crap how will you finish school because it sounds to me like you don't have a supportive family there is waaaaay more to being a parent and being 15 you don't know the half of it Im 27 and its still hard for me. I have witnessed teen pregnancy and the negativity that comes along with it it may seem that you really want it and that they are cute and love able and blah blah blah but the actuality is that its another human being just like you and needs to have not just a young mom but both parents that are stable enough to take care of it.Before you go trying to actually make this baby you really need to think about the long term and not just whats going right now. I hope you see that you have more then enough time to have a baby just take care of yourself and make sure that you grow up a little more so you can live your life as a child instead of bringing another child into the world.I don't mean to be rude just being honest..Take care sweetie I hope you make the right choice yours and that babies sake..
Baby sit or adopt a sweet little dog or cat from an animal shelter. Saving the life of an animal is a much wiser decision than bringing a baby into existence when you're so young and unprepared and...just not ready.
You have plenty of time to worry about babies. Dont have 1 while still in high school, at least wait til your 19. You dont need someone to love you yet, youre only 15. Since your thinking of babies dont go out having sex. Youre too young.
I'm not going to tell you the obvious things. You'll get enough of that.
but think about it.
- your baby is not capable of ';loving';. babies do not know how to love so do not have a baby because you think that he or she will love you back.
- your baby will get made fun of when he or she is older because their ';friends'; will realize how young you are and you will known as a whore.
- your classmate will think your a whore.
- your parents will be disappointed in you.
- the baby will most likely not have a committed dad or will any boy want to have a baby with you at the age of 14
im really sorry that your family tells you things like that. no one should ever be put down like that, i am really sorry.
but as for having babies i would really ask you to reconsider that. its really hard having a baby at a young age. i had a little girl when i was 18 and a senior in high school. it was so hard getting up really early every morning to feed her then going to school and coming back home to take care of her and do my homework, then i had college to worry about to. its really hard and if you dont have anyone there to help you then it makes it extra hard. i know you are feeling really sad and hurt right now, but really this isnt the way to make things better.
it was hard at my age, but i know it will be even harder at your age to have a baby. you are so young and can do so many things, dont worry about what your friends tell you or your family, prove them wrong and show them you can do whatever you set your mind to. i know you are a smart girl and you arent a mistake!!! always remember that!!! be strong and i know things will work out for you, if you need anyone to talk to email me okay.
Do you know that Jesus loves you more than anything there is? You are his baby... you are so perfect and beautiful to Him!!
Let go of the hurt, ask Him into your heart and into your life. Ask Him to take away all of those feelings and fill you with the love you are needing.
God created you and has been with you for your whole life, waiting for you to ask Him into your heart so He can show you His love. He will be your best friend.
Pray to Him right now, it will feel so good. You are not a mistake, you never were and never will be. You were made to do something BIG in this world girl. Someday you WILL be a beautiful amazing mother! You can teach your child about Christianity and all God has done for this you. But that time is not right now, you are too young for a baby.
Pray to Him, let him take the pain and fill your heart with His love.
You are too young for a baby. The friends and family that tell you that you are a mistake and that nobody will ever love you are NOT nice people. You should ditch the friends that tell you that. Babies are a lot of work. Carrying a baby in your belly for nine months and throwing up every day of your pregnancy is not a good time. You should focus on finishing school. Most boys your age are only interested in getting in your pants. They do not care about you or love you the way you want to be loved. Do not let boys use you for sex and get you pregnant. You will be the one left responsible if you do get pregnant.
Your teen years are a very stressful time. It's normal to feel like you don't fit in. Try to develop self esteem and feel confident in yourself. Join a club at school and make some friends. You might be able to volunteer at a hospital in the baby ward. There will be plenty of time to have a baby when you are older and have finished school. Maybe you can get a job babysitting after school.
You are way too young to make this mistake so early in life
What should you do?
You should wait, before you have a baby, wait until you're financially stable, you've got all your qualifications and a job.
Yeah you want a baby now, but soon enough you'll want to go out places with hem, but when you have a baby, your freedom is restricted - especially at a young age.
There's numerous reasons why you shouldn't try for a baby at 14.
Don't listen to them, ofcourse somene will love you.
1. You are not the 'Age of Consent', anywhere, on earth. Which means, you would allowing yourself to be raped(Statutory Rape).
2. Having a baby for the reason of wanting to be loved is ABSOLUTELY SELFISH
Honey, you are wayy to young to have a child. I know you think you Trust me when i was 13 i wanted a child so bad so i babysat a baby. I was so tired.
its not true. but a baby is a lot of hard work. and love doesnt by the baby food and a home. i know how much you want a baby and i understand. but im 17 and i have a 3 year old. hes a lot of work. you may want to wait until you have a good job and an education. and your own home. i wish you the best in your disition making
Yes, bringing a child into this world can be wonderful, and it is a blessing from God...
but the reality is that it's really hard... yes there's unconditional love for that baby, that doesn't make it easy, it's a huge responsibliy.
it's okay to think about because one day you'll have one...
but thats in the future.
should focus on your studies, so one day you can provide for your child...But your only 15, i'm not critising you, this is perfectly normal.
But just wait.
you'll know one day when the time is right.
Everybody goes baby-crazy at one point in their life :)
Ask for a pet you're not ready for a baby and you won't be able to give it the best life you can right now and you wouldn't want that would you?
Start babysitting!
Those sound like incredibly selfish reasons to have a child. At the age of 'almost 15', you are still too young to have a child. I bet you don't even have a good-paying job yet. You should finish school and get the sufficient qualifications to get a good job. You should find someone that you love very much - enough to have the commitment of carrying and having their child. This can't be done at the age of 15. You have the rest of your life to have a baby - right now at your age, you should just be thinking about having fun and enjoying the rest of your youth!!
How much will your child love you when your living in a box on the streets?
You do realize if you have a child you will have to drop out of school, and you won't be able to get a job right?
And don't think anyone is going to want to help you, they will all think your just a teenage mother, they won't want you.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
I think my girlfriend likes me more than I like her. What do I do? Is this bad? Advice?
Honestly, the person in the relationship that likes the other less has the most power.
It's up to you how you choose to use that power.I think my girlfriend likes me more than I like her. What do I do? Is this bad? Advice?
Definitely bad. It may be time to cool things down between the two of you if she has bigger plans for your relationship than you do.
Then again- maybe she feels the same way about you, or is more expressive with her feelings than you are.
Best thing you can do is sit her down and talk with her. Make sure you two are on the same page as far as the relationship is concerned, and that she isn't expecting more than you are willing to give.
Good luck..I think my girlfriend likes me more than I like her. What do I do? Is this bad? Advice?
get to know who she really is as a human being, get to know deeper emotional things about her and you will create an attachment of understanding. Sometimes girls go a little crazy when they have a boyfriend and start acting kind of obsessive. It'll dwindle down with time but enjoy it while it lasts because if you get rid of her, you will feel really lonely.
Ask for some time apart or to yourself. Maybe tell her that. Have a clear understanding of your relationship between both of you.
this could be bad if you plan to break up with her
talk to her and tell her that she shouldn't obsess over her
and i feel as though i like my boyfriend more than he likes me...stop pimples
It's up to you how you choose to use that power.I think my girlfriend likes me more than I like her. What do I do? Is this bad? Advice?
Definitely bad. It may be time to cool things down between the two of you if she has bigger plans for your relationship than you do.
Then again- maybe she feels the same way about you, or is more expressive with her feelings than you are.
Best thing you can do is sit her down and talk with her. Make sure you two are on the same page as far as the relationship is concerned, and that she isn't expecting more than you are willing to give.
Good luck..I think my girlfriend likes me more than I like her. What do I do? Is this bad? Advice?
get to know who she really is as a human being, get to know deeper emotional things about her and you will create an attachment of understanding. Sometimes girls go a little crazy when they have a boyfriend and start acting kind of obsessive. It'll dwindle down with time but enjoy it while it lasts because if you get rid of her, you will feel really lonely.
Ask for some time apart or to yourself. Maybe tell her that. Have a clear understanding of your relationship between both of you.
this could be bad if you plan to break up with her
talk to her and tell her that she shouldn't obsess over her
and i feel as though i like my boyfriend more than he likes me...
Do you ever intentionally give bad advice?
i do because its funnyDo you ever intentionally give bad advice?
Shame on you! Tsk Tsk. Tsk When I read the question, I took a personal inventory figuring there must have been a time when I had intentionally given bad advice. I must report that I never have, to my recollection. Now this inventory exercise gave me a feeling of goodness and satisfaction, which lasted about 2 minutes... Almost instantly I provided myself with the reason for not being a ';bad advice giver';. I love to give advice. And more importantly, I want to be correct when I do it. My ego would never allow me the freedom to mess around like that. I was immediately thrown into despair. Why can't I control my own life, Damn it!Do you ever intentionally give bad advice?
Absolutely not as I care about people!
No...never, not intentionally anyway!
No. Thats not nice.
Shame on you! Tsk Tsk. Tsk When I read the question, I took a personal inventory figuring there must have been a time when I had intentionally given bad advice. I must report that I never have, to my recollection. Now this inventory exercise gave me a feeling of goodness and satisfaction, which lasted about 2 minutes... Almost instantly I provided myself with the reason for not being a ';bad advice giver';. I love to give advice. And more importantly, I want to be correct when I do it. My ego would never allow me the freedom to mess around like that. I was immediately thrown into despair. Why can't I control my own life, Damn it!Do you ever intentionally give bad advice?
Absolutely not as I care about people!
No...never, not intentionally anyway!
No. Thats not nice.
Have you ever taken any bad advice on Y!A?
no never doHave you ever taken any bad advice on Y!A?
not sure what you mean, do you mean have i taken notice of bad advice? well no cause i always double check, but i suppose if you dont check you could end up in trouble. if i answer i always make sure i am giving the correct advice, by counter checking, in sites or getting a book out to make sure, but i am not sure other people take that amount of trouble. my advice is do not believe all you read on yahoo, because often its only someone elses opinion. check it out, lolHave you ever taken any bad advice on Y!A?
Actually no, I know bad advice when I see or read it.
No, but I've seen bad advice given out many times.
No i dont read bad stuff cuase i cant.
yea jerk faces this is a community for right answers!
YES and I want my money back........uh what
not sure what you mean, do you mean have i taken notice of bad advice? well no cause i always double check, but i suppose if you dont check you could end up in trouble. if i answer i always make sure i am giving the correct advice, by counter checking, in sites or getting a book out to make sure, but i am not sure other people take that amount of trouble. my advice is do not believe all you read on yahoo, because often its only someone elses opinion. check it out, lolHave you ever taken any bad advice on Y!A?
Actually no, I know bad advice when I see or read it.
No, but I've seen bad advice given out many times.
No i dont read bad stuff cuase i cant.
yea jerk faces this is a community for right answers!
YES and I want my money back........uh what
Have you ever given bad advice on purpose?
only on here
OK OK and to my sister in law, but come on she is meanHave you ever given bad advice on purpose?
yea. there was this 14 year old girl who WANTED to have a baby so i told her to. i know, im a horrible evil person. muahaha!Have you ever given bad advice on purpose?
Someone learned the hard way not to insult me and then ask me how to do something.....
if there really pigheaded i tell them the truth and sometimes that hurts more than anything
yes,,, gotta do what you gotta do to get the ';W';
That Rhymes lol
depends on situation
no but apparently all advice i give is bad
I don't think so. lol.
But mebe.
no, but that would be mean
OK OK and to my sister in law, but come on she is meanHave you ever given bad advice on purpose?
yea. there was this 14 year old girl who WANTED to have a baby so i told her to. i know, im a horrible evil person. muahaha!Have you ever given bad advice on purpose?
Someone learned the hard way not to insult me and then ask me how to do something.....
if there really pigheaded i tell them the truth and sometimes that hurts more than anything
yes,,, gotta do what you gotta do to get the ';W';
That Rhymes lol
depends on situation
no but apparently all advice i give is bad
I don't think so. lol.
But mebe.
no, but that would be mean
Have you ever given bad advice on purpose?
only on here
OK OK and to my sister in law, but come on she is meanHave you ever given bad advice on purpose?
yea. there was this 14 year old girl who WANTED to have a baby so i told her to. i know, im a horrible evil person. muahaha!Have you ever given bad advice on purpose?
Someone learned the hard way not to insult me and then ask me how to do something.....
if there really pigheaded i tell them the truth and sometimes that hurts more than anything
yes,,, gotta do what you gotta do to get the ';W';
That Rhymes lol
depends on situation
no but apparently all advice i give is bad
I don't think so. lol.
But mebe.
no, but that would be mean
OK OK and to my sister in law, but come on she is meanHave you ever given bad advice on purpose?
yea. there was this 14 year old girl who WANTED to have a baby so i told her to. i know, im a horrible evil person. muahaha!Have you ever given bad advice on purpose?
Someone learned the hard way not to insult me and then ask me how to do something.....
if there really pigheaded i tell them the truth and sometimes that hurts more than anything
yes,,, gotta do what you gotta do to get the ';W';
That Rhymes lol
depends on situation
no but apparently all advice i give is bad
I don't think so. lol.
But mebe.
no, but that would be mean
Just asking so I can give other people this advice but..What is the best way to get rid of bad breath?
First, know where the bad breath comes from. If it is from the mouth, then try and practice superior oral hygiene (regular brushing, flossing and scraping of tongue) and using effective dental products. So if your bad breath is still there, try and consult your dentist because it may be chronic or a sign of something wrong with your health. Whatever the cause, best to find a cure for it quick than wait for the consequences.Just asking so I can give other people this advice but..What is the best way to get rid of bad breath?
the best thing to do is to build up the best defense which is saliva. keeping the mouth hydrated and salivated can keep bad bacteria at minimum, which is the cause of bad breath. having a good program of dental and oral hygiene can keep the mouth clean and healthy. visit you dentist to ask for proper advice and treatments. for more tip in eliminating bad breath visit http://www.oramd.comJust asking so I can give other people this advice but..What is the best way to get rid of bad breath?
clean your teeth regularly, brush your tongue and use a mouthwash
Bad breath is caused often because you haven't brushed and flossed well .If you don't keep teeth and gums free of the bacterial buildup, they'll start to cause odor as the bacteria rot leftover food particles in your mouth. A few seeds of cardamom chewed for a brief while will clear your mouth of bad breath. Chew parsley leaves,which are sure to keep your breath fresh. More useful remedies at http://useinfo5.blogspot.com/
brush teeth and tounge, flossing is good too, you can also try chewing some gum after you smoke (if you're a smoker), drinking a tall glass of water after you eat sometimes gets my food down so i dont taste it when i'm breathing. ALSO sometimes bad breath CAN be a stomach problem. there is also toothpaste out now specifically for bad morning breath.
hoped that helped.
It covers effective homes remedies for curing bad breath, gum disease and allied problems.
the best thing to do is to build up the best defense which is saliva. keeping the mouth hydrated and salivated can keep bad bacteria at minimum, which is the cause of bad breath. having a good program of dental and oral hygiene can keep the mouth clean and healthy. visit you dentist to ask for proper advice and treatments. for more tip in eliminating bad breath visit http://www.oramd.comJust asking so I can give other people this advice but..What is the best way to get rid of bad breath?
clean your teeth regularly, brush your tongue and use a mouthwash
Bad breath is caused often because you haven't brushed and flossed well .If you don't keep teeth and gums free of the bacterial buildup, they'll start to cause odor as the bacteria rot leftover food particles in your mouth. A few seeds of cardamom chewed for a brief while will clear your mouth of bad breath. Chew parsley leaves,which are sure to keep your breath fresh. More useful remedies at http://useinfo5.blogspot.com/
brush teeth and tounge, flossing is good too, you can also try chewing some gum after you smoke (if you're a smoker), drinking a tall glass of water after you eat sometimes gets my food down so i dont taste it when i'm breathing. ALSO sometimes bad breath CAN be a stomach problem. there is also toothpaste out now specifically for bad morning breath.
hoped that helped.
It covers effective homes remedies for curing bad breath, gum disease and allied problems.
Do you think it should be ILLEGAL for an attorney to give out wrong or bad advice and still get paid for it!?
I dont get paid if I dont Fix my clients radars and equip on their Yachts,I cant just look at the guy and charge him for failure, Most owners/captains will just throw me off the boat if I did that,Wht should attorneys be any different!!Do you think it should be ILLEGAL for an attorney to give out wrong or bad advice and still get paid for it!?
Barristral Immunity is becoming a issue: In commonwealth countries there is a tendency to say no immunity in civil cases in negligent preparation. The real issue is that : whether it would run the risk of double jeopardy. Its very hard to see the differences between a lawyer and other professional persons. Again this is a negligence issue and there is a general shift away from such immunity. Personally I'm all for it, not because its fair but because I'm a law student and it is in my best interest to keep it.Do you think it should be ILLEGAL for an attorney to give out wrong or bad advice and still get paid for it!?
Yes because an attorney should be honest. If the information is wrong and does not help you, you should not have to pay for it.
You're damn right.
Uuuummmm,I'm still 13...I dont really know bout those things..lol..i know what u thinking,';If ur 13 and cant answer this,y did u click on this question???';..lol..right?
But I am mostly doin this just 'cause I am bored I guess,but now that I think of it,I guess i just wanna do this to get on yo nerves..lol
Bush doesn't lose his salary for giving wrong advice and making wrong decisions, so how can you do it to a lawyer, whose decisions do not throw the whole world into turmoil?
Actually, attorneys are in a pretty tight spot when it comes to bad advice, bad advocacy, etc.
There is a two-inch-thick manual of ABA Approved Rules of Professional Conduct for Lawyers that includes rules about diligence, competency, giving bad advice, etc. If any of these rules are breached, a lawyer could be reported by a client or fellow lawyer to the state bar association. If the association's review turns up evidence that the lawyer in question is guilty of bad lawyering, he or she could very well be disbarred for his or her conduct.
The threat of being disbarred (and there are so many ways to be disbarred) keeps a lawyer on alert about what sort advice he or she is giving and whether or not the lawyer is doing everything is his or her legal power to fight for his client.
If you share a client-attorney relationship with an attorney and you give him a retainer for a legal task, and he performs that task below the standards he should or give grossly bad advice, then you should consider reporting him to his firm or the state bar association.
well they shouldn't, but where do you go to complain ,an other lawyer? they all in bed together. they cover for each other for free and know all the loop holes ,so you could not win anyway. sad isn't it...
can you prove someones advise isnt sincere,could you find a lawyer to represent that to thew courtsstop pimples
Barristral Immunity is becoming a issue: In commonwealth countries there is a tendency to say no immunity in civil cases in negligent preparation. The real issue is that : whether it would run the risk of double jeopardy. Its very hard to see the differences between a lawyer and other professional persons. Again this is a negligence issue and there is a general shift away from such immunity. Personally I'm all for it, not because its fair but because I'm a law student and it is in my best interest to keep it.Do you think it should be ILLEGAL for an attorney to give out wrong or bad advice and still get paid for it!?
Yes because an attorney should be honest. If the information is wrong and does not help you, you should not have to pay for it.
You're damn right.
Uuuummmm,I'm still 13...I dont really know bout those things..lol..i know what u thinking,';If ur 13 and cant answer this,y did u click on this question???';..lol..right?
But I am mostly doin this just 'cause I am bored I guess,but now that I think of it,I guess i just wanna do this to get on yo nerves..lol
Bush doesn't lose his salary for giving wrong advice and making wrong decisions, so how can you do it to a lawyer, whose decisions do not throw the whole world into turmoil?
Actually, attorneys are in a pretty tight spot when it comes to bad advice, bad advocacy, etc.
There is a two-inch-thick manual of ABA Approved Rules of Professional Conduct for Lawyers that includes rules about diligence, competency, giving bad advice, etc. If any of these rules are breached, a lawyer could be reported by a client or fellow lawyer to the state bar association. If the association's review turns up evidence that the lawyer in question is guilty of bad lawyering, he or she could very well be disbarred for his or her conduct.
The threat of being disbarred (and there are so many ways to be disbarred) keeps a lawyer on alert about what sort advice he or she is giving and whether or not the lawyer is doing everything is his or her legal power to fight for his client.
If you share a client-attorney relationship with an attorney and you give him a retainer for a legal task, and he performs that task below the standards he should or give grossly bad advice, then you should consider reporting him to his firm or the state bar association.
well they shouldn't, but where do you go to complain ,an other lawyer? they all in bed together. they cover for each other for free and know all the loop holes ,so you could not win anyway. sad isn't it...
can you prove someones advise isnt sincere,could you find a lawyer to represent that to thew courts
Did i give bad advice?
i told a dear friend that is being abused by her husband to go to a womens shelter. is it just shelter for awhile, or do they have real resources to help? and is she really safe there?Did i give bad advice?
No! You gave her some good sound advise.
Yes she will get the resources for help and she will be safe as long as you don't tell her husband where she is.Did i give bad advice?
Well she'd be safer there than w/ her husband! U did the right thing, I think so anyways :)
I don't know about all shelters. Different shelter probably are different from the other. But .. after the shelter, then what ??
GOOGLE the hotline help lines for abuse. They may be of assistance.
No you gave her the best advice you could and hopefully everything will work of for her.
the shelters are great..They do help..well it depends on the one you go to..But 9 times out of 10 they give alot of help...tell your friend to keep her head up...good luck
no, i beleive that you avice was good. a woman should never have to put up with that. and yes, womens shelters have resources. they can help her get on her feet, give her support , all kinds of beneificial things. just make sure that the shelter offfers those things, most do. so God bless.
you gave good advice but its up to her to take the advice or not
You told her the right thing. She is safe there and they can help her. They know where all of the resources are and can tell her what to do.
no that is great advice... the refuge will give her protection, support and all the necessary advise and counselling to help her physically and emotionally, they will give her all the assistance she needs to move on with her life...
No! You gave her some good sound advise.
Yes she will get the resources for help and she will be safe as long as you don't tell her husband where she is.Did i give bad advice?
Well she'd be safer there than w/ her husband! U did the right thing, I think so anyways :)
I don't know about all shelters. Different shelter probably are different from the other. But .. after the shelter, then what ??
GOOGLE the hotline help lines for abuse. They may be of assistance.
No you gave her the best advice you could and hopefully everything will work of for her.
the shelters are great..They do help..well it depends on the one you go to..But 9 times out of 10 they give alot of help...tell your friend to keep her head up...good luck
no, i beleive that you avice was good. a woman should never have to put up with that. and yes, womens shelters have resources. they can help her get on her feet, give her support , all kinds of beneificial things. just make sure that the shelter offfers those things, most do. so God bless.
you gave good advice but its up to her to take the advice or not
You told her the right thing. She is safe there and they can help her. They know where all of the resources are and can tell her what to do.
no that is great advice... the refuge will give her protection, support and all the necessary advise and counselling to help her physically and emotionally, they will give her all the assistance she needs to move on with her life...
I hurt my back really bad, any advice?
I lifted my 35lb sister yesterday and pulled a muscle. It wasn't bad @ the time, but now its just extrememly painful. Last night i was laying in my bed and i sat up and i believe i pulled another muscle. i couln't sleep @ all. I had to lay flat on my back which is not comforatble for me, and i tried pain relievers, hot bath, heating pad, ice pack, the whole 9 yards. It hurts to breathe and i can hardly move. Any advice @ all? I'm willing to try anything now.I hurt my back really bad, any advice?
Ice - 20 minutes on - 20 minutes off continue for a couple of days and Ibprofen - 2 every 4 - 6 hours. Your muscle is inflamed - Ibprofen is an anti-inflamatory. Pain pills only mask it - not cure it.I hurt my back really bad, any advice?
Dude all I can say is that just try noo to move i mean if you pulled probably two muscles last night i mean i pulled a leg muscle in weightlifting and ya i put icyhot oon it and some thermalcare patches that helped me maybe you should try it..and pobably move around a lil bit i mean i told you not to but just try mooving a lil bit but not way too much and if it keeps hurting the next few days then go to the doctor's office and see wat he says it could b more serious than wat u expect it is right now...
take care girl
love ya like a sis
It definately sounds like you pulled a muscle in your lower back when you lifted your sister. There is a chance that when you sat up last night, you overcompensated for your back and possibly pulled a chest muscle or a muscle in your side that would cause you to have the difficulty with your breathing. If you can feel a swollen area, chances are you have herniated a disc, the disc slipped out of place or its possible that you pulled a muscle near a disc. You will need a steroid (prednisone) to relieve this swelling if ice doesn't help. You could try alternating ice for 30 minutes then heat for 30 minutes. Don't put any creams on your back if you are going to be using ice or heat. If there is an urgent care clinic near you, you could go in and they will likely test to see how far you can bend, etc and probably do xrays. Your family doctor will most likely want xrays as well. He/she will probably give you prednisone, a muscle relaxant and pain medication. The best thing you can do til you get treatment is taking Advil and trying the alternating heat/ice. If you have someone that could possibly massage your back after you have put the ice on, this would help with any spasms that you may be having. To sleep, try a recliner in the semi-reclined position or lying on your side with a pillow between your knees to help relieve any pressure on your back. You could rub your back with witch hazel before having someone try to massage it, this will also numb it for a bit. Good Luck!
chiropractor definitely!!!
go to the doctor see what they say.....also try to just relax the muscle thats really all you can do
OK... here's the test. Do you have a sharp pain going down either leg? If you do, it's bad news. It means you have damaged a disc. You need to see a neurosurgeon right away. Don't freak, it doesn't mean you'll have surgery. There are a lot of treatments other than surgery. But you DO need to get it taken care of - and quick. If you don't have burning going down either leg, then ice on and off at 20 minute intervals, and get in to see your family dr. as soon as possible. You will probably get muscle relaxers and some pain meds to get you throuhg it in that case.
A muscle relaxant medication might help, but you need to see a doctor for relief.
Go to the doctor
Go to a chiropractor that has a good reputation. He/She will put your back into place and the pain should go away immediately. They charge about $80-$100 for initial xrays and office visits about $25 if uninsured. If insured should cost you maybe $3 a visit. Traditional doctor will give you Vicadin which takes the pain away but cost a heck of a lot more. An ex girlfriend of mine used to be an Army medic and would take her fingers in the small of my back and push until I felt a crack. Then all was good.
I had a chymopapain injection when young and that worked too but off work for 3 months as it was a severly herniated disc. Pain would shoot down my leg. I also used to stoop down and that relieved the pain or curl up in a fetal position to sleep.
its only obvious wat u should do. u should go see a chiropractor
I agree with everyone else. If you've tried everything, go see a chiropractor. If you choose not to, don't walk much and try not to lift anything heavy.
Good luck.
Go see your primary care physician and have him/her refer you to a physical therapist. In the mean time, put a cold pack on it for 20 min every three hours. No heat unless a medical professional instructs you to do so. The above answer about the ibuprophen is good, too.
try using one of those icy hot pads if u don't have one u can purchase them from cvs if that doesn't work see a doctor
honestly you should probably see a doctor. in the mean time you should use heat for about 10 minutes the cool for 10 minutes, and try to keep the muscles loose but do not move more than would hurt. Also don't lift anything. I did this once and I understand what you mean, I got some athletic bandage and wrapped my lower back and stomache to immobilize as much as possible. But by all means go to a doctor, the back is a bad thing to hurt.
go to a chiropractor they can help....best of luck....i know how that feels....God bless.
A good orgasm will help you.
rest %26amp; see a doctor! Maybe see if there's an urgent care nearby who you can see today or tomorrow
go see a chiropractor................
Back pain is one of the most debilitating things in life, you could have seriously injured your back %26amp; I would advise you to see a doctor asap so they can take x-rays. You could have just pulled a muscle, have a pinched nerve, slipped disc, or any number of things.
Try IcyHot. I love that stuff. If it still hurts really bad though I would go to the Emergency Room or consult your Dr. They may be able to prescribe something to make you more comfortable until it gets better. If it hurts to breathe you may have really hurt yourself and should get professional help asap.
stay away from chiro's unless you are rich. take ibuprofen as directed non-stop for two weeks, and tyenol for pain. icy hot patches ( the cheap wal mart brand) help alot. I've been like this for 10 years, but I keep working.
Go to a doctor. That'll be the best solution.
Good luck!
You said it happened only yesterday, putting heat on pulled muscles in the first 72 hours only makes the injury worse, ice only for 20 mins. every 3 hours. Back injuries are always painful as you can't do anything without using your back muscles %26amp; all they want to do is relax, so relax them as much as possible. Don't let anyone talk you into any abrasive massages, ( you wouldn't like to be bashed around if you were in pain %26amp; neither does your muscles ), gentle massage is therapy, %26amp; oh if you are in that much pain please go see your doctor even if only for x-rays to be safe. Good luck I hope you get better soon, by for know.
heat soothes the pain, but you need to rotate between heat and cold (ice packs work best). The cold takes away the inflamation in the muscles. you have do hot/cold trtmt: 15min on /15 min off for each.
chiropractics also helps. (i wrecked myback once at work helping a 280lb cp client out of the tub) when i went to the chiropactor i was surprised how much one tight mucle could throw off other things. my spasm was so tight it caused me to lean to oneside which caused pressure on that side and my adrenal gland, this left me achy and fatigued. A few hot/cold trtmts, massages and adjustments helped way more than the physical therapy prescribed by my doctor.
G E T W E L L S O O N !
Try going to a chiropractor.
Pay special attention to the advice from JeannieMalinda on up the board. Her advice is right on target. My husband has DDD (degenerative disc disease) and has had two back surgeries (thank God he has an excellent neurosurgeon). She is right when she says if you have pain or a burning sensation radiating down either or both legs, it's bad news - my husband had that type of pain before his two surgeries. Go see your doctor as soon as possible so that you can be properly diagnosed. He will probably do X-rays, and possibly an MRI. You may only have (if you're lucky) pulled or strained a muscle. In that case ice will help reduce the pain and swelling. Stay away from a chiropractor until you have been properly diagnosed by a medical doctor. In my husband's case, his medical doctor told him that with his type of back problems, if he were to be treated by a chiropractor, he could easily become paralyzed. So be careful. Better safe than sorry. Good luck to you.
Plenty of rest, plenty of pain relief (follow the instructions in the pack) and a doctor.
You may have herniated a disk, you need to seek medical attention/advice and be properly diagnosed. There's a big difference between a pulled muscle and a herniated disk and how they are treated.
go to the chiropractor if that dont work then go to the doctors
Ice - 20 minutes on - 20 minutes off continue for a couple of days and Ibprofen - 2 every 4 - 6 hours. Your muscle is inflamed - Ibprofen is an anti-inflamatory. Pain pills only mask it - not cure it.I hurt my back really bad, any advice?
Dude all I can say is that just try noo to move i mean if you pulled probably two muscles last night i mean i pulled a leg muscle in weightlifting and ya i put icyhot oon it and some thermalcare patches that helped me maybe you should try it..and pobably move around a lil bit i mean i told you not to but just try mooving a lil bit but not way too much and if it keeps hurting the next few days then go to the doctor's office and see wat he says it could b more serious than wat u expect it is right now...
take care girl
love ya like a sis
It definately sounds like you pulled a muscle in your lower back when you lifted your sister. There is a chance that when you sat up last night, you overcompensated for your back and possibly pulled a chest muscle or a muscle in your side that would cause you to have the difficulty with your breathing. If you can feel a swollen area, chances are you have herniated a disc, the disc slipped out of place or its possible that you pulled a muscle near a disc. You will need a steroid (prednisone) to relieve this swelling if ice doesn't help. You could try alternating ice for 30 minutes then heat for 30 minutes. Don't put any creams on your back if you are going to be using ice or heat. If there is an urgent care clinic near you, you could go in and they will likely test to see how far you can bend, etc and probably do xrays. Your family doctor will most likely want xrays as well. He/she will probably give you prednisone, a muscle relaxant and pain medication. The best thing you can do til you get treatment is taking Advil and trying the alternating heat/ice. If you have someone that could possibly massage your back after you have put the ice on, this would help with any spasms that you may be having. To sleep, try a recliner in the semi-reclined position or lying on your side with a pillow between your knees to help relieve any pressure on your back. You could rub your back with witch hazel before having someone try to massage it, this will also numb it for a bit. Good Luck!
chiropractor definitely!!!
go to the doctor see what they say.....also try to just relax the muscle thats really all you can do
OK... here's the test. Do you have a sharp pain going down either leg? If you do, it's bad news. It means you have damaged a disc. You need to see a neurosurgeon right away. Don't freak, it doesn't mean you'll have surgery. There are a lot of treatments other than surgery. But you DO need to get it taken care of - and quick. If you don't have burning going down either leg, then ice on and off at 20 minute intervals, and get in to see your family dr. as soon as possible. You will probably get muscle relaxers and some pain meds to get you throuhg it in that case.
A muscle relaxant medication might help, but you need to see a doctor for relief.
Go to the doctor
Go to a chiropractor that has a good reputation. He/She will put your back into place and the pain should go away immediately. They charge about $80-$100 for initial xrays and office visits about $25 if uninsured. If insured should cost you maybe $3 a visit. Traditional doctor will give you Vicadin which takes the pain away but cost a heck of a lot more. An ex girlfriend of mine used to be an Army medic and would take her fingers in the small of my back and push until I felt a crack. Then all was good.
I had a chymopapain injection when young and that worked too but off work for 3 months as it was a severly herniated disc. Pain would shoot down my leg. I also used to stoop down and that relieved the pain or curl up in a fetal position to sleep.
its only obvious wat u should do. u should go see a chiropractor
I agree with everyone else. If you've tried everything, go see a chiropractor. If you choose not to, don't walk much and try not to lift anything heavy.
Good luck.
Go see your primary care physician and have him/her refer you to a physical therapist. In the mean time, put a cold pack on it for 20 min every three hours. No heat unless a medical professional instructs you to do so. The above answer about the ibuprophen is good, too.
try using one of those icy hot pads if u don't have one u can purchase them from cvs if that doesn't work see a doctor
honestly you should probably see a doctor. in the mean time you should use heat for about 10 minutes the cool for 10 minutes, and try to keep the muscles loose but do not move more than would hurt. Also don't lift anything. I did this once and I understand what you mean, I got some athletic bandage and wrapped my lower back and stomache to immobilize as much as possible. But by all means go to a doctor, the back is a bad thing to hurt.
go to a chiropractor they can help....best of luck....i know how that feels....God bless.
A good orgasm will help you.
rest %26amp; see a doctor! Maybe see if there's an urgent care nearby who you can see today or tomorrow
go see a chiropractor................
Back pain is one of the most debilitating things in life, you could have seriously injured your back %26amp; I would advise you to see a doctor asap so they can take x-rays. You could have just pulled a muscle, have a pinched nerve, slipped disc, or any number of things.
Try IcyHot. I love that stuff. If it still hurts really bad though I would go to the Emergency Room or consult your Dr. They may be able to prescribe something to make you more comfortable until it gets better. If it hurts to breathe you may have really hurt yourself and should get professional help asap.
stay away from chiro's unless you are rich. take ibuprofen as directed non-stop for two weeks, and tyenol for pain. icy hot patches ( the cheap wal mart brand) help alot. I've been like this for 10 years, but I keep working.
Go to a doctor. That'll be the best solution.
Good luck!
You said it happened only yesterday, putting heat on pulled muscles in the first 72 hours only makes the injury worse, ice only for 20 mins. every 3 hours. Back injuries are always painful as you can't do anything without using your back muscles %26amp; all they want to do is relax, so relax them as much as possible. Don't let anyone talk you into any abrasive massages, ( you wouldn't like to be bashed around if you were in pain %26amp; neither does your muscles ), gentle massage is therapy, %26amp; oh if you are in that much pain please go see your doctor even if only for x-rays to be safe. Good luck I hope you get better soon, by for know.
heat soothes the pain, but you need to rotate between heat and cold (ice packs work best). The cold takes away the inflamation in the muscles. you have do hot/cold trtmt: 15min on /15 min off for each.
chiropractics also helps. (i wrecked myback once at work helping a 280lb cp client out of the tub) when i went to the chiropactor i was surprised how much one tight mucle could throw off other things. my spasm was so tight it caused me to lean to oneside which caused pressure on that side and my adrenal gland, this left me achy and fatigued. A few hot/cold trtmts, massages and adjustments helped way more than the physical therapy prescribed by my doctor.
G E T W E L L S O O N !
Try going to a chiropractor.
Pay special attention to the advice from JeannieMalinda on up the board. Her advice is right on target. My husband has DDD (degenerative disc disease) and has had two back surgeries (thank God he has an excellent neurosurgeon). She is right when she says if you have pain or a burning sensation radiating down either or both legs, it's bad news - my husband had that type of pain before his two surgeries. Go see your doctor as soon as possible so that you can be properly diagnosed. He will probably do X-rays, and possibly an MRI. You may only have (if you're lucky) pulled or strained a muscle. In that case ice will help reduce the pain and swelling. Stay away from a chiropractor until you have been properly diagnosed by a medical doctor. In my husband's case, his medical doctor told him that with his type of back problems, if he were to be treated by a chiropractor, he could easily become paralyzed. So be careful. Better safe than sorry. Good luck to you.
Plenty of rest, plenty of pain relief (follow the instructions in the pack) and a doctor.
You may have herniated a disk, you need to seek medical attention/advice and be properly diagnosed. There's a big difference between a pulled muscle and a herniated disk and how they are treated.
go to the chiropractor if that dont work then go to the doctors
Was my advice bad to this dad?
He pays his ex 800.00 a month (200 a week) and keeps insurance on his children. She allows him to see his kids every other sunday for 8 hours. No overnights No holidays nothing....(they have no support order) In the state that he is from a new law goes into effect in July that will help him as far as child support rates go BUT that isn't the issue the issue is that he wants more time with his kids and is afraid that she will move out of state with them to be with her family if he takes any action. She is money motivated, so I thought if he told her that he would stop the support inless she gave him more time with his children then that would motivate her to either take action and get paperwork/visitation drawn up OR let him see his kids more so she will keep getting the money. He honestly has no problem with supporting his children but if he wants more time he need to try and somewhat force her hand in this issue. What do you guys think? Any advice will helpWas my advice bad to this dad?
He should check with a lawyer about joint custody. The support would probably be 50/50 and the custdy would be 50/50. I think she could move either way. I think she might be pre-preparing for supporr court. More time = more money? Either way she'll get the money (arears) and the chidren will suffer in the meantime. If the get along well they could work it out (legally) in the form of a contract. He could use the threat of court as leverage, but I would chek with a lawyer.Was my advice bad to this dad?
1. The kids will suffer if he stops support. Threatening to do so may help, but actually doing so is wrong.
2. That mom should consider herself lucky. Many divorced moms never get one penny...and he is paying that much with out an order! Lucky her.
3. If there is no reason she is restricting the visitation (like a reason you may not know about) I would advise him to talk to a lawyer. All kids deserve a good dad. Sorry he's going through this.
Good luck.
Yes, your advice was pretty bad.
If he threatens to stop support, she will have one of two choices: 1) move closer to her family to get help with the children which hurts him; or 2) sue him for child support which puts him in about the same situation he's in now. So there's really a 50/50 chance that a bad result occurs from your advice and a 50/50 chance of no change. That's not really good.
The better course of action is fo him to sue her for visitation. Then, she's stuck in the jurisdiction because of the suit. Also, he'll have get a visitation order that she'll have to comply with. In fact, even while the suit is ongoing, the court should give him a temporary visitation order that's STILL better than what he has now.
Your friend should see a lawyer or contact the court immediately. Such visitation petitions are usually pretty easy and the court may have resources to help him do it himself.
He should almost never tie support to visitation. It's almost always a bad idea.
he really needs to ask the courts for more time with them. my ex had custody of his kids and their mother had to take him to court to see her children. of course she lost BIG TIME on that one because the kids told the judge that she's crazy and told him ALL the bad things and no good things about her and told him point blank 'we don't love that woman. she gave birth to us and we thank her, but she's not a mother'. BAM! the kids were ours and she had to pay the court child support. (courts made her pay BACK child support because there was a verbal agreement between them that there would be no child support. OUCH!)
The amount he sees the kids sounds reasonable. He should be able to get her to let him see the kids more without resorting to other kinds of tactics which will most likely push the mother away. You'll get more bees with honey than you would vinegar. I think it's true. If he can't see the kids, it's probably because the mother doesn't see him as a positive role model all the time. Otherwise she should want her kids to have a good male role model - their biological father. It might be unfair for me to side with the woman here, because I don't know the situation. If the dad is an exemplary person around her, treats her right all the time and she still has some kind of beef with him, and doesn't respond to rationality or kindness - simply refuses to let him see his children more, then and only then could it be permissible to resort to more difficult action like reducing her pay. However, the reduction of pay in itself doesn't make too much sense because the children are the ones who suffer most, and they have no say in the matter. So through my understanding, the advice you gave was not that great... but I know you had good intentions, and in a way you were feeding off the psychological mindset of the dad you were talking to. Perhaps he was already in a confrontational mood, and that subconsciously gave you the idea for him to confront the mother in this way - what he sort of wanted to do, without realising? Well, just some of my thoughts on the subject,... I know they will work it out anyway.
You cannot use support to leverage visitations. He needs to go back to court and get a specific order for visits. If she moves out of state just to prevent him from visiting, she may find herself in contempt, and paying his legal fees as well as possibly losing the children's custody (you don't say how old they are).
If she is money-motivated, he can offer to pay her to let him have longer visits, paying her only after the visits.
You obviously are well-intentioned and want to help ';this dad';. I would proffer, however, that if this is a person to whom you have a significant connection, you should discuss this with someone(s) whom you trust. Much more information than provided here is necessary if one is to even attempt to advise you effectively. I presume that this is not a forum in which to ';lay bare the facts';. However, on the surface, this appears to be a situation where legal advice would be judicious.
He should get a private eye to prove her an unfit mother, and sue for custody.
He should check with a lawyer about joint custody. The support would probably be 50/50 and the custdy would be 50/50. I think she could move either way. I think she might be pre-preparing for supporr court. More time = more money? Either way she'll get the money (arears) and the chidren will suffer in the meantime. If the get along well they could work it out (legally) in the form of a contract. He could use the threat of court as leverage, but I would chek with a lawyer.Was my advice bad to this dad?
1. The kids will suffer if he stops support. Threatening to do so may help, but actually doing so is wrong.
2. That mom should consider herself lucky. Many divorced moms never get one penny...and he is paying that much with out an order! Lucky her.
3. If there is no reason she is restricting the visitation (like a reason you may not know about) I would advise him to talk to a lawyer. All kids deserve a good dad. Sorry he's going through this.
Good luck.
Yes, your advice was pretty bad.
If he threatens to stop support, she will have one of two choices: 1) move closer to her family to get help with the children which hurts him; or 2) sue him for child support which puts him in about the same situation he's in now. So there's really a 50/50 chance that a bad result occurs from your advice and a 50/50 chance of no change. That's not really good.
The better course of action is fo him to sue her for visitation. Then, she's stuck in the jurisdiction because of the suit. Also, he'll have get a visitation order that she'll have to comply with. In fact, even while the suit is ongoing, the court should give him a temporary visitation order that's STILL better than what he has now.
Your friend should see a lawyer or contact the court immediately. Such visitation petitions are usually pretty easy and the court may have resources to help him do it himself.
He should almost never tie support to visitation. It's almost always a bad idea.
he really needs to ask the courts for more time with them. my ex had custody of his kids and their mother had to take him to court to see her children. of course she lost BIG TIME on that one because the kids told the judge that she's crazy and told him ALL the bad things and no good things about her and told him point blank 'we don't love that woman. she gave birth to us and we thank her, but she's not a mother'. BAM! the kids were ours and she had to pay the court child support. (courts made her pay BACK child support because there was a verbal agreement between them that there would be no child support. OUCH!)
The amount he sees the kids sounds reasonable. He should be able to get her to let him see the kids more without resorting to other kinds of tactics which will most likely push the mother away. You'll get more bees with honey than you would vinegar. I think it's true. If he can't see the kids, it's probably because the mother doesn't see him as a positive role model all the time. Otherwise she should want her kids to have a good male role model - their biological father. It might be unfair for me to side with the woman here, because I don't know the situation. If the dad is an exemplary person around her, treats her right all the time and she still has some kind of beef with him, and doesn't respond to rationality or kindness - simply refuses to let him see his children more, then and only then could it be permissible to resort to more difficult action like reducing her pay. However, the reduction of pay in itself doesn't make too much sense because the children are the ones who suffer most, and they have no say in the matter. So through my understanding, the advice you gave was not that great... but I know you had good intentions, and in a way you were feeding off the psychological mindset of the dad you were talking to. Perhaps he was already in a confrontational mood, and that subconsciously gave you the idea for him to confront the mother in this way - what he sort of wanted to do, without realising? Well, just some of my thoughts on the subject,... I know they will work it out anyway.
You cannot use support to leverage visitations. He needs to go back to court and get a specific order for visits. If she moves out of state just to prevent him from visiting, she may find herself in contempt, and paying his legal fees as well as possibly losing the children's custody (you don't say how old they are).
If she is money-motivated, he can offer to pay her to let him have longer visits, paying her only after the visits.
You obviously are well-intentioned and want to help ';this dad';. I would proffer, however, that if this is a person to whom you have a significant connection, you should discuss this with someone(s) whom you trust. Much more information than provided here is necessary if one is to even attempt to advise you effectively. I presume that this is not a forum in which to ';lay bare the facts';. However, on the surface, this appears to be a situation where legal advice would be judicious.
He should get a private eye to prove her an unfit mother, and sue for custody.
Whats the worst advice you have seen given in this section?
I don't mean the things you disagree with, eg. CIO/ bottle feeding.
The worst i've seen is, when baby had something in her eye for a few days, someone answered telling them to sterilise some tweezers and when the baby is feeding use them to get it out!
I'm sure i'll think of more..Whats the worst advice you have seen given in this section?
I don't think this is the worst, but its the most recent one i can remember...
yesterday someone asked about cleaning a pacifier with mouthwash..someone suggest bleach and water... ugh!Whats the worst advice you have seen given in this section?
To the poster who balked at the idea of Tylenol causing autism...you may want to investigate that a bit more, before dismissing that idea out of hand. There is already quite a bit of accumulating evidence that is linking prenatal and early childhood use of Tylenol to asthma and allergies. I have two autistic boys, and their DAN! doctor advises us NOT to use Tylenol, because it lowers levels of a critical antioxidant called glutathione.
Wish I had known that years ago. I certainly don't think it's just a coincidence that autism rates started spiking right around the time that aspirin was shown to be linked to Reye's Syndrome.
i saw in the pregnancy section someone asked how can i bring on labour a usual Q asked but someone answered saying ';get your husband/boyfriend to give you a sweep like the midwife does its easy, mine done it and my waters broke withing X amount of hours'; what kind of advice is that to give a person.
Not really advice but I asked if other people's babies were flirts too and joked that I should be the only woman in my son's life. He was then around 10 months. Here is an answer I got:
';My son blows kisses, but it's only to women that he knows. He cocks his head side to side and and gives his adorable smile. I think it's adorable. Why are you so concerned? It's natural for boys to do this. You are not and are never going to be the ONLY woman in his life. Sounds to me like someone is a little jealous of these other women that your son gives attention to.';
Really?? I was kidding!!
when i was ttc some1 told me that my snakes were the reason i wasnt concieving!!!
but saying that i did concieve the month after i sold 1 of them so maybe,..... lol.
i was also advised to get married as my fiance would leave me due to fertilty problems we were having (prior to the sperm test)
i mean how silly .
oh iv seen lots.... but its those who are deadley serious with thier stupid advice that gets me, i mean u obv get the trolls (stick ur head in the oven etc advice) but when people say stupid things but actually mean them , like ur tweezer comment.
good question x :D im intrigued
yesterday someone said that breast milk can help cure cancer in a baby. yeah then my daughter would have never needed chemo and 2 surgeries
Someone gave an answer yesterday that it was ok to give a 3 week old infant CEREAL in their bottle- and the asker picked it as best answer!!!!!
I got thumbed down 3 times for saying a 3 week old baby shouldn't be having solids lol.
that it is NORMAL to bleed when pregnant and not to worry,you can bleed when pregnant but it is far from normal
I remember a mother was having supply problems while breastfeeding her month old baby - someone said that rather than give them formula, just give them soon baby rice on a spoon!
Don't worry about sterilizing bottles - just put them in the dishwasher. Jeeze!
that i shouldnt start an elveator repair business just because i know nothing about reparing elevators. just cuz i dont know how to do it doesnt mean someone should crush my dreams
to give frozen ketchup packets to a baby for teething.
Danger written all over it.
That is best to have babies under the age of 25. Also that treenage pregnancies are not wrong!
To many to list seriously.
To circumcise.
If the baby can't sleep at night give them some alcohol.
A lady wrote on here that her week old baby would not sleep.
Some said to let him cry. He would learn :(
that baby tylenol causes autism. my god.
to make your baby sleep you should give it chloroform and vodka
OMG i cant believe some one would say that, thats shocking!!!
wanna stop a baby crying? give it a little shake!
I saw a question that was something like ';What do you do when your child is naughty?'; and the asker said she took away a toy. One of the answerers said that she sold her son's dog when he was naughty and that was the only way her son ever behaved!
I was horrified. If I sold our dog, I would actually have a revolt on my hands. Our dog is my kids' best friend. I would never get rid of a pet to get my kids to behave!
The worst i've seen is, when baby had something in her eye for a few days, someone answered telling them to sterilise some tweezers and when the baby is feeding use them to get it out!
I'm sure i'll think of more..Whats the worst advice you have seen given in this section?
I don't think this is the worst, but its the most recent one i can remember...
yesterday someone asked about cleaning a pacifier with mouthwash..someone suggest bleach and water... ugh!Whats the worst advice you have seen given in this section?
To the poster who balked at the idea of Tylenol causing autism...you may want to investigate that a bit more, before dismissing that idea out of hand. There is already quite a bit of accumulating evidence that is linking prenatal and early childhood use of Tylenol to asthma and allergies. I have two autistic boys, and their DAN! doctor advises us NOT to use Tylenol, because it lowers levels of a critical antioxidant called glutathione.
Wish I had known that years ago. I certainly don't think it's just a coincidence that autism rates started spiking right around the time that aspirin was shown to be linked to Reye's Syndrome.
i saw in the pregnancy section someone asked how can i bring on labour a usual Q asked but someone answered saying ';get your husband/boyfriend to give you a sweep like the midwife does its easy, mine done it and my waters broke withing X amount of hours'; what kind of advice is that to give a person.
Not really advice but I asked if other people's babies were flirts too and joked that I should be the only woman in my son's life. He was then around 10 months. Here is an answer I got:
';My son blows kisses, but it's only to women that he knows. He cocks his head side to side and and gives his adorable smile. I think it's adorable. Why are you so concerned? It's natural for boys to do this. You are not and are never going to be the ONLY woman in his life. Sounds to me like someone is a little jealous of these other women that your son gives attention to.';
Really?? I was kidding!!
when i was ttc some1 told me that my snakes were the reason i wasnt concieving!!!
but saying that i did concieve the month after i sold 1 of them so maybe,..... lol.
i was also advised to get married as my fiance would leave me due to fertilty problems we were having (prior to the sperm test)
i mean how silly .
oh iv seen lots.... but its those who are deadley serious with thier stupid advice that gets me, i mean u obv get the trolls (stick ur head in the oven etc advice) but when people say stupid things but actually mean them , like ur tweezer comment.
good question x :D im intrigued
yesterday someone said that breast milk can help cure cancer in a baby. yeah then my daughter would have never needed chemo and 2 surgeries
Someone gave an answer yesterday that it was ok to give a 3 week old infant CEREAL in their bottle- and the asker picked it as best answer!!!!!
I got thumbed down 3 times for saying a 3 week old baby shouldn't be having solids lol.
that it is NORMAL to bleed when pregnant and not to worry,you can bleed when pregnant but it is far from normal
I remember a mother was having supply problems while breastfeeding her month old baby - someone said that rather than give them formula, just give them soon baby rice on a spoon!
Don't worry about sterilizing bottles - just put them in the dishwasher. Jeeze!
that i shouldnt start an elveator repair business just because i know nothing about reparing elevators. just cuz i dont know how to do it doesnt mean someone should crush my dreams
to give frozen ketchup packets to a baby for teething.
Danger written all over it.
That is best to have babies under the age of 25. Also that treenage pregnancies are not wrong!
To many to list seriously.
To circumcise.
If the baby can't sleep at night give them some alcohol.
A lady wrote on here that her week old baby would not sleep.
Some said to let him cry. He would learn :(
that baby tylenol causes autism. my god.
to make your baby sleep you should give it chloroform and vodka
OMG i cant believe some one would say that, thats shocking!!!
wanna stop a baby crying? give it a little shake!
I saw a question that was something like ';What do you do when your child is naughty?'; and the asker said she took away a toy. One of the answerers said that she sold her son's dog when he was naughty and that was the only way her son ever behaved!
I was horrified. If I sold our dog, I would actually have a revolt on my hands. Our dog is my kids' best friend. I would never get rid of a pet to get my kids to behave!
When Sigmund gave bad advice?
Was he sued for freud.When Sigmund gave bad advice?
haha thats a good one.
btw, the thingie is that shrinks never ever are supposed to give an 'advice' -- their tasks are limited to interpretation, support and encouragementWhen Sigmund gave bad advice?
At least he had ego at it. 'Id have given it his best shot.
hahaha maybe
very interesting me dear Watson
No. You have issues with male authority figures don't you. The guy was high as a kite most of the time man.
he was Jung drawn and quartered
haha thats a good one.
btw, the thingie is that shrinks never ever are supposed to give an 'advice' -- their tasks are limited to interpretation, support and encouragementWhen Sigmund gave bad advice?
At least he had ego at it. 'Id have given it his best shot.
hahaha maybe
very interesting me dear Watson
No. You have issues with male authority figures don't you. The guy was high as a kite most of the time man.
he was Jung drawn and quartered
Is there any one to report a pastor to who has given you very bad advice and is now talking behind your back?
i don't think there is the best thing to do would be just give it over to God and go to another churchIs there any one to report a pastor to who has given you very bad advice and is now talking behind your back?
It depends on the type of church. A lot of denominational churches have a heirarchy of people that you could talk to, perhaps a committee or a regional minister. Most non-denominational churches are headed by the pastor and there really isn't anything that you can do. If this is the type of church you are going to, then perhaps leaving would be best.
Before leaving though, you should read what the Bible says: First, you should talk to the person who offeneded you face to face to try to work things out. If that doens't work, then you should bring in someone to help mediate and be a witness to you and try to work it out. If after you have tried both of these things, then you should take it to the elders (or the congregation) and have them make a decision on what should be done.
Don't give into the pastors game though. By bad mouthing him to others, you are doing the exact same thing.Is there any one to report a pastor to who has given you very bad advice and is now talking behind your back?
It depends upon your denomination and whom has authority over the pastor. Some churches have a council or committee, others are under a denominational district or appointed official.
Regardless, your first responsibility as a Christian, is to confront him or her directly, despite their position as minister. If that does not resolve the issue, then seek out from another member od the church whom is the person in authority to go to.
most religious pastoral staff members are not Licensed to counsel professional advice..I would say take it up with a lawyer and sue the guy..remember pastor or not hes is only human..
There should be a pastoral oversight committee at the church. Their names should be easy to find.
If it's a church with a bishop, you can always call the diocesan administrative offices and alert them to the problem.
But I'd start with the pastor and the local committee first.
Not legally. There is not much you can do about that Pastors destroy lives everyday and go without answering for their wrongs. That is not every Pastor of course nor every denomination.
The only hope you may have is if your pastor is accountable to someone like Elders, or bishops, which scriptural is the same, but not all churches know that. Check to see who he answers to and if he is one of those pastors who owns the building and that is his church building, then you have no recourse.
Even if he is accountable you must prove he acted in a way that deserves punishment.stop pimples
It depends on the type of church. A lot of denominational churches have a heirarchy of people that you could talk to, perhaps a committee or a regional minister. Most non-denominational churches are headed by the pastor and there really isn't anything that you can do. If this is the type of church you are going to, then perhaps leaving would be best.
Before leaving though, you should read what the Bible says: First, you should talk to the person who offeneded you face to face to try to work things out. If that doens't work, then you should bring in someone to help mediate and be a witness to you and try to work it out. If after you have tried both of these things, then you should take it to the elders (or the congregation) and have them make a decision on what should be done.
Don't give into the pastors game though. By bad mouthing him to others, you are doing the exact same thing.Is there any one to report a pastor to who has given you very bad advice and is now talking behind your back?
It depends upon your denomination and whom has authority over the pastor. Some churches have a council or committee, others are under a denominational district or appointed official.
Regardless, your first responsibility as a Christian, is to confront him or her directly, despite their position as minister. If that does not resolve the issue, then seek out from another member od the church whom is the person in authority to go to.
most religious pastoral staff members are not Licensed to counsel professional advice..I would say take it up with a lawyer and sue the guy..remember pastor or not hes is only human..
There should be a pastoral oversight committee at the church. Their names should be easy to find.
If it's a church with a bishop, you can always call the diocesan administrative offices and alert them to the problem.
But I'd start with the pastor and the local committee first.
Not legally. There is not much you can do about that Pastors destroy lives everyday and go without answering for their wrongs. That is not every Pastor of course nor every denomination.
The only hope you may have is if your pastor is accountable to someone like Elders, or bishops, which scriptural is the same, but not all churches know that. Check to see who he answers to and if he is one of those pastors who owns the building and that is his church building, then you have no recourse.
Even if he is accountable you must prove he acted in a way that deserves punishment.
Thanks for your advice, also is it bad to beg one another like chase your mate after you guys fight and walk?
away..is it right to go after them?Thanks for your advice, also is it bad to beg one another like chase your mate after you guys fight and walk?
If you feel you were in the wrong then yes, go after him. If however, you feel you were right, then let him do the chasing.Thanks for your advice, also is it bad to beg one another like chase your mate after you guys fight and walk?
yeah..go for it
If you feel you were in the wrong then yes, go after him. If however, you feel you were right, then let him do the chasing.Thanks for your advice, also is it bad to beg one another like chase your mate after you guys fight and walk?
yeah..go for it
My 14 month old boy has very bad nappy rash,any advice?
It's come on very quickly, and causing him alot of pain, especially when i change his nappy. i've been putting sudocrem on it, and letting him go without a nappy regularly through the day. The skin is actually broken in places and is very red and sore. anything else i can do?My 14 month old boy has very bad nappy rash,any advice?
My little one had quite bad nappy rash when she was about a month old and my health visitor prescribed some zinc cream, I have to say it is absolutely fabulous stuff. Cleared it up really quickly. I use metanium regularly as I know its good stuff but that just wasn't clearing it for her!My 14 month old boy has very bad nappy rash,any advice?
My baby girl just had a bad rash as well. It looked like her skin was flaking off or something...really raw. I took her to the Dr and she gave me some Rx cream...it was a yeast infection apparently.
My aunt told me to try browned flour...just put it in the oven until it turns a golden brown and then apply some every time you change the diaper. Her little girl had very bad rashes as a baby and it was the only thing that would work...they had even taken her to a dermatologist because it was so bad. I hope this helps...there is nothing worse than seeing ur baby in pain is there.
My 1st had bad nappy rash and I was advised by my GP to not use baby wipes just warm water with some baby oil in it and cotton wool, then to apply beaten egg white onto her bottom as it is obviously a natural product and believe you me it worked but you go through a lot of eggs.
For my son I use acquaeus cream (I think that's how you spell it) and its good too.
How about going to a doctor? What kind of mother looks for advise on a chat board when their child is in pain?
i had this with my daughter and the only thing that was any good was a TINY smear of canesten
Give him a good bath to get all that cream off. Powder his bottom with Gold Bond powder (it's got zinc in it and is very healing) and let him go diaperless for as long as possible. If the thought of him running around diaperless makes you nervous, put a cloth diaper on him. This always did the trick for my babies.
best thing we ever got (im so sorry i cant remember name) was on prescription from the health visitor-when its so bad i dont think sudocrem id enough-oh yes its called timotine-but not sure of spelling-just realised its called timodene not timotine-unsure of spelling but this is good stuff
Right, I understand your own pain at seeing him like this. You must get METANIUM. When you apply it you will feel your own finger getting warm. Its fantastic and works really fast. If it gets very bad then he may even have thrush and will need to see the GP, but try the miracle cream first. I have 3 kids and swear by it. I always applied sudocrem at every nappy change and quite thickly to but they still all had a bout of horrid nappy rash and metanium sorted it every time.
Go straight to your GP. There is no use you both suffering.
I was told to put Sudocrem on sparingly but I would layer it on quite thick and my son (who is now 5) never suffered with this nasty problem and he was allergic to most things due to eczema and food allergies. Also change what you wash his clothes in . I use Surcare washing liquid %26amp; fabric conditioner.
Hope this helps. Good luck.
No baby wipes. No soaps. Cleanse with water only. He may need a Rx for this. I only ever used Desitin on my kids when they got a rash. It has to be thick and pasty. Not the creamy types.
Try Bepanthen it's expensive but it's a wonder cream! Good luck :)
I used a cream called Zincofax on my kids when they were babies and it was great. Use a thick layer on the babies bottom to keep it from getting any worse while it heals. A nice thick layer will protect the babies bottom. If you notice anything that looks like little pimples or red dots this is a yeast infection. You can buy a tube of Canesten and dab it onto the spots. My Dr. told me it contains the same active ingredients that a Dr. would prescribe but its alot cheaper.
If the diaper cream isn't working then he may have a yeast rash. You should take him into the doctor either way. If it is a yeast rash then it wont go away until you get some special cream. Hope it gets better!
Could it possibly be a yeast infection? If so he needs an antifungal. If it doesn't look yeasty, just make sure the cream you use has at least 37% of zinc in it. Could he be teething??
i swear by a cream called etanium..honestly give it a try, it works in hours or prehaps a day with bad cases of nappy rash. its yellow in colour which looks a bit messy but its well worth it. sudocrem is only a barrier cream and wont heal a rash, its there to help prevent it. keep leaving the nappy off and keeping the area dry and go and get this cream asap
I use vaseline i find it protects from the wetness, dont dip ur hand back in the pot after touching his bum or winkie as if leaves bacteria from the nappy area in the pot
have you recently changed any of the products you use when changing him or have you tried to use different nappies or ointment, baby wipes it could actually be somethig you use that brings it on or has there been a change in what you feed him if his had a change in his diet..
try medicated caldesene powder . the less you use the better you rub it in in circular motion and it should work a treat .
METANIUM - Best thing EVER
You can now get it from any chemist even on the shelf at tesco's!!!!
The best thing that I have found that has taken care of ALL diaper rashes is Tea Tree Oil. Walmart has some and all you have to do is put some on a cotton ball and then rub it all over the diaper rash. It may bother him quite a bit while you are putting it on, but trust me it will look a LOT better tomorrow. It works because it kills bacteria AND fungus (aka: yeast).
I put drops of tea tree oil into my baby wipes whether they are home made or store bought and it really helps to prevent diaper rashes in the first place.
my youngest had terrible nappy rash, it broke %26amp; bled. My mum made up a paste for her %26amp; it helped grately.This is a bit messy, get a jar of zinc %26amp; caster oil, a small bottle of friers balsam %26amp; a pot of fullers earth from the chemist. You mix ruffly 250 mls of the zinc %26amp; cater oil cream with a table spoon of friers balsam %26amp; 4 table spoons of fullers earth to a smooth gray paste the administer. Hope this helps
A bare bottom is a happy bottom. If the skin is broken I would consider a doctor appointment. I do not know if this applies to boys but my daughter had a yeast infection at about this age. I delayed seeing doc because I thought it was a diaper rash. I would use Vaseline because it acts as a barrier. Cornstarch is good also. Stay away from anything scented. Only wash area in clear water no soaps. Good-luck
One of the others has already answered with the name of the cream i'm going to advise, I can't tell you enough how good it is. I have 4 kids %26amp; my first got nappy rash sOo bad it bled. I kept plastering with sudocrem thinking i was doing the right thing anyway a long story short i was given a cream called timodene its prescription only. It is an anti fungal specifically for nappy rash that is caused by yeast %26amp; it works straight away! So screaming when urinating will be no more! sudocrem feeds a fungal nappy rash %26amp; exacerbates it. In the interim period until you get to your doctor try a little caneston 1% or ask the pharmacist for an over the counter nystatin based cream which is the primary ingredient in timodene.
Vaseline is good for the places that are not broken. Hydrocortisone ointment is good for the broken places.
Vaseline and/or powder.
The key is the keep the area dry. That's what will allow the skin to heal. You might want to try Neosporin (antibacterial cream) too, but clear it with a doctor first.
Good luck!
sudocrem is actually the worset thing you can use on it, i use metanium its about 3uk pounds but really does work give it 12hours and its gone almost its fantastic i highly reccomend it.
My little one had quite bad nappy rash when she was about a month old and my health visitor prescribed some zinc cream, I have to say it is absolutely fabulous stuff. Cleared it up really quickly. I use metanium regularly as I know its good stuff but that just wasn't clearing it for her!My 14 month old boy has very bad nappy rash,any advice?
My baby girl just had a bad rash as well. It looked like her skin was flaking off or something...really raw. I took her to the Dr and she gave me some Rx cream...it was a yeast infection apparently.
My aunt told me to try browned flour...just put it in the oven until it turns a golden brown and then apply some every time you change the diaper. Her little girl had very bad rashes as a baby and it was the only thing that would work...they had even taken her to a dermatologist because it was so bad. I hope this helps...there is nothing worse than seeing ur baby in pain is there.
My 1st had bad nappy rash and I was advised by my GP to not use baby wipes just warm water with some baby oil in it and cotton wool, then to apply beaten egg white onto her bottom as it is obviously a natural product and believe you me it worked but you go through a lot of eggs.
For my son I use acquaeus cream (I think that's how you spell it) and its good too.
How about going to a doctor? What kind of mother looks for advise on a chat board when their child is in pain?
i had this with my daughter and the only thing that was any good was a TINY smear of canesten
Give him a good bath to get all that cream off. Powder his bottom with Gold Bond powder (it's got zinc in it and is very healing) and let him go diaperless for as long as possible. If the thought of him running around diaperless makes you nervous, put a cloth diaper on him. This always did the trick for my babies.
best thing we ever got (im so sorry i cant remember name) was on prescription from the health visitor-when its so bad i dont think sudocrem id enough-oh yes its called timotine-but not sure of spelling-just realised its called timodene not timotine-unsure of spelling but this is good stuff
Right, I understand your own pain at seeing him like this. You must get METANIUM. When you apply it you will feel your own finger getting warm. Its fantastic and works really fast. If it gets very bad then he may even have thrush and will need to see the GP, but try the miracle cream first. I have 3 kids and swear by it. I always applied sudocrem at every nappy change and quite thickly to but they still all had a bout of horrid nappy rash and metanium sorted it every time.
Go straight to your GP. There is no use you both suffering.
I was told to put Sudocrem on sparingly but I would layer it on quite thick and my son (who is now 5) never suffered with this nasty problem and he was allergic to most things due to eczema and food allergies. Also change what you wash his clothes in . I use Surcare washing liquid %26amp; fabric conditioner.
Hope this helps. Good luck.
No baby wipes. No soaps. Cleanse with water only. He may need a Rx for this. I only ever used Desitin on my kids when they got a rash. It has to be thick and pasty. Not the creamy types.
Try Bepanthen it's expensive but it's a wonder cream! Good luck :)
I used a cream called Zincofax on my kids when they were babies and it was great. Use a thick layer on the babies bottom to keep it from getting any worse while it heals. A nice thick layer will protect the babies bottom. If you notice anything that looks like little pimples or red dots this is a yeast infection. You can buy a tube of Canesten and dab it onto the spots. My Dr. told me it contains the same active ingredients that a Dr. would prescribe but its alot cheaper.
If the diaper cream isn't working then he may have a yeast rash. You should take him into the doctor either way. If it is a yeast rash then it wont go away until you get some special cream. Hope it gets better!
Could it possibly be a yeast infection? If so he needs an antifungal. If it doesn't look yeasty, just make sure the cream you use has at least 37% of zinc in it. Could he be teething??
i swear by a cream called etanium..honestly give it a try, it works in hours or prehaps a day with bad cases of nappy rash. its yellow in colour which looks a bit messy but its well worth it. sudocrem is only a barrier cream and wont heal a rash, its there to help prevent it. keep leaving the nappy off and keeping the area dry and go and get this cream asap
I use vaseline i find it protects from the wetness, dont dip ur hand back in the pot after touching his bum or winkie as if leaves bacteria from the nappy area in the pot
have you recently changed any of the products you use when changing him or have you tried to use different nappies or ointment, baby wipes it could actually be somethig you use that brings it on or has there been a change in what you feed him if his had a change in his diet..
try medicated caldesene powder . the less you use the better you rub it in in circular motion and it should work a treat .
METANIUM - Best thing EVER
You can now get it from any chemist even on the shelf at tesco's!!!!
The best thing that I have found that has taken care of ALL diaper rashes is Tea Tree Oil. Walmart has some and all you have to do is put some on a cotton ball and then rub it all over the diaper rash. It may bother him quite a bit while you are putting it on, but trust me it will look a LOT better tomorrow. It works because it kills bacteria AND fungus (aka: yeast).
I put drops of tea tree oil into my baby wipes whether they are home made or store bought and it really helps to prevent diaper rashes in the first place.
my youngest had terrible nappy rash, it broke %26amp; bled. My mum made up a paste for her %26amp; it helped grately.This is a bit messy, get a jar of zinc %26amp; caster oil, a small bottle of friers balsam %26amp; a pot of fullers earth from the chemist. You mix ruffly 250 mls of the zinc %26amp; cater oil cream with a table spoon of friers balsam %26amp; 4 table spoons of fullers earth to a smooth gray paste the administer. Hope this helps
A bare bottom is a happy bottom. If the skin is broken I would consider a doctor appointment. I do not know if this applies to boys but my daughter had a yeast infection at about this age. I delayed seeing doc because I thought it was a diaper rash. I would use Vaseline because it acts as a barrier. Cornstarch is good also. Stay away from anything scented. Only wash area in clear water no soaps. Good-luck
One of the others has already answered with the name of the cream i'm going to advise, I can't tell you enough how good it is. I have 4 kids %26amp; my first got nappy rash sOo bad it bled. I kept plastering with sudocrem thinking i was doing the right thing anyway a long story short i was given a cream called timodene its prescription only. It is an anti fungal specifically for nappy rash that is caused by yeast %26amp; it works straight away! So screaming when urinating will be no more! sudocrem feeds a fungal nappy rash %26amp; exacerbates it. In the interim period until you get to your doctor try a little caneston 1% or ask the pharmacist for an over the counter nystatin based cream which is the primary ingredient in timodene.
Vaseline is good for the places that are not broken. Hydrocortisone ointment is good for the broken places.
Vaseline and/or powder.
The key is the keep the area dry. That's what will allow the skin to heal. You might want to try Neosporin (antibacterial cream) too, but clear it with a doctor first.
Good luck!
sudocrem is actually the worset thing you can use on it, i use metanium its about 3uk pounds but really does work give it 12hours and its gone almost its fantastic i highly reccomend it.
I'm so upset...I'm not ready for a test i have today...it's gonna be bad...advice?
Ok well i have an exam due today and it's in class...but i have no idea abotu the topic....should i just say to myself ';yeh u went wrong just make sure it never happens again';
I'm so annoyed that i didnt do it ;(I'm so upset...I'm not ready for a test i have today...it's gonna be bad...advice?
Wait, you were supposed to turn in an exam? but u didnt...ok...well....get ready for it, take it and turn it in...and never let it happen again!! Hope this helps!!I'm so upset...I'm not ready for a test i have today...it's gonna be bad...advice?
Yeah, usually doing the work helps. But I have done this same thing. It makes it worse if you knew you had it, but chose not to do it.
If you didn't know about it, then it still shows irresponsibility.
But, since you know that you showed bad judgement, all you can do is tell yourself that you'll do better next time.
I'm so annoyed that i didnt do it ;(I'm so upset...I'm not ready for a test i have today...it's gonna be bad...advice?
Wait, you were supposed to turn in an exam? but u didnt...ok...well....get ready for it, take it and turn it in...and never let it happen again!! Hope this helps!!I'm so upset...I'm not ready for a test i have today...it's gonna be bad...advice?
Yeah, usually doing the work helps. But I have done this same thing. It makes it worse if you knew you had it, but chose not to do it.
If you didn't know about it, then it still shows irresponsibility.
But, since you know that you showed bad judgement, all you can do is tell yourself that you'll do better next time.
Advice on not wasting money on a bad vacuum...?
I live in a one bedroom apartment with both wood floors and short carpet. I really need a vacuum (soon) but am terrified of spending money on a crappy, unreliable vaccum. I don't want to spend a huge amount, I would rather shell out some dough than to get a dust buster on a stick though. If you have advice on what works or what DOES NOT work let me know.Advice on not wasting money on a bad vacuum...?
Even though the Dyson is expensive, it is by far the best vacuum that I have ever bought. I use it on the bathroom linoleum and it never kicks back the dirt on my feet. I love how the air smells so fresh and we actually vacuum every other day now.Advice on not wasting money on a bad vacuum...?
Try Dirt Devil not very expensive %26amp; works great........
I recommend Consumer Reports. The magazine has recently tested vacuums, and there some relatively cheap models that outperform the expensive ones. Consumer Reports magazine is available at libraries, and it won't cost you a thing to go there and take a look. See below for the Consumer Reports issue to reference.
You are right; there's nothing worse than a bad or unreliable vacuum. Go for name brand - Electrolux, Eureka. Check out Consumer Reports for info. Also, don't discount buying a ';gently used'; one. I got an Electrolux through an ad in the paper, paying 125CDN for a vacuum originally priced at near 1K. It was several models/years older, but worked fine.
I wish I could remember the brand my ex had. It was great, adjustable horse power, floor and carpet, etc and was quiet. Down side is it cost $700 and comes from germany.
I definitely recommend shelling out the money up front and dont buy a vacuum from say target or walmart etc. I know its not much help but If I can remember the name Ill post it soon.
Buy an annual consumer reports guide to products. You can get it at any good book store. See what it says about vacuum cleaners. It will give you the best one available and the best for the price.
I've had my Kenmore canister vacuum (from Sears) for 12 years and it cleans like a champ! What's even better is I inherited it from my grandmother who had it for at least 10 years before that!
get a Dyson vacuum, and get the one for carpets AND tiles, it's costs around 鈧?30 but i had mine for six months, and it has on every time taken up all the dirt and dust on my floors, no problems with it so far, and i got a 3 year guarantee.
Spend a little money and get a decent vacuum, one that will last you for years. A Windtunnel is pretty good. So is one of the Orecks. Don't buy a Dirt Devil. You will throw your money away with one of those.
Even though the Dyson is expensive, it is by far the best vacuum that I have ever bought. I use it on the bathroom linoleum and it never kicks back the dirt on my feet. I love how the air smells so fresh and we actually vacuum every other day now.Advice on not wasting money on a bad vacuum...?
Try Dirt Devil not very expensive %26amp; works great........
I recommend Consumer Reports. The magazine has recently tested vacuums, and there some relatively cheap models that outperform the expensive ones. Consumer Reports magazine is available at libraries, and it won't cost you a thing to go there and take a look. See below for the Consumer Reports issue to reference.
You are right; there's nothing worse than a bad or unreliable vacuum. Go for name brand - Electrolux, Eureka. Check out Consumer Reports for info. Also, don't discount buying a ';gently used'; one. I got an Electrolux through an ad in the paper, paying 125CDN for a vacuum originally priced at near 1K. It was several models/years older, but worked fine.
I wish I could remember the brand my ex had. It was great, adjustable horse power, floor and carpet, etc and was quiet. Down side is it cost $700 and comes from germany.
I definitely recommend shelling out the money up front and dont buy a vacuum from say target or walmart etc. I know its not much help but If I can remember the name Ill post it soon.
Buy an annual consumer reports guide to products. You can get it at any good book store. See what it says about vacuum cleaners. It will give you the best one available and the best for the price.
I've had my Kenmore canister vacuum (from Sears) for 12 years and it cleans like a champ! What's even better is I inherited it from my grandmother who had it for at least 10 years before that!
get a Dyson vacuum, and get the one for carpets AND tiles, it's costs around 鈧?30 but i had mine for six months, and it has on every time taken up all the dirt and dust on my floors, no problems with it so far, and i got a 3 year guarantee.
Spend a little money and get a decent vacuum, one that will last you for years. A Windtunnel is pretty good. So is one of the Orecks. Don't buy a Dirt Devil. You will throw your money away with one of those.
Is this a bad idea, I really need some advice?
I met this girl last week at a socia event. we talked for about 5 minutes or so, and then got interrupted and didn't see her after that. today she came to sunday school class, we only spoke a few words. I find her very attractive and want to get to know her more. we are friends on facebook and i talked to one of her friends and she said that i need to send her a message through facebook, but i don't know what to write in the message. Please help me.Is this a bad idea, I really need some advice?
It is fab, goodIs this a bad idea, I really need some advice?
Well your in for sure, just start off with, heeeey! (:, how are you? or long time no talk
Just say hey and talk about something you guys have in common and then ask to go hang out with you..... Just ask her to go bowling, movie, etc. Watever bt as a friends and mayb in a group of friends. tell her to bring a friend so she doesnt feel uncomfortable and just hang out with her and talk to her. And start talkin to her in Sunday school
start with hi... then just start up a conversation.. duh
Sending her a message is a great idea. You could say something like ';hey how are you doing?'; Just say something simple. I had this one guy that I had known since 2nd grade send me a message in 10th grade saying how he has always liked me and when he was little he loved me and he thought I was beautiful and wanted to spend forever with me. It was just creepy. Even though I doubt you would do something remotely close to that I'm just saying... be casual. Maybe ask her for her number or something so you can text her. Good luck!
just ask her how she is doing, that sort of thing. or bring up something random or funny you remember from the conversation you had with her.
hope everything turns out and ya get to know her more!!!! :D
just say ';hey u remember me,, we should hang out some time';
and then go to the movies or watever and Magic will happen on its own.. if not the first day then the 2nd or 3rd day
Say something like
Hey hows it going; how was your halloween?
just what you said..hi we met at a social event ..blah blah..go from there
just ask her questions or something in the message
Just ask her how she is doing and just talk about her day. Girls like it when guys ask questioins(:
It is fab, goodIs this a bad idea, I really need some advice?
Well your in for sure, just start off with, heeeey! (:, how are you? or long time no talk
Just say hey and talk about something you guys have in common and then ask to go hang out with you..... Just ask her to go bowling, movie, etc. Watever bt as a friends and mayb in a group of friends. tell her to bring a friend so she doesnt feel uncomfortable and just hang out with her and talk to her. And start talkin to her in Sunday school
start with hi... then just start up a conversation.. duh
Sending her a message is a great idea. You could say something like ';hey how are you doing?'; Just say something simple. I had this one guy that I had known since 2nd grade send me a message in 10th grade saying how he has always liked me and when he was little he loved me and he thought I was beautiful and wanted to spend forever with me. It was just creepy. Even though I doubt you would do something remotely close to that I'm just saying... be casual. Maybe ask her for her number or something so you can text her. Good luck!
just ask her how she is doing, that sort of thing. or bring up something random or funny you remember from the conversation you had with her.
hope everything turns out and ya get to know her more!!!! :D
just say ';hey u remember me,, we should hang out some time';
and then go to the movies or watever and Magic will happen on its own.. if not the first day then the 2nd or 3rd day
Say something like
Hey hows it going; how was your halloween?
just what you said..hi we met at a social event ..blah blah..go from there
just ask her questions or something in the message
Just ask her how she is doing and just talk about her day. Girls like it when guys ask questioins(:
Ok i did something really bad and want advice?
I had sex with another man while my boyfriend and i were apart, and then when he asks about it i tell him nothing happened should i just tell him!!Ok i did something really bad and want advice?
Well, if you two were ';apart'; as YOU say, then I should think that it would be COMPLETELY up to YOU!!! Because technically, YOU did NOT cheat on him, or anything, in my opinion, anyways. But if YOU feel as though YOU owed him some sort of ';loyalty'; during the break-up, and your conscience is getting to YOU, then by all means tell him.
But if YOU are OK with it, and feel that he may never find out, then YOU might wanna keep it to YOURSELF. Especially, if YOU have the desire to reunite with him, in the future. Because speaking for most men, we like to feel that the women we are with, are fulfilled TOTALLY, and have NO desire to be with ANYONE else, even if we DO ';break-up';. So, the situation YOU described, would be taken, by MOST men as some kind of a ';blow'; to their egos.(because men are typically such ';macho'; egomaniacs)
So if YOU think the truth might hinder a possible reunion between the two of YOU in the future, then you might be better served to keep this from him. Unless he knows the other one that YOU slept with, if it's that small of a town, or if YOU happen to know, that they know each other.
But NO ONE knows the situation better than YOU. So YOU know what would serve the situation, BETTER than ANY of us !!!
And, I would advise, to go with what YOU are feeling in your ';gut';, because usually, that's the best answer, to these sorts of dilemmas.
Hope that helped YOU!!! And GOOD LUCK, with this !!!Ok i did something really bad and want advice?
You already lied? That's kind of a bad start. :/ But don't worry! We can try to fix this! The next time you see him, try to talk to him about it. If he brings it up before you get to talk, don't mention it. He'll probably take it the wrong way and get mad. So just randomly text him when you're not together and ask if you can hang out because you want to talk to him. Then just calmly tell him what happened and that you feel so dumb about it because you really care about him. By then he should believe you. Just make sure you apologize for lying first. But the fact that you lied about something that big could make it difficult to trust you, so be careful! This kind of thing is hard to get yourself out of, unfortunately. :/
Yes, I think you should call him asap or go over and talk to him.
Look, I know for a fact that men hate lies then they do cheating.
Sure cheating is a big thing but it is something that in time anyone can get over.
Lying on the other hand makes them loose all trust in you. So if they find out you cheated and lied about it, if ever they ask you again and you say no, they will think yes and that will make things worse.
At least by telling him if ever he asks you anything you will get the benefit of the doubt because he will have full trust in you.
Expect him to be slightly upset, but in it will be better for both of you if you tell him.
I would by all means tell him. But first tell him how sorry you are. Like this (I did this all the time with my mom when I was really bad but I was like 7 yrs old)
You: I am sooooo sorry! I shouldn't have I knoooow I shouldn't have!!!
Him: What?
You: I had sex with this guy while we were apart and didn't tell you! I AM SOOOOO SORRY!!!!!
(Then he might like get really mad show A LOT of sorrow)
Hmm. This is a difficult situation. You should tell the truth and come clean. But there is a very good chance that he will break up with you over this. How do you think he will react? Of course, if you don't tell him and he finds out he would be even more likely to break up with you.
So tell him, but carefully. Start with, ';what would you do if I did something completely terrible? could you ever forgive me?'; Hopefully if he sees how truly horrible you feel over this he will forgive you. But you'll have to earn his trust back.
Tell him!
Think about all the entirely possible what-ifs. . .
What if he finds out from someone else?
What if he did that to you? Wouldn't you want him to tell you?
And many, many more.
If you come out and tell him instead of someone/someway else it will end up a lot better than vice versa.
Wait - were you split up when it happened? If yes, you don't need to answer to your boyfriend about it.
If no - it's up to you...you think it might ease your guilt if you tell him, but it will probably just cause more problems if you do tell.
Well, he must have been suspicious or he wouldn't have asked. Now you lied, so that is very hard to get out of. If the other guy is the only other person who knows, I would let sleeping dogs lie, and learn a lesson.
Sh*t Happens. I've done to my boyfriend, and I didnt tell him either it just would cause drama and distrust. Besides YOU WERE ON A BREAK. If he didnt want you sleeping with other people then he shouldnt have agreed to break up in the first place.
I would tell him the truth if you still want to have a relationship with your boyfriend because sooner or later it will come out and you will feel alot better telling him right away than waiting believe me I know. =) Hope that helps.
... how long were you apart for?
5 minutes?
lol jk i had a bad day, had to be nasty/
Well theres the don't ask don't tell or if you don't want secrets tells him the truth
tell him. its going to be very tough he might even break up with u.. but u gotta tell him. show how sorry u are for being unfaithful. and if he does break up with u and u still love him let him come back to u on his own terms.
LMAO You're screwed man. U owe it to him to tell the truth, but u don't want him to leave you right?. . .Well ask yourself this . . .Should you decide whether or not you two stay together or him?
ya he might find out later beter to tell him
reply to mine please
my brothers girl did that, ended up prego, and now doesnt know if the babys his...
you need to tell him...
its his right to know...
If its affecting you and it meant someting to you then you should te..
But if it was just a fling, and ye were broken up anyway
forget it man move on!
I say you don't. You were apart, so you weren't cheating, and it's not really his business.
up to because you were separated its not really his business what happened during this time
however if he finds out it will cause problems
tell him now. if he finds out on his own he'll think you are trying to hide it from him. just tell him and tell him it was awful and you regret it yada yada. kk
Yes, it's okay you can do it! Best not to make the situation worse.
he probably did the same thing, u should ask him, let him fess up then admit to your own sins =)
not a nice situation to be in tho....
We were on a Break!!!!
you should tell him. a relationship's foundation is trust and if u can't trust your boyfriend enough to tell him that you had sex with someone else when he was away it will cause proablems
It's all on you. If you don't want to tell him then don't. If you do for whatever reason then go ahead.
No, if you are sure you are not pregnant or have a disease.
Yes, if you want to lose him.
tell him the best thing to do is tell the truth
which person do you like? tell the person you dont like the truth
depends on how you think your boyfriend will take it
you shouldn't lie..
you should tell em that he wasn't with you so it's okay..
yea because u guys were apart it is always best to be honest in this situation
what is his answer to the same question (%26amp; why does he ask) ?
he might already know %26amp; he's just testing you.stop pimples
Well, if you two were ';apart'; as YOU say, then I should think that it would be COMPLETELY up to YOU!!! Because technically, YOU did NOT cheat on him, or anything, in my opinion, anyways. But if YOU feel as though YOU owed him some sort of ';loyalty'; during the break-up, and your conscience is getting to YOU, then by all means tell him.
But if YOU are OK with it, and feel that he may never find out, then YOU might wanna keep it to YOURSELF. Especially, if YOU have the desire to reunite with him, in the future. Because speaking for most men, we like to feel that the women we are with, are fulfilled TOTALLY, and have NO desire to be with ANYONE else, even if we DO ';break-up';. So, the situation YOU described, would be taken, by MOST men as some kind of a ';blow'; to their egos.(because men are typically such ';macho'; egomaniacs)
So if YOU think the truth might hinder a possible reunion between the two of YOU in the future, then you might be better served to keep this from him. Unless he knows the other one that YOU slept with, if it's that small of a town, or if YOU happen to know, that they know each other.
But NO ONE knows the situation better than YOU. So YOU know what would serve the situation, BETTER than ANY of us !!!
And, I would advise, to go with what YOU are feeling in your ';gut';, because usually, that's the best answer, to these sorts of dilemmas.
Hope that helped YOU!!! And GOOD LUCK, with this !!!Ok i did something really bad and want advice?
You already lied? That's kind of a bad start. :/ But don't worry! We can try to fix this! The next time you see him, try to talk to him about it. If he brings it up before you get to talk, don't mention it. He'll probably take it the wrong way and get mad. So just randomly text him when you're not together and ask if you can hang out because you want to talk to him. Then just calmly tell him what happened and that you feel so dumb about it because you really care about him. By then he should believe you. Just make sure you apologize for lying first. But the fact that you lied about something that big could make it difficult to trust you, so be careful! This kind of thing is hard to get yourself out of, unfortunately. :/
Yes, I think you should call him asap or go over and talk to him.
Look, I know for a fact that men hate lies then they do cheating.
Sure cheating is a big thing but it is something that in time anyone can get over.
Lying on the other hand makes them loose all trust in you. So if they find out you cheated and lied about it, if ever they ask you again and you say no, they will think yes and that will make things worse.
At least by telling him if ever he asks you anything you will get the benefit of the doubt because he will have full trust in you.
Expect him to be slightly upset, but in it will be better for both of you if you tell him.
I would by all means tell him. But first tell him how sorry you are. Like this (I did this all the time with my mom when I was really bad but I was like 7 yrs old)
You: I am sooooo sorry! I shouldn't have I knoooow I shouldn't have!!!
Him: What?
You: I had sex with this guy while we were apart and didn't tell you! I AM SOOOOO SORRY!!!!!
(Then he might like get really mad show A LOT of sorrow)
Hmm. This is a difficult situation. You should tell the truth and come clean. But there is a very good chance that he will break up with you over this. How do you think he will react? Of course, if you don't tell him and he finds out he would be even more likely to break up with you.
So tell him, but carefully. Start with, ';what would you do if I did something completely terrible? could you ever forgive me?'; Hopefully if he sees how truly horrible you feel over this he will forgive you. But you'll have to earn his trust back.
Tell him!
Think about all the entirely possible what-ifs. . .
What if he finds out from someone else?
What if he did that to you? Wouldn't you want him to tell you?
And many, many more.
If you come out and tell him instead of someone/someway else it will end up a lot better than vice versa.
Wait - were you split up when it happened? If yes, you don't need to answer to your boyfriend about it.
If no - it's up to you...you think it might ease your guilt if you tell him, but it will probably just cause more problems if you do tell.
Well, he must have been suspicious or he wouldn't have asked. Now you lied, so that is very hard to get out of. If the other guy is the only other person who knows, I would let sleeping dogs lie, and learn a lesson.
Sh*t Happens. I've done to my boyfriend, and I didnt tell him either it just would cause drama and distrust. Besides YOU WERE ON A BREAK. If he didnt want you sleeping with other people then he shouldnt have agreed to break up in the first place.
I would tell him the truth if you still want to have a relationship with your boyfriend because sooner or later it will come out and you will feel alot better telling him right away than waiting believe me I know. =) Hope that helps.
... how long were you apart for?
5 minutes?
lol jk i had a bad day, had to be nasty/
Well theres the don't ask don't tell or if you don't want secrets tells him the truth
tell him. its going to be very tough he might even break up with u.. but u gotta tell him. show how sorry u are for being unfaithful. and if he does break up with u and u still love him let him come back to u on his own terms.
LMAO You're screwed man. U owe it to him to tell the truth, but u don't want him to leave you right?. . .Well ask yourself this . . .Should you decide whether or not you two stay together or him?
ya he might find out later beter to tell him
reply to mine please
my brothers girl did that, ended up prego, and now doesnt know if the babys his...
you need to tell him...
its his right to know...
If its affecting you and it meant someting to you then you should te..
But if it was just a fling, and ye were broken up anyway
forget it man move on!
I say you don't. You were apart, so you weren't cheating, and it's not really his business.
up to because you were separated its not really his business what happened during this time
however if he finds out it will cause problems
tell him now. if he finds out on his own he'll think you are trying to hide it from him. just tell him and tell him it was awful and you regret it yada yada. kk
Yes, it's okay you can do it! Best not to make the situation worse.
he probably did the same thing, u should ask him, let him fess up then admit to your own sins =)
not a nice situation to be in tho....
We were on a Break!!!!
you should tell him. a relationship's foundation is trust and if u can't trust your boyfriend enough to tell him that you had sex with someone else when he was away it will cause proablems
It's all on you. If you don't want to tell him then don't. If you do for whatever reason then go ahead.
No, if you are sure you are not pregnant or have a disease.
Yes, if you want to lose him.
tell him the best thing to do is tell the truth
which person do you like? tell the person you dont like the truth
depends on how you think your boyfriend will take it
you shouldn't lie..
you should tell em that he wasn't with you so it's okay..
yea because u guys were apart it is always best to be honest in this situation
what is his answer to the same question (%26amp; why does he ask) ?
he might already know %26amp; he's just testing you.
Why do theists give such bad advice?
This girl just asked a question about how she could straighten out her life. I told her to realize what needs to change, and work on it in small steps.
The theists, however, just told her to pray and all she could do was accept Jesus and hope for better times. Is that really good advice?
I find it to be really bad myself. I feel that one should take charge of their life instead of hoping/praying that some supernatural deity will change your life.Why do theists give such bad advice?
your question reminds me of when i was a kid. i asked a priest how come god never answers my prayers when i ask him for help. the priest told me that god helps those who help themselves. i then asked the priest, well if i can help myself what do i need god for. the priest was unable to answer me. it was at that point i realized that there was no god, and we must learn to take charge of our own lives. you gave this girl great advice. hopefully she will listen and ignore those who are blinded by their faith in some imaginary friend.Why do theists give such bad advice?
That wasn't the only advice. One should accept Christ, yes... and surrender to Christ...
... and then work your ever-livin'-little-butt-off as though your work was for Christ!
But it comes down to this--it's not about us! God doesn't exist to make our lives easier.
As a christian I believe that prayer and faith have a lot to do with straightening out our lives. However, I do believe that at times we have to make an effort to look at our lives and try and straighten them out ourselves, with guidence from God. God is not a magic genie, i believe he expects a little effort from us too.
In my opinion, one can't always rely on ';god.'; Theists, as you called them, tend to think that god will get them out of any situation and if ';he'; doesn't, then they claim that it was ';his'; plan. I personally think thats a bunch of crap. I'm not saying that I don't believe in God. I was raised Catholic, but I don't think praying is going to do anybody any good. If you are dirt poor, god isn't going to drop a bag of cash down your chimney. I think that only thing people have any right to pray for is strength to get through their bad times. But some people seem to think its ok to pray for material things.
In the situation of straigtening this girls life out - the only person who can change it is her. She can pray and pray and pray and nothing will happen unless she is willing to get her *** up and do something about it. Opportunity to better herself isn't going to come knocking on her door.
To: weemaryanne
your sad! prayer doesn't fail............. try it sometime
How can i learn to play the piano quickly?
I have to agree, just telling someone to pray and their lives will immediately better is just bad advise.
I'm a theist myself, of the Baptist variety, and I am definitely all for the praying and seeking God. I know however, that God uses those around us to help us. We must seek him in pray and in the people around us that he uses. Realization of the problem is a step toward change, but it isn't the first step. Seeking the help in the realization is the first step.
I know that I have problems, but I don't always know what they are. I pray for guidance and acceptance of the problem when it is presented to me by people I trust; then I ask people to help me.
I agree with you, but however even as an atheist I see that for some people who pray they get what they need out of it, it could make a person calm down and relax and be at peace and maybe even help them see things more clearly as to what they have to do about things, I'd imagine it would be like meditating of sorts
regarding what religion/belief, psychologically praying or hoping makes one feel better, feel calm for a moment, at that moment one can think clearly and try to re-examine, to solve their problem or simply to receive it.
but yes of course it won't solve the problem if one not taking action.
so i guess both answers are relatively true.
(do i look smart with this answer ?)
No, it's not good advice.
Even if we accept the premise of there being a god, it would seem that the god didn't bother to prevent the September 11 attacks, Hurricane Katrina or the current status of the Baltimore Orioles. Prayer isn't the answer. ACTION is.
';Pray about it'; is probably the most facile answer anyone could ever give to a sincere question.
if shes asking in the religion section she might want spiritual advise...... along with good advise
Nothing fails like prayer.
Because their religion tells them it has all the answers, and when it comes time to give advice, they think they _are_ giving all the answers.
As the saying goes, ';The greater your ignorance, the more evidence you have for the existence of 'god'';.
Agreed. A supernatural being isn't going to straighten your life out for you. You need to do that yourself.
Please don't expect that YOUR beliefs are right for someone else. For some people, prayer is the answer. For others, it's self-sufficiency. The best thing we, as a people, can do is learn tolerance and acceptance of others.
Don't they also say God helps those who help themselves
I think it was unfinished advice. personally I see nothing wrong with praying to help you through things. Praying does something for you, changes your state of mind, which in turn can help you help yourself.
Your advice was great, but there is nothing wrong with putting some faith in a higher power to help you through hard times.
You know, that's because they see their way as the only possible one. They don't think one can be happy and sane without religion, and some prefer to rely on spiritual science fiction rather than on themselves, which is sad.
That's the worst advise they could give you! Of course, that's because they don't know any better and they have no psychological/emotional training.
lol, people give bad advice.
the theists i know tend to say ';god helps those who help themselves'; meaning you have to take the initiative, not wait around for god.
i don't think god likes it when people ask him for stuff they can easily get themselves. i know i don't.
There would be no difference if someone suggested something else to relinquish one's responsibility for taking action in a given situation. It's not limited to theists.
I totally agree with you and your answer.
It beats the heck out of me.
=/ Sorry I cannot help. I think it's total BS.
whats the difference between wishing and praying? kneeling at your bed? Work will win when wishing wont
See, either side could interpret the others as bad advice. Look at your own; if I wanted to critique it I would say, ';How does one realize what to change? On what standard should I do this? How do I work on it? At what point do I realize that it is better? How do I know you're right?'; Your advice was vague, though it sounded good. Similar with theists advice. If all they do is say ';give it to Jesus'; what does that mean? How do I do that? What do I do then? How does this help me? Vague questions demand vague answers. Specific questions, however, demand specific answers! Hope this helped! :)
The theists, however, just told her to pray and all she could do was accept Jesus and hope for better times. Is that really good advice?
I find it to be really bad myself. I feel that one should take charge of their life instead of hoping/praying that some supernatural deity will change your life.Why do theists give such bad advice?
your question reminds me of when i was a kid. i asked a priest how come god never answers my prayers when i ask him for help. the priest told me that god helps those who help themselves. i then asked the priest, well if i can help myself what do i need god for. the priest was unable to answer me. it was at that point i realized that there was no god, and we must learn to take charge of our own lives. you gave this girl great advice. hopefully she will listen and ignore those who are blinded by their faith in some imaginary friend.Why do theists give such bad advice?
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That wasn't the only advice. One should accept Christ, yes... and surrender to Christ...
... and then work your ever-livin'-little-butt-off as though your work was for Christ!
But it comes down to this--it's not about us! God doesn't exist to make our lives easier.
As a christian I believe that prayer and faith have a lot to do with straightening out our lives. However, I do believe that at times we have to make an effort to look at our lives and try and straighten them out ourselves, with guidence from God. God is not a magic genie, i believe he expects a little effort from us too.
In my opinion, one can't always rely on ';god.'; Theists, as you called them, tend to think that god will get them out of any situation and if ';he'; doesn't, then they claim that it was ';his'; plan. I personally think thats a bunch of crap. I'm not saying that I don't believe in God. I was raised Catholic, but I don't think praying is going to do anybody any good. If you are dirt poor, god isn't going to drop a bag of cash down your chimney. I think that only thing people have any right to pray for is strength to get through their bad times. But some people seem to think its ok to pray for material things.
In the situation of straigtening this girls life out - the only person who can change it is her. She can pray and pray and pray and nothing will happen unless she is willing to get her *** up and do something about it. Opportunity to better herself isn't going to come knocking on her door.
To: weemaryanne
your sad! prayer doesn't fail............. try it sometime
How can i learn to play the piano quickly?
I have to agree, just telling someone to pray and their lives will immediately better is just bad advise.
I'm a theist myself, of the Baptist variety, and I am definitely all for the praying and seeking God. I know however, that God uses those around us to help us. We must seek him in pray and in the people around us that he uses. Realization of the problem is a step toward change, but it isn't the first step. Seeking the help in the realization is the first step.
I know that I have problems, but I don't always know what they are. I pray for guidance and acceptance of the problem when it is presented to me by people I trust; then I ask people to help me.
I agree with you, but however even as an atheist I see that for some people who pray they get what they need out of it, it could make a person calm down and relax and be at peace and maybe even help them see things more clearly as to what they have to do about things, I'd imagine it would be like meditating of sorts
regarding what religion/belief, psychologically praying or hoping makes one feel better, feel calm for a moment, at that moment one can think clearly and try to re-examine, to solve their problem or simply to receive it.
but yes of course it won't solve the problem if one not taking action.
so i guess both answers are relatively true.
(do i look smart with this answer ?)
No, it's not good advice.
Even if we accept the premise of there being a god, it would seem that the god didn't bother to prevent the September 11 attacks, Hurricane Katrina or the current status of the Baltimore Orioles. Prayer isn't the answer. ACTION is.
';Pray about it'; is probably the most facile answer anyone could ever give to a sincere question.
if shes asking in the religion section she might want spiritual advise...... along with good advise
Nothing fails like prayer.
Because their religion tells them it has all the answers, and when it comes time to give advice, they think they _are_ giving all the answers.
As the saying goes, ';The greater your ignorance, the more evidence you have for the existence of 'god'';.
Agreed. A supernatural being isn't going to straighten your life out for you. You need to do that yourself.
Please don't expect that YOUR beliefs are right for someone else. For some people, prayer is the answer. For others, it's self-sufficiency. The best thing we, as a people, can do is learn tolerance and acceptance of others.
Don't they also say God helps those who help themselves
I think it was unfinished advice. personally I see nothing wrong with praying to help you through things. Praying does something for you, changes your state of mind, which in turn can help you help yourself.
Your advice was great, but there is nothing wrong with putting some faith in a higher power to help you through hard times.
You know, that's because they see their way as the only possible one. They don't think one can be happy and sane without religion, and some prefer to rely on spiritual science fiction rather than on themselves, which is sad.
That's the worst advise they could give you! Of course, that's because they don't know any better and they have no psychological/emotional training.
lol, people give bad advice.
the theists i know tend to say ';god helps those who help themselves'; meaning you have to take the initiative, not wait around for god.
i don't think god likes it when people ask him for stuff they can easily get themselves. i know i don't.
There would be no difference if someone suggested something else to relinquish one's responsibility for taking action in a given situation. It's not limited to theists.
I totally agree with you and your answer.
It beats the heck out of me.
=/ Sorry I cannot help. I think it's total BS.
whats the difference between wishing and praying? kneeling at your bed? Work will win when wishing wont
See, either side could interpret the others as bad advice. Look at your own; if I wanted to critique it I would say, ';How does one realize what to change? On what standard should I do this? How do I work on it? At what point do I realize that it is better? How do I know you're right?'; Your advice was vague, though it sounded good. Similar with theists advice. If all they do is say ';give it to Jesus'; what does that mean? How do I do that? What do I do then? How does this help me? Vague questions demand vague answers. Specific questions, however, demand specific answers! Hope this helped! :)
Why do atheists give such bad advice?
This girl just asked a question about how she could straighten out her life. I told her to realize what needs to change, and work on it in small steps.
The theists, however, just told her to pray and all she could do was accept Jesus and hope for better times. Is that really good advice?
I find it to be really bad myself. I feel that one should take charge of their life instead of hoping/praying that some supernatural deity will change your life.Why do atheists give such bad advice?
Did you mean to ask 'Why do theists give such bad advice?'
I'm confused. I advise you to check things before you post them - advice from an atheist.Why do atheists give such bad advice?
I read somewhere when you have faith or when you pray you do live longer.....
mmmmm have to agree with the previous posted answer. Your question is not clearly stated. However that being said will take it that you mean those who believe in something greater than themselves - and altho' not a 'church' believer - I do believe that faith in the higher deity (whatever/whomever that might be) or just a strong belief in ones self - can create 'miracles'.... I work in the health care field and have seen both sides of it - those whose 'faith' have helped them thru almost impossible odds of recovery - and those whose faith in themselves and who have a strong familial or otherwise support group - have achieved the same. So, through observation - cannot say that any advice is 'bad' - it will be whatever the person believes in..
lol maybe it wouldnt hurt for you to read more and open your mouth less
You have confused your question and details. I think people should take charge.
I totally agree. You can hope and pray all you want but if you want your life you change, YOU have to do something about it. You have to take matters into your own hands, not just think that hopefully someone or something is going to come along and make everything better. You have to take care of YOURSELF not expect other people to do it for you.
thee worst flipped question ..ever
Great answer LUDD! I was just sitting here wondering the same thing! People really need to proofread!
From what I've seen, atheists give the best advice.
That's very clever, how you took my question and changed one word. You should have changed the details, though, to correspond with the question. Thanks for the re-run.
by the way atheists do not believe in s higher supernatural deity, they don't in believe in any god. So those who gave that advice could not have been atheist. If Jesus is mentioned, then they were Christians. And look I'm going to tell that there are people who have found that their lives got better after accepting Jesus. Not everyone, but some. It all depends on the person.
do you even know what an atheist is?
People are stupid, they'll believe whatever they want to be true and expect Jesus to fix their life. Perhaps its because ';oo this life may suck but I GET TO GO TO HEAVEN and YOU don't!';
i think you meant to say ';why do theists give such bad advice';.
im a believer in god, though im not a bible thumper and believe the bible is only one part of the wisdom needed in order to hear from God
certainly this woman you mention should take steps on her own and take matters into her own hands, but what would be wrong with seeking divine assistance and guidance along the way?
im not advocating praying to receive something, im not advocating constantly asking for the problems to be resolved as if by some lightening bolt from the sky, what im advocating is that she seek an answer by trying to listen for his voice
The theists, however, just told her to pray and all she could do was accept Jesus and hope for better times. Is that really good advice?
I find it to be really bad myself. I feel that one should take charge of their life instead of hoping/praying that some supernatural deity will change your life.Why do atheists give such bad advice?
Did you mean to ask 'Why do theists give such bad advice?'
I'm confused. I advise you to check things before you post them - advice from an atheist.Why do atheists give such bad advice?
I read somewhere when you have faith or when you pray you do live longer.....
mmmmm have to agree with the previous posted answer. Your question is not clearly stated. However that being said will take it that you mean those who believe in something greater than themselves - and altho' not a 'church' believer - I do believe that faith in the higher deity (whatever/whomever that might be) or just a strong belief in ones self - can create 'miracles'.... I work in the health care field and have seen both sides of it - those whose 'faith' have helped them thru almost impossible odds of recovery - and those whose faith in themselves and who have a strong familial or otherwise support group - have achieved the same. So, through observation - cannot say that any advice is 'bad' - it will be whatever the person believes in..
lol maybe it wouldnt hurt for you to read more and open your mouth less
You have confused your question and details. I think people should take charge.
I totally agree. You can hope and pray all you want but if you want your life you change, YOU have to do something about it. You have to take matters into your own hands, not just think that hopefully someone or something is going to come along and make everything better. You have to take care of YOURSELF not expect other people to do it for you.
thee worst flipped question ..ever
Great answer LUDD! I was just sitting here wondering the same thing! People really need to proofread!
From what I've seen, atheists give the best advice.
That's very clever, how you took my question and changed one word. You should have changed the details, though, to correspond with the question. Thanks for the re-run.
by the way atheists do not believe in s higher supernatural deity, they don't in believe in any god. So those who gave that advice could not have been atheist. If Jesus is mentioned, then they were Christians. And look I'm going to tell that there are people who have found that their lives got better after accepting Jesus. Not everyone, but some. It all depends on the person.
do you even know what an atheist is?
People are stupid, they'll believe whatever they want to be true and expect Jesus to fix their life. Perhaps its because ';oo this life may suck but I GET TO GO TO HEAVEN and YOU don't!';
i think you meant to say ';why do theists give such bad advice';.
im a believer in god, though im not a bible thumper and believe the bible is only one part of the wisdom needed in order to hear from God
certainly this woman you mention should take steps on her own and take matters into her own hands, but what would be wrong with seeking divine assistance and guidance along the way?
im not advocating praying to receive something, im not advocating constantly asking for the problems to be resolved as if by some lightening bolt from the sky, what im advocating is that she seek an answer by trying to listen for his voice
What is the worst advice you have gotten?
This can be about any subject and can be funny or serious.What is the worst advice you have gotten?
In Grade school I was a late bloomer. I didn't understand most of what was being taught. No one taught me study habits. Overwhelmed by the homework and reading, I didn't do it. I passed three grades on condition that I go to Summer school. In my first year in High School, my dad sent me to one of the toughest prep schools in the country. I flunked out. I barely made it through High School and had to get a tutor to make it through College.What is the worst advice you have gotten?
i was ill with a fever and one of my friends suggest that i down three raw eggs because it was supposed to settle the stomach and provide the protein to help your body fight. i stupidly downed three eggs and immediately started projectile vomiting violently for five minutes. looking back now i wonder whether she was doing it as a sick joke. excuse the pun
In Grade school I was a late bloomer. I didn't understand most of what was being taught. No one taught me study habits. Overwhelmed by the homework and reading, I didn't do it. I passed three grades on condition that I go to Summer school. In my first year in High School, my dad sent me to one of the toughest prep schools in the country. I flunked out. I barely made it through High School and had to get a tutor to make it through College.What is the worst advice you have gotten?
i was ill with a fever and one of my friends suggest that i down three raw eggs because it was supposed to settle the stomach and provide the protein to help your body fight. i stupidly downed three eggs and immediately started projectile vomiting violently for five minutes. looking back now i wonder whether she was doing it as a sick joke. excuse the pun
If you get some bad advice on here can you sue yahoo?
No.If you get some bad advice on here can you sue yahoo?
No, for you don't HAVE to follow it.
Another sue-happy human....that is what is wrong with the morals of the world today. People are only out for trhemselves and will do anything to get money.If you get some bad advice on here can you sue yahoo?
No, nor can you sue the person who gave you the advice.
This is all covered in the fine print of the agreement that you clicked on as having read before you were able to open your account on Yahoo Answers. You can find it if you read the rules again.
Use any advice you get here at your own risk!
HOW about suing your parents for not teaching you all about personal responsibility ?????
I can ask for advice... and people can give it... BUT it is up to me whether or not I accept and follow their advice.
I am so sick of pathetic people TRYING to make monetary gain because they do something stupid and then try and blamed other people for it.....
try being responsible for your own actions and decisions .. YOU never know it might just make you grow up some ...
don't like my advice??? SO SUE ME **ROLLS EYES**
I doubt it - it's the trolls on here who cause trouble for Yahoo, not Yahoo itself.
People sue all the time for stupid things, don't see why this would be any different.
most likely there is something agenst such in the TS you agried to...
Sure, why not?But then that means I should also be allowed to start charging for all the good advice I give.
No, it's written at the bottom of every page.
';Yahoo! does not evaluate or guarantee the accuracy of any Yahoo! Answers content. Click here for the Full Disclaimer.';
Just scroll down and you'll see it.
Yeah... I reckon you can.
I have this really good lawyer who got me gazillions for slipping over in a supermarket.
I threw a jar of pickles at this idiot who told me that kitty litter was in aisle 5... It was in aisle 6. (You can imagine how angry THAT made me!)
I slipped over on one of the pickles when the jar missed the target, and I had to chase the idiot to pummel him with a french stick I got from aisle 3.
Anyhoo, just email me your bank account details, drivers license number, date of birth, and any other details of a personal nature that may be relevant. (Just so I can hook you up with this amazing lawyer of course)
Everything will be fine... Trust me
Nope, wasn't yahoo answers that gave it to you
Do you think a big company like Yahoo would take a risk like that? This site is for entertainment purposes only ... read the fine print!
Cheers :-)
You Americans and suing everyone and everything.
anythings worth a try.....
Not for bad advice, no.
...you can sue anyone you want... you can get the Lawyer who represented the guy in Washington D.C. (the judge) who sue'd the Cleaners for $6,000,000 about his pants... or the guy who just sue'd God... whatever you think you can afford.
Well, there is no law against it. People sue for pretty much anything now days and im sure it could if someone took it seriously enough. The real question is, could he win? I doubt it.
You can sue anybody for anything. The real question is can you win? I don't think so!
No, for you don't HAVE to follow it.
Another sue-happy human....that is what is wrong with the morals of the world today. People are only out for trhemselves and will do anything to get money.If you get some bad advice on here can you sue yahoo?
No, nor can you sue the person who gave you the advice.
This is all covered in the fine print of the agreement that you clicked on as having read before you were able to open your account on Yahoo Answers. You can find it if you read the rules again.
Use any advice you get here at your own risk!
HOW about suing your parents for not teaching you all about personal responsibility ?????
I can ask for advice... and people can give it... BUT it is up to me whether or not I accept and follow their advice.
I am so sick of pathetic people TRYING to make monetary gain because they do something stupid and then try and blamed other people for it.....
try being responsible for your own actions and decisions .. YOU never know it might just make you grow up some ...
don't like my advice??? SO SUE ME **ROLLS EYES**
I doubt it - it's the trolls on here who cause trouble for Yahoo, not Yahoo itself.
People sue all the time for stupid things, don't see why this would be any different.
most likely there is something agenst such in the TS you agried to...
Sure, why not?But then that means I should also be allowed to start charging for all the good advice I give.
No, it's written at the bottom of every page.
';Yahoo! does not evaluate or guarantee the accuracy of any Yahoo! Answers content. Click here for the Full Disclaimer.';
Just scroll down and you'll see it.
Yeah... I reckon you can.
I have this really good lawyer who got me gazillions for slipping over in a supermarket.
I threw a jar of pickles at this idiot who told me that kitty litter was in aisle 5... It was in aisle 6. (You can imagine how angry THAT made me!)
I slipped over on one of the pickles when the jar missed the target, and I had to chase the idiot to pummel him with a french stick I got from aisle 3.
Anyhoo, just email me your bank account details, drivers license number, date of birth, and any other details of a personal nature that may be relevant. (Just so I can hook you up with this amazing lawyer of course)
Everything will be fine... Trust me
Nope, wasn't yahoo answers that gave it to you
Do you think a big company like Yahoo would take a risk like that? This site is for entertainment purposes only ... read the fine print!
Cheers :-)
You Americans and suing everyone and everything.
anythings worth a try.....
Not for bad advice, no.
...you can sue anyone you want... you can get the Lawyer who represented the guy in Washington D.C. (the judge) who sue'd the Cleaners for $6,000,000 about his pants... or the guy who just sue'd God... whatever you think you can afford.
Well, there is no law against it. People sue for pretty much anything now days and im sure it could if someone took it seriously enough. The real question is, could he win? I doubt it.
You can sue anybody for anything. The real question is can you win? I don't think so!
Any good home remedies or advice for a 8 1/2 month old infant with a bad cold....?
My daughter has a very runny nose, cough and a slight fever and isn't eating much...any help would be greatly appreciated as I want to make her as comfortable as possible and get her over this. I would take her to her pediatrician but I am out of the state due to a family emergency. Thank you for the help!!!!Any good home remedies or advice for a 8 1/2 month old infant with a bad cold....?
If she has a high temperature (over 100), if her symptoms get worse in the next day, if she's screaming all night (could be an ear infection caused by excess fluid) - take her to the doctor/urgent care or at the VERY least, call your pediatrician.
If its just a regular old cold there are only a couple things you can do...
%26gt;Saline nose drops: (same as saline solution for contacts) Squeeze up her nose, then get an aspirator to suck the boogars out. She'll HATE it. Every baby does.
%26gt;Humidifier: get a humidifier for the room. We use a basic Vicks humidifier (don't use any menthol or medicated drops in the water). Put a little salt in the water to increase the steam flow.
%26gt;Prop up the mattress: You can put a pillow under one end of the crib mattress to lift it just a bit so its elevated.
%26gt;Steam room: Turn the hot water on in the shower and stand in the bathroom. The steam may help clear her throat.
%26gt;Increase fluids: If she's not eating, she may want to nurse or bottle feed more.
%26gt;LOTS of LOVE: it'll make her feel better, it always does!
Hope that helps. THey say the first baby cold is always the worst. My son had a bad cold when he was about 4 months old - it was awful but now I know what to do!Any good home remedies or advice for a 8 1/2 month old infant with a bad cold....?
I heard a couple of months ago that if you rub Vick's on the bottom of their feet the cough isn't as bad. I have never tried it but it is worth a try when you are desperate for a remedy! Good luck %26amp; I hope your baby feels better soon!
Saline spray works if she has a little stuffy nose as well with the runny nose. Saline spray you can use as much as needed
You can also take make your own with one cup of the warm water and 1/4 tsp of salt mix together and take a nose bulb or another small dropper and give her only a few drops of this a couple times per day.......
Infants tylenol or motrin is also great when they are running a fever....now if the fever gets over 101 I would call your doc still and tell them the situation..They can always help you no matter where you are. I would probably give them a call tomorrow anyway...would call them now if she has a higher temp then 102
A humidifier works wonders as well...can pick this up anywhere...When she sleeps at night make sure you have her propped up as it helps everything to drain and makes breathing easier for them.
Plug in the vaporizer (cold air). Use saline drops for the nose and keep it cleaned out. There's no medication in these drops so you don't have to worry about side effects. Give her infant tylenol for fever. My son has had a cold a I've done this with him. He's getting better and I don't have all the side effects that cold medicine can give. Also, there is vicks baby rub. Rub it on her chest and it'll help her breath as well.
yes do everything Jenn above said she was 100% on what I would say. My 3 month old is sick as well. Do not get a cold air humidifier that is just for people with allergies warm is for colds and such (the Pharmacist just told me this when I asked the diff the other day) But I will tell you I bought the vicks bc it was a cheap one and it hardly works, you get what you pay for and I read really bad reviews on it from everyone.
If she has a high temperature (over 100), if her symptoms get worse in the next day, if she's screaming all night (could be an ear infection caused by excess fluid) - take her to the doctor/urgent care or at the VERY least, call your pediatrician.
If its just a regular old cold there are only a couple things you can do...
%26gt;Saline nose drops: (same as saline solution for contacts) Squeeze up her nose, then get an aspirator to suck the boogars out. She'll HATE it. Every baby does.
%26gt;Humidifier: get a humidifier for the room. We use a basic Vicks humidifier (don't use any menthol or medicated drops in the water). Put a little salt in the water to increase the steam flow.
%26gt;Prop up the mattress: You can put a pillow under one end of the crib mattress to lift it just a bit so its elevated.
%26gt;Steam room: Turn the hot water on in the shower and stand in the bathroom. The steam may help clear her throat.
%26gt;Increase fluids: If she's not eating, she may want to nurse or bottle feed more.
%26gt;LOTS of LOVE: it'll make her feel better, it always does!
Hope that helps. THey say the first baby cold is always the worst. My son had a bad cold when he was about 4 months old - it was awful but now I know what to do!Any good home remedies or advice for a 8 1/2 month old infant with a bad cold....?
I heard a couple of months ago that if you rub Vick's on the bottom of their feet the cough isn't as bad. I have never tried it but it is worth a try when you are desperate for a remedy! Good luck %26amp; I hope your baby feels better soon!
Saline spray works if she has a little stuffy nose as well with the runny nose. Saline spray you can use as much as needed
You can also take make your own with one cup of the warm water and 1/4 tsp of salt mix together and take a nose bulb or another small dropper and give her only a few drops of this a couple times per day.......
Infants tylenol or motrin is also great when they are running a fever....now if the fever gets over 101 I would call your doc still and tell them the situation..They can always help you no matter where you are. I would probably give them a call tomorrow anyway...would call them now if she has a higher temp then 102
A humidifier works wonders as well...can pick this up anywhere...When she sleeps at night make sure you have her propped up as it helps everything to drain and makes breathing easier for them.
Plug in the vaporizer (cold air). Use saline drops for the nose and keep it cleaned out. There's no medication in these drops so you don't have to worry about side effects. Give her infant tylenol for fever. My son has had a cold a I've done this with him. He's getting better and I don't have all the side effects that cold medicine can give. Also, there is vicks baby rub. Rub it on her chest and it'll help her breath as well.
yes do everything Jenn above said she was 100% on what I would say. My 3 month old is sick as well. Do not get a cold air humidifier that is just for people with allergies warm is for colds and such (the Pharmacist just told me this when I asked the diff the other day) But I will tell you I bought the vicks bc it was a cheap one and it hardly works, you get what you pay for and I read really bad reviews on it from everyone.
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