Sunday, May 9, 2010

Actors please give me some advice - I am going to audition for a drama school? I want this so bad?

I will soon be auditioning for my dream university, to be an actress, and I want to perform well on my audition. I don't know though how much is expected - do they expect me to know how to cry, etc? There's this amazing monologue I have chosen, which in my opinion requires tears during a certain part but I can't just make them come. Please help... Can you give me some genuine tips on how to achieve the crying?Actors please give me some advice - I am going to audition for a drama school? I want this so bad?
Nobody gets accepted to drama school just because she can shed tears, and nobody gets rejected just because she can't. Make sure that you show up for the audition well rehearsed and prepared to deliver your monologue truthfully, with emotional reality. Don't stress about the weeping. Remember, they're not looking for a Broadway-caliber performance. They're looking for evidence of raw talent that you might be able to develop to a professional level with the help of their training program.Actors please give me some advice - I am going to audition for a drama school? I want this so bad?
everything is expected. you need to be amazing, yes you should know how to cry, try plugging your nose (not using your hand) and closing your mouth then blowing out it makes your eye water. tighten your abs and breath in really hard and it will make it you and the sound of your breath shake like you're trying to control it. if you're like really bawling just let it out.
make sure u can cry on the spot (maybe)

dont ask is this good... 2 much

dont seem like a problem person

dont be 2 picky

good luck!
have someone step on your foot?

Trust me, they'll take your money, so just show up and you're good...

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