Sunday, May 9, 2010

Any advice on dealing with a bad temper?

I have a really bad temper and when I become angry my face gets red and my blood pressure skyrockets as I try to hold my tongue. It drains me to keep my mouth shut when I feel the need to say something. Any advice on controlling my anger?Any advice on dealing with a bad temper?
My grandmother's advice to me . Always count to ten before you open your mouth to talk even if you are not angry.Any advice on dealing with a bad temper?
Just dont think about it when you get angry, think of something you enjoy or a beautiful image or something to relax your self with. ;]
Think before you emotionally react. That's the first step. Once you think things through you'll notice there isn't much to be angry about. Especially small things.

It's a common problem for people to just emotionally react vs. think first. Just try it out. Think about why it happened, was it an accident? If it was just an accident, someone should fix it then we all move on. No big deal.

Ask yourself in every situation - is getting angry going to help you in any way?
You could seek out an anger management group or counselor.
How deep and how far do you want to go to solving this? How serious do you want to become to solving this riddle?

It all comes down to how serious your desire is. Otherwise you will have what you have now, over and over again untill you decide you have had enough. And in that you may just end up putting up with yourself and moving on. You wont give up faith, always yours in the end run and works just as good sort of.
Well, yeah, try to think of a happy face. Close your eyes take a deep breath, and avoid contacts with others for a minute or two.

What ever you do, do not break,throw, or yell... you may regret it later. And if you can, take a short nap, works for me at least.

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