Saturday, January 23, 2010

I have a very bad memory , any advice?

I never remember names and numbers.

Any special food or drink?

Or something to do or not to do?I have a very bad memory , any advice?
try doing crosswords, jigsaw puzzels. to remember a name think of a fruit or viegietable that starts with the persons name. example. apple for annI have a very bad memory , any advice?
nuts. No, you're not nuts- eat nuts. And fish- cod liver oil would be good. And concentrate more. The fear of forgetting causes one to forget (i read that somewhere)

good luck! i hope you remember this advice
haven't touched a darkroom in some ten years or so.

However I am really fed up with the digital world and want to start with the good old darkroom again.

But the thing is that I really don't remember some basic stuff like:

I think that I used to first see how long a basic time would take using filter 2.5. After that I tested different contrast (depended how the image look like) on the same time. After that I changed the time due to the change of filter (when I have decided the correct filter) and after that I dodged and burned.

However I really don't remember what I should watch after when I decide the first time. Should I check for midtones, low or high? And when I check for contrast is there any area I should look for there?

You see, I have a very vague memory that saying something like:

When I decide what time it should be I should look after the dark areas and when I look at the correct contrast I should look for the white areas.

Am I way off or what type of areas are you looking for when you decide correct time/contrast?

/ Marcus


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Re: Please, refresh my bad memory

Posted by: Dietmar Wolf (IP Logged)

Date: March 11, 2007 10:14AM

Schoolbook tells you something like this:

Use Filter 2-2.5, make teststripes one the area which should be the ';lightest with drawing'; and lay this stripe also on the area with the shadowest area.

Then decide only on the ';lightest point with drawing'; which time to use.

This time is it.

Then look at the corresponding shadow.

If the shadow is too light, increase contrast, if it is too dark, decrease contrast.

If you change contrast, you have eventually to adjust the time properly.

Then make the whole print. Then look where eventually to burn and hold off.

But this is schoolbook. There are so many ways to get to a very good print.

Stefan has described here in the forum at least twice his ways in detail.

Lately I even read a comment from an ';darkroomschoolbookwriter';, that if you start like Stefan described here once (the picture with the man in the leatherjacket on the chair), this is crazy and can never lead to a real good print... :-)))

Maybe this website is something for you. A complete other approach, but interesting enough.


There are also some technical articles and, of course, a photo of his darkroom on the site.

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 03/11/07 11:03AM by Dietmar Wolf.

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Re: Please, refresh my bad memory

Posted by: Evita (IP Logged)

Date: March 11, 2007 10:45AM


I think you mean this thread, Dietmar?

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Re: Please, refresh my bad memory

Posted by: Dietmar Wolf (IP Logged)

Date: March 11, 2007 10:58AM

Exactly. Thank you very much, Evita.

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Re: Please, refresh my bad memory

Posted by: Edward van Herk (IP Logged)

Date: March 11, 2007 10:44PM


Regard printing as a two step process.

First determine the time for the most important highlight (this can be a midtone on for example somebody's face). After the time satisfies you (mind the dry down effect!) then look at the shadows. Is the black really black? Has the print enough power? If not increase contrast by increasing the grade. You might want to readjust the time slightly afterwards if at the proper grade your most important highlight became darker.

By using this two step process you have much more control over the outcome and your visualised print statement.

So the time determines the brightness, the grade the difference between shadows and highlights (contrast).

Best, Edward


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Re: Please, refresh my bad memory

Posted by: Stefan Rohner (IP Logged)

Date: March 15, 2007 11:35AM

';';this is crazy and can never lead to a real good print... :-)))';';

why, which are the reasons?

';';lightest point with drawing';'; thats a point for beginners, but not if you want an exhibition print. or if you want the attention of tones at you main motive. first comes the main motive, then the rest.

Marcus, with the contrast you start you have to decide for your own, I start with 3

and play with the times on the first stripe, on 18x24 paper I start with 4sec. first exposure, then 6, 8, 10 and 12sec. with this first stripe you know already where to go. when my time for example is 8sec. I do a second stripe with 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10sec.

now I adjust contrast and again time if needed.

regards Stefan




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Re: Please, refresh my bad memory

Posted by: Dietmar Wolf (IP Logged)

Date: March 15, 2007 03:53PM

Hello Stefan.

That is exactly the point which makes it so difficult, at least for me. There are ';schoolbook advisors';, but with that, I dont get to a ';very good'; result.

And darkroom is my hobby and therefore, I also want ';at least some'; very good results.

But it is extremely difficult to ';pre-visualize';...

It was last year, with looking at the link, posted from Evita, I think, I got the message. It was really very interesting. Stefan Loeligers comments/pics where also always very usefull!

The other point:

';Profis versuchen Geld zu machen und haben weder die Zeit noch die Liebe ein erstklassiges Bild zu erstellen. Vielleicht wedeln sie deshalb nicht ab. Bei Ansel Adams war das eine Standardtechnik. Es ist doch einfacher einen kleinen, aber bildwichtigen, Teil des Bildes abzuwedeln als nach diesem die gesamte Belichtungszeit auszulegen und alles andere nachzubelichten. Ausserdem bestimmt man die Grundbelichtung nach den Lichtern und nicht nach den Schatten. Die sind es aber die das Abwedeln oft benoetigen. Diese 'Profis' haben keine Ahnung!';

Perhaps this is a bit out of context of the underlying thread.

This is the problem of the internet. Everywhere ';masters of light'; and at the end you dont know what to do, worse, you spend your time reading and thinking about how to do it, instead of actually going into your darkroom.

regards Dietmar
Walnuts may help, also almonds and sun flower seeds.

Do you think yahoo could be held liable for hosting a site where people give-often-bad advice?

this is actually a serious questionDo you think yahoo could be held liable for hosting a site where people give-often-bad advice?
If someone actually comes here for serious advice, they have big time problems.Do you think yahoo could be held liable for hosting a site where people give-often-bad advice?
Only if someone actually takes the advice and something really bad happens.
Nope. There's a disclaimer.
No, Yahoo doesn't endorse anyone's advice.

They monitor because never know who you're speaking to. There are preditors online, and it's not unheard of for someone who is stalk someone and harass them online, OR in person if they're skilled at finding personal information. Some just try to start board wars, and those can get EXTREMELY nasty. Monitoring and reporting can make it safer to post, and weed out the people who are only here to be hurtful..
No, they have a legal disclaimer.
No, Yahoo is not the one GIVING the advice, they simply provide the forum for it.

If a person gave you bad advice in a park, could you sue the city that the park is in? I think not!

Besides, the recipient of the advice is not required to follow it, they have the free will to either accept it or reject it.

And you can't sue someone over an opinion anyway!
The disclaimer is very clear.
I've wondered this myself.

Just because there is a disclaimer , it doesn't negate potential liability. i don't think there is an applicable law yet, or a direct precedent - so the first time we ';get a real answer'; is to see what happens when someone sues.

they have a disclaimer

they thought ahead obviously
well they should do, but even you are still here giving that bad advise lol
Um, no. They aren't making you take it, or even telling you to.
No because it is a site for various opinions you did not pay for this advise it was just given to you freely. if you do not like the opinions you do not have to take the advice.
Not liable, because it's at the individuals free will, but I wouldn't take any solutions to a life or death decisions from here.
No- they cant be held liable b/c it is a 3rd party. And I do not believe that people just give bad advice. Most people on here try to help. I am sorry that u have had such a bad experience on YA.
i've noticed the bad advice too, especially in the singles/dating section. if you have a problem with a significant other, don't post there, all they say is ';break up with them';
no because its not there fault tht ppl post fake info

when you ask a question you need to be prepared and use your own discretion when using advice.
no, because it is up to you to take the advice or not!

What is the worst advice your mother gave you?

What is the worst advice from your own mother you've received?What is the worst advice your mother gave you?
My mother wasn't very open about sex, infact, my birds and the bees talk consisted of ';you know how babies are made don't you? He puts his ';thing'; in her ';thing';,'; - and there you have it - sex education in a nutshell. Marvellous!What is the worst advice your mother gave you?
I agree with Blue Eyes. My mother used to tell me to walk away and I grew up avoiding conflict at all costs and never learned how to stand up for myself. It affects me to this day but has gotten a lot better because I joined the military and gained a lot of confidence in myself and my own abilities.
I don't know where to start..

(This isn't the bad advice, just to the other answers) I always had the advice if someone punch me, to fight back. Later if someone is about to hit you, you swing first.

I don't know where to start though, parents usually don't give to much ';good advice';.
Honestly its how to discipline. Disciplining techniques vary a little or a lot from person to person. How she would discipline my daughter, I NEVER would. I know spanking was ok back in the day but I will not hit my kid, I use the time out strategy and that works for me. This and other minial discipling techniques that I just dont like. And it gets on my nerves when she tells me how the food I feed her is soooo bad compared to her ';from scratch'; homemade cooking. All I can say is whatever. She had her chance to be a parent, now it's mine.
';He's much to little to be drinking out of a sippy cup'; My son at 5 months who was breast fed, she gave him a bottle behind my back. He got so hooked I finally let him cry it out at 28 months.
I honestly can't think of any at the moment. My mom gives awesome advice. I'm still a teen, but even when I'm a parent I don't think she'll second guess me or give me bad advice. She's great.
well once in highschool I had a boyfriend hit me so I told her I was going to dump him and she told me ';you'll regret that';
Stay away from sex and drugs.
Take the Bears and the points. Lost big on that one. Thanks mom!
'when some one starts a fight with you, walk away'
blue eyes got it right on!

That is what my mom would tell me, but it never taught me to stand up for myself.
  • jane iredale
  • Give bad advice or take bad advice?

    I'm pretty good with advice, most of the time...I think I'd rather take bad adviceGive bad advice or take bad advice?;…Give bad advice or take bad advice?
    I'd take bad advice. I would feel horrible if I actually gave someone bad advice.
    give bad advice...purposely!
    Neither one for me...I dont take it and I sure dont try to give it.*
    Take bad advice if I have to choose
    yeah i think i'd rather take bad advice too... advice giving is one of my strong points so i'm told, i wouldnt want to ruin my reputation D:

    plus then you could blame whatever happens on the bad advice lol!
    take bad advice, you would feel guilty if you give anyone bad advice D;
    excuse me but why would anyone chose any of those topics?

    lol i would never wanna give people bad advice and i would never want to hear bad advice either...i would try my best to give as much as good advice i can to people or anyone in any type of situation...
    Give It!
    I do both

    Oh OK I get it, maybe yer like this,

    ';No cross against the light that fast movin car can't possibly hit ya?
    take bad advise.
    Take bad advice because I would know if it's bad .
    i would rather receive it.
    i would take sincere compliments and advise;…

    good with advice...but im with you. id rather take it
    Take bad advice!!

    take bad advice

    How do you think I ate today? Good? Bad? Any advice?

    Breakfast-2 eggs sunny side up cooked in no calorie cooking spray-140 cals

    Lunch-Grilled chicken, red peppers, and black olives cooked in olive oil in a whole grain wrap-350 cals

    Snack-fruit salad with honey dew, cantelope, and watermelon

    Dinner-Chicken breast with green beans and new potatoes-500 calsHow do you think I ate today? Good? Bad? Any advice?
    all the things you have eaten sound good , however you need to eat more . this is barely 1100 cals . and if you are trying to lose weight i advise you eat between 1400-1600 cals and if maintaining 2000 cals.

    add a freshly squeezed orange juice to breakfast and a slice of rye toast. add some low fat live yogurt or a handful of unsalted nuts to your snack and a glass of skim milk to dinner or lunch

    xHow do you think I ate today? Good? Bad? Any advice?
    Thats just under 1000 calories, way to go. I think its obvious to anybody that you made good choices. I wish i could make good choices like you. Yesterday all i had was a redbull - 110 calories and an iced tea - 160 calories. Im really trying to cut weight. Congradulations on being able to do it the healthy way. I went to a hospital one time and they do a healthy diet to keep weight regular. (i wasnt at the hospital for weight issues) but anyways, they made us eat five times a day. So if i were you, i would add a light snack in between breakfast and lunch. because the more calories you take in, in moderation, the more calories you burn.. well if your active. Goodluck.
    Wow, this is a good 3 course meal. Its a lot better than what most people eat. I would try to stick to this often if you haven't already. Good luck!
    You ate very very well! So well done, you are amazingly healthy! Much healthier than anyone I know anyway! Keep it up!! =)
    i think u ate pretty good!! well way better than me!!!

    I have a bad stress headache due to finals, advice?

    I've been studying for finals since Monday, and woke up yesterday with a bad neck-ache (no I didn't sleep wrong) and a stress headache that was getting progressively worse.

    Though it's not as bad, I still have the headache and neck-ache today, and today I actually need to take one of my two finals... luckily, I take them from home since they're online classes, but any advice on the neck-ache/headache other than excedrin? Thanks!I have a bad stress headache due to finals, advice?
    try aromatherapy and a hot steam shower to relax. (still, meds for headaches work the best for me)I have a bad stress headache due to finals, advice?
    I learned this trick in my psyc class and I still use it today.

    1.Let your head fall forward so that your chin touches you neck and hold for 5 seconds

    2.Hold your head back up and move your head to the left so that you are looking across your shoulder and hold for 5 seconds

    3. Repeat step 1

    4. Lift your head up and turn you head to the right and repeat step 2 on the right side.

    Try it! It will work!!!
    Here are two links that will help you a lot more than a bunch of guessing,, these actually work鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    and here is a good site for techniques to help with stress鈥?/a>
    Light a candle, roll up a hand towel and lay down with it under your neck, you can use a pillow too if you need to. Turn the lights off, put a hot wash cloth or something warm over your forehead and eyes and relax for 20 minutes. Make sure that you try to clear your mind completely too.
    Hot baths,

    massaging chair/pillow,

    icy hot patches,

    head on,


    aleve liquid gels.


    drink hot tea

    or try drinking hot soy milk with carmal drizzel

    go get your nails done

    get a face pedicure

    or go eat chineses food and watch a good movie with popcorn

    eat a bowl of ice cream

    good luck

    drink hot apple cider!
    When you get a really bad headache you can not get rid of, Drink a can of Coca-Cola.
    Long hot milk bath, hot tea and icy hot! Good Luck with finals!

    Fair to bad credit, and want to buy first home. How do we approach bank and realtors? Any advice welcome!?

    We are hoping to use the home as collatoral for the loan, is that possible? We have never bought a home. We have paid off three loans successfully, but have poor credit due mostly to medical expenses. Any ideas on how to get a loan officer to not laugh us out of their office?Fair to bad credit, and want to buy first home. How do we approach bank and realtors? Any advice welcome!?
    There are a number of ways to accomplish what you want. Look into assuming a VA loan, or an FHA loan. After all is said and done, the loan is what you are really shopping for, the real estate is just part of 'the deal'. These loan assumptions avoid the 'qualification process' that is often the big hurdle for the first time buyer. Getting into a home, and maintaining good payment history, meaning NO LATE payments, is the fastest way to build credit and standing. After you are established, getting into a different house will present no problems. Chat with a real estate agent, several in fact, and get there opinions. Good Hunting!Fair to bad credit, and want to buy first home. How do we approach bank and realtors? Any advice welcome!?
    Being laugh out of an office is not very uncommon these days. First walk in there with confidence and know what you want. Second DO NOT AND I REPEAT DO NOT fall for a adjustable rate loan or intrest only loan. Most loan officers try to get first time buyer's to consider those kind of loans especially when you have bad or fair credit. Third try to show the loan officer that your paying all of your bills on time and that your also trying to bring your credit score up from all of your medical expenses. Last if they don't even give you a shot save up some money and walk in that place with a nice looking down payment.

    Good Luck
    First skip Premium Loan Sharks. They are running a scam. Get your home loan from a legitimate business, in person.

    Your best bet would be to contact a repuable real estate agent or broker. They can help you and know which local loan agents can get the job done. Don't worry, they see worse tehn you, they won't laugh. Most banks will ignore medical credit, so if those are the worst dings you have you are in good shape.
    Buy Health Insurance.
    First, let me just say that first time home buyers get screwed over all of the time. Find a good real estate agent, but don't go with their ';recommended lender';, most of the time they are working together to make the most money. Try a credit union, most of them have pretty good rates. Don't get screwed just because you want to buy a house. People with bad credit will pay twice as much as people with good credit when all it takes is a year to build your credit back up... think about it
    Bad credit is one of the worst problems to have... however there exists a solution.

    I will hereby talk from my personal experience.

    I did debt consolidation a couple of years ago, however If I had to do it again I would pay to some minor details,

    if someone wants to get out of debt today it is pretty easy with a debt consolidation plan, however it may get a bit tricky at times, I suggest you get as much information as possible online on this first,

    a good place to start in my humble opinion is a straight to the point ebook with question and answer I found :鈥?/a>

    if it helps kindly remember me in your voting!.. cheers!
    I have bad credit and I want to buy a home but no one whats to help can you help me with that?

    Or is there away I can rent to buy a home know?
    Hi there.... I am in the same boat as you...But I have heard that there are places like citifinancial or palces like that and apparently they will help you with your credit and also with your house buying options. Good luck.
    First of all, I suggest you look for lenders with the highest approval rates in your county. One place would be They provide information on the top ten lenders in every US county. So, pick two to three lenders from that list and then have a discussion with them. Good luck!

    Can you give me some bad advice?

    I laced your drink with rat poison.... you have 3 seconds to live!!!Can you give me some bad advice?
    okay yes

    1. eat yellow snow.

    2. sleep with food on your face.

    3. have sex with a brick.

    4. go outside iin winter nudeCan you give me some bad advice?
    Talk inappropriate things in public areas like in school
    Nah, you don't need to wear clean undies when you leave the house.
    Go to the mall and party-boy everyone you see...
    Go play in traffic. :)
    Drink and drive, it's fun!!
    Do what ';colours'; tell you.
    Eat yellow snow..
    YEP------- do all the things everyone in your answers said to do.
    play with matches :)

    I need a car loan for a $10,000 car with $3000 down and bad credit. Does anyone have any good advice?

    I went looking for a car today and wasturned down left and right for $6000 car loan. I recieved the same answer from every bank, they are only willing to finance people with prime credit no matter how much you put down or are willing to pay monthly. What should I do? I almost cried cause I need a car badly and don't want a trash car I mean cash car.I need a car loan for a $10,000 car with $3000 down and bad credit. Does anyone have any good advice?
    I think you have raised the bar too high. You are asking to go add more debt to your credit record (which, yes, most banks are not going to touch right now), when you should be repairing your credit record. If you need to spend the time repairing your credit, then having a car payment each month only adds to the responsibility you have to carry. Not wise.

    Don't scoff at paying cash for a vehicle. When you do so, it belongs to you, not the bank. It's less expensive to insure as well, keeping in mind that most banks require full-coverage insurance when you finance their vehicle.

    Pay cash for this vehicle. Find you something that will get you around for the next year or so. Make sure you have it checked out by a licensed mechanic.

    Then, for the next year, shove back $300 or so (which you would have paid each month on a used car with bad credit) into the bank. At the end of the year, you'll have $3600 and a paid-off car. If you desire to get another vehicle, you can sell the one you have for probably close to what you paid for it, and add that cash to the $3600 you have. So, now after only a year you can go out and pay CASH for a $6000 car instead of owing. Sound better?

    Keep this up for several years, you'll be able to pay cash for a newer car that'll be yours.

    So many folks put on the blinders and want that newer car NOW, and are willing to put themselves further into debt. Don't be one of them.I need a car loan for a $10,000 car with $3000 down and bad credit. Does anyone have any good advice?
    Sorry. But the truth is you will have to pay cash for a car. Nobody will lend you money for one. Which you found out. Bad credit = no loan. Not from any bank, credit union, or outside lenders.

    You also ruined your credit even more by getting all those turn downs. They are now on your three credit histories and are red flags even to predator lenders. It's not what you wanted to hear. And it really sucks. But it's the truth of what you're facing. It's cash only for you.
    Have you tried your local federal credit union? Also do you have credit card? If you have like citicard or capitalone and you have good history with them then these companies are likely to give you a loan.
    You're stuck with getting a car for that $3000.

    Who's to say a $10,000 car isn't trash and was well maintained anyway?

    You are a bad ;lending risk. You = beggar. Beggar can not = choosy.
  • jane iredale
  • What makes someone a bad kisser? Other advice asked!?

    I want some serious advice not something really immature, and baby like don’t say I am to young to worry about kissing, because Im not so I will not give out my age, but I was just wondering how do you kiss like what do you do with your teeth ? What if your tongues collide? What if you don’t kiss “right”? Is there any way to practice? And what makes someone a “bad kisser';?What makes someone a bad kisser? Other advice asked!?
    I hate when they go bonkers trying to do movie star kisses. Those are really awkward and kind of uncomfortable.

    I like nice, soft, sweet kisses.

    Can anyone give advice on how to change my bad attitude?

    Recently I've been so irritable. People in school think I'm the sweetest thing ever, but they don't know my other side. Sometimes I'm ready to explode. I have so much emotion that I just want to rip someone apart. I don't want to do anything that's irrational so can someone give me advice. Don't tell me anything about medication because that's not the answer. i will be seeing my school counselor pretty soon. I could be a complete ***** sometimes and I hate that about myself. My own actions which seem uncontrollable sometimes make me cry. I just want to explode. Maybe i have to much time on my hands. I'm not so thrilled about my environment. I don't have the good friends that I want and guys always send me mixed signals. People see me as a very sweet and understanding person, yet they don't know me at all. I don't want to take crap from anyone. So much anger.Can anyone give advice on how to change my bad attitude?
    Behavior is learned and it can be unlearned. I'm not a fan of medication and think it should be the very last resort. Nothing you have said makes me think you need medication. Seeing a counselor is a very good first step. Your feelings are not unique to you alone. Many of us feel that if the world knew who we really were, we would be rejected. Do you feel like you're fooling the world with your attitude of ';sweetest thing';? That's a common feeling. I think you are unwilling to accept yourself as a good person. Society does not allow us to express our true feelings at all times, so we stuff them deep inside. Practical advice-seek out the people you would like to emulate and make them your friends. Your time is school is short and school pressure is high. When you leave school, many of your friends will be out of your life. Take a broader prospective on life. If you can remember this simple prayer, it may help. ';God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.'; You do not have to pray or believe in God, but study the wisdom in that prayer. Accept yourself and accept the things that anger you and you cannot fix. Do not seek perfection. Live in the ';now';; the moment you are in. You need to really be honest with your counselor and talk out your feelings. You are burying too much. Finally, buy and read a simple book on meditation. It has nothing to do with religion. Use the techniques in the book. You are not feeling anything that the rest of us have not also felt. You only need a coping mechanism. You know your friends aren't good for you, so change them. Sorry to be so long-winded. Good luck.Can anyone give advice on how to change my bad attitude?
    Always remember honey is sweeter than lemons when u smile a t someone they are bound to smile back.If u frown at someone they will frown back.I learnt this myself i was bitter and also angry sometimes wondering why I was.There must be something bothering u for u 2 feel this way and u should try to find out what the real problem is.Is yr self esteem high enough?You gotta do something to make yrself feel good aobut yrself.And guys...Try not to worry aobut them i think u r young so there is and will be plenty of fish in the sea for u in yr lifetime.And u shouldnt have to take any crap from anyone either u can still be sweet and strong minded never let anyone walk all over u so stay that way.good luck I hope u find some happiness go for a walk when u feel down it helps me .
    take deep breaths %26amp; exhale, do several times. try going for power walks in your free time. try yoga

    try doing good deeds or when you feel angry write a poem or song expressing your feelings

    get an ipod %26amp; listen to music
    if you know you r this way let some one else treat you like garbage it will change you

    ps i may be bias because my father sounds just like that when he walks in a room everyone runs he needs attention 25-8 and hes an evil bastared when he smiles he has to use ever muscle in his body dont be like him I REPEAT DONT BE LIKE HIM GET SOME HELP
    xanax or valium.
    smoke a little weed once in a while...

    it will definately calm you down, and it cheers most people up.
    I'm a war veteran. I used to have so much anger that once I put my fist thru a door actually my whole arm, I could look around the door and wave at myself. Others didn't know the real me but God did. When I found out that I needed help I turned to HIM, gave HIM my problems. Can't remember what some of my problems were. Now there are times when I notice the beauty and fragrance of the trees and flowers and hear the birds in the morning. Usually when I have a lady friend to walk on the beach with. O HEY! have you noticed lately how quickly the sun sets once it meets the ocean? Now when I'm angry, sad, depressed,you name it ,I spend time with the LORD, HIS WORD.. the Bible brings me peace usually in less than a minute.It's fantastic. The only thing it doesn't affect is loneliness. I have to go directly to HIM for that.
    Sounds like a mixture of PMS, and stress, and loneliness,

    Need to take you birthcontrol pills and if you aren't taking any then start.

    next find a way to get to the salon , to get a manicure and pedicaure once a week, i always feel prettier and happier and less stressed out after a good visit to the salon.

    finally and most importantly,

    you need to '; RELEASE'; the sexual tension.

    Vibrators and masterbation are the best way to go, if you don't have a fellow yet.

    Once you've done this for about amonth you'll be relaxed and feeling back to normal, and then your Signals won't be confusing either.

    I mean its kinda like shaking a soda bottle, of course your gonna explode, at some point you have to unscrew the cap.

    and just let it out.

    Good luck

    well when im angry...i write in my helps a LOT....u get all that bad stuff out and then u feel much better...i suggest that u start writing
    Being Calm is a state of mind not action

    Being Angry is a state of emotion.

    If you can get your mind and emotion controlled by your will.

    You will be the most perfect person who ever lived

    Good luck
    I know from my own experience and that of my daughter, hormones are to blame. At your age they are raging. Expecially around that time of month. Something that helped my daughter was birth control pills. I also take a small dose of antidepressant. It is a miracle drug for that type of symptoms. It is not that you are depressed but it has some effect on your nervous system. I wish I had taken it when I was younger. My life would have been so much easier. I know you mentioned that you did not want to take drugs, but sometimes that is the only answer. Talk with your gynecologist. Since I have been taking a small dose of Celexa, I stopped screaming at the microwave and crying over roadkill. A natural aide is St John's Wart. You can get this in the health food section of your local stores. I wish you well in your search for some relief.
    find a cold lake and jump into it
    Find someone that you can vent to, a friend, coworker, family member, someone. Then when you are done venting, just smile, it will make your day go a whole lot better. When something goes wrong, just take a deep breathe and count to 10 to calm yourself.

    :) :) :) :)

    I like the kickboxing idea above.....
    When you start to get tight, my best advise for you is to think about God. Whatever concept you have of God is OK. Just sit down, close your eyes and breathe deep slow and steady. As you do that just think about God.

    I guarantee you that you may notice an immediate calm come to you and if not right away do not give up the practice, because it will work.

    You will find an overwhelming sense of peace and wholeness and tranquility.
    I commend you for realizing your attitude and wanting to change it, you have made your first step into conquering ';the Beast';. You sound like it's a mix of hormones and something that happened to you that is really bad and you can't come to terms with. Something so buried inside that you are afraid to let it out but it's so strong that it's overflowing, coming through your pores if you will.

    There is nothing wrong with being angry as long as you deal with it wisely. Counseling is good but you really have to feel safe and secure, trust your counselor. If you aren't happy with that one find one that you trust. You need to bleed your soul of whatever it is, it may be concious or not, it could be something you aren't even aware of. It could be your parents, your friends, your siblings. Maybe people think your sweet and take advantage of you and you kind of let them. We do that sometimes to be accepted and that is only human so don't feel bad. There might have been an incident when you were small or several things.

    I am glad that you are getting help, you are a good person inside and you deserve to be happy in life and this can't be a happy time for you. Try to find your smile again, life sucks and what little happiness you can squeeze out of it is worth it. Find the people who will stand with you when you fall and stand for you when you can't. Good luck and I hope you feel better.
    hey sister...i have the same problem..i am 18 years of age..ppl think i am really sweet n bubbly..but my truth is i smoke 10 ciggs per day n cut myself every other day...i dont know what to do...i am helpless..but one advice i can give u..time will heal..also try making some friends who can understand u..maybe people on the net..because u can give ur emotions in a better way...actually my answer makes no i'l pray things get fine for me n u.,.

    take care
    anti-depressants....but you can't learn to be patient. you have to teach yourself
    Accept and embrace ALL that you are... stop trying to the one others ';expect'; you to be. So you are human...great! Human beings are light and dark, angry and peaceful, sweet and sour. Integrate all aspects of yourself lovingly.
    Medication would not be a good idea, to start off with. Sometimes when people look inside themselves, they can find where the problem lies. If you step back and assess the situation at hand, you'll figure out what the solution is. If that doesn't work, find somewhere private, take a deep breathe, and just let all the tension go. If this helps count to ten, backwards. Sometimes people over-exaggerate the problem at hand. It might even be something as small as somebody making an ff-hand remark about something they think that you did wrong. But, in reality they screwed something up trying to blame you for something that they did wrong. All the ';crap'; that people are giving out, you shouldn't let it have any affect on you. As long as you're comfortable with who you are. Because regardless of what anybody else has to say about you, all you have to remember is this: You Are Beautiful
    communication is the key to relationships....never keep things bottled up inside....ever.....also it is not the circumstances that affect is your attitude towards those circumstances and environments......if you have anger.....tell some one you are angry at them in a calm, sensitive manner.
    well you cant really change it i am the same way a lot of the time but what i do to get away from my anger is go to the gym and run as fast as i can
    It sounds like you're being a typical teenager. Chill a bit, play some videogames, read a book, go for a run, talk to your mum.. heck anything just to get it off your mind.
    I can get like you sometimes, it's normal and it's okay.

    I don't mean to sound rude, but how your sex life?

    When I start to feel that way I just call up my boyfriend, ilpinman and he bends me over and sets me straight!!! ;)
    Sounds like your describing me, find something to occupy your mind so you want think about it so much.

    Reading, sports or maybe even a boyfriend.
    Join the club honey...the thing is i feel bad for you cause you need what they call an ';outlet'; a way for you to get your anger and frustration across in a healthy way. You need some type of hobby or something you can do when you feel this way..this will calm you down and teach you patience. Counselors are good however maybe if you ran everyday or went to the gym...took up some craft or something...beading is very calming you might feel better!!!
    Stop taking life and yourself so seriously.

    Take up a hobby like kickboxing.
    There is a video out about the rules of attraction, and it simplifies it better than i can. I saw it at college, freshman year. Don't remeber the name of it, but it actually works. What you are doing when you are getting so irratable and ready to explode is attractring a negative force. I know it sounds korny as hell, but try to believe it. When you start your day off bad you start the cycle of attracting negative things, this just starts a cycle of frustration, and irratability. You can actually bring positive and good things to you.. Some people pray for them and some just ask. What ever works for you, you must think of positive good things to attract them. There are so many ways to do this. Hang up somethying you want that makes you feel good, or somethings you really want, whether it be a good mood , happiness, or even material items. This is called the rule of attraction. You have to attract positive stuff that you want, that means thinking about it, hangin a picture up, setting goals, talking about them, praying about them, what ever it takes to attract those things. Right now with all this anger built up you are attracting negative and it is pulling you into a downward spiral, that is only getting worse. So to get out of it, this might sound silly but, you need to attract positive and things that make you tick. So my suggestion, make a list at least 10 things that you are happy for, and 10 things you want out of your life. Keep goals, vizualize and try to attract the stuff you want out of life, and try not to attract the anger and negative stuff you dont want. Positive begets positive, and negative begets negative. I know its easier said then done. Wish you well..

    Why do some people think Yahoo Answers is a bad place to get advice?

    Okay some people are stupid and just waste peoples time. But there are quite a few who do give good advice. Often you can see bad answers and some good advice when you ask a question. So why do some people not like it here?Why do some people think Yahoo Answers is a bad place to get advice?
    Of course it is a bad place to get advice. Because some people run for POINTS.Why do some people think Yahoo Answers is a bad place to get advice?
    maybe it is asking advice from complete strangers. Or maybe it is the recieving bad advice, along with the good, and not knowing how to ';take what you can, and leave the rest.'; In other words, even bad advice might be helpful, in some way (you know what not to do, for example). Many people don't think that way, and thusly think that because there is so much bad advice, there is nothing to be gained from it. Not true.
    Garbage questions made garbage answers, don't blame others.
    You can't please all of the people all of the time. I am sure that Yahoo Answers better serves some types of users (and questions) than others. Every great online application has its detracters and many people are open to criticize, however poorly formed thier opinion may be.
    I have no idea why they do not like it here. I try to give a good answer no matter the question but i think it is those that want the points and are in the points race that make this not fun! The points do nothing but give u more questions to answer. I do try to find questions i think i can give a good answer to.

    Have a great day!! :-)
    five fingers of our hand is not of equal size.

    so different people has different opinion.;-$
    people seem to forget how easy it is to lie over the Internet and the supposed great advice you are getting about your court case or health problem can be given by a 14 yr old girl or a 40 yr man chain smoking in his mothers basement.

    this is a free sight that is for enjoyment purposes trying to answers life questions on here can be silly and dangerous. people need to remember that when they log on to here. remember though that you always have the choice to skip questions you don't like and skip over answers you don't like
    In my opinion, some people believe whatever they read on line is the absolute truth. So they take the advice from a stranger and if it does not work out they blame that person who answered their question.

    The average person knows that the Internet is full of millions of people from all walks of life and they are not the ones to ask for their final answer to any question. You could be led down a path of no return...if you are on line to joke around and have fun that is something else but if you are here to find a serious answer for a health problem that would be taking a big chance if you thought the answer was correct and followed their response. In the end reading all the answers you have to be the judge and each answer and weigh each one most of the time common sense will tell you if it's a smart or stupid answer. It's a great place to be entertained and learn something on occasion.

    Interresting notice u hv there!

    I'm with u! U sometimes receive some really lame answers on questions u really take seriously. But about 70 to 80 % of the time, advices n answers are really useful, n personally, they help me alot solving my issues. It's a really nice thing, just sharing things with people u dnt know.
    Because people aren't qualified to give advice. If I ask whether I should kill myself, some people will say yes, and others will give some retardate soundbite about it all being worthwhile.

    People answer for the sake of finding some purpose in their dreary and unfulfilled lives, like me, for example. But clearly, three quarters of the posts are terrible advice, and most of the people on here are too dumb to tell the good from the bad.
    It can vary greatly. The answers can depend on the question asked, or sometimes, people on here are just messing around. If you ask a questions, you will get a mix of both smart and sarcastic if you are serious about a questions, nine times out of ten you can weed out the good ones from the people playing around.

    Need advice on bad credit car loan?

    I'm single and I rent my apt. I have a steady job making 45k year with direct deposit but bad credit. I see advertisements for these bad credit car loan places? Is it possible for me to get an 18k loan without a cosigner in the real world from one of these places or am I wasting my time? Has anyone ever worked for one of these places or been in my position and rec'd a loan %26amp; where from, what company?Need advice on bad credit car loan?
    Auto finance is what I do for a living and your best bet will be to find a large dealer the advertises Special Finance and go talk to the Manager.

    Stay away from the buy here pay here places because over 90% of them do not report to the credit bureaus.

    In almost 8-years of doing this, I can not remember anyone that could prove their income and had enough of a down payment that I did not get approved someplace.Need advice on bad credit car loan?
    The best way to buy a car is with cash. If you can't afford to pay cash for a car, then you can't afford it. Save up and buy a used car. When you want to buy a better one, save up some more cash and repeat the process. Car loans will make you poor because you are paying more (interest) for a car that is losing value everyday that you drive it.

    Want to get my 7 month old's ears pierced. Any advice, good experience and bad experience stories?

    I went to Claire's today, but their earrings do not have screws at the back, although they say it is impossible for the infant to take off the stopper. Wal-mart earrings have a screw on back. Then I've heard that a needle is safer because it can be sterilized whereas a gun cannot be sterilized. But where do you go to get a piercing with with needles? Please share your experiences and any advise. Please do not answer if you are going to tell me how cruel I am. Thank you.Want to get my 7 month old's ears pierced. Any advice, good experience and bad experience stories?
    Personally, I think it's unsafe because they can rip them out and I feel body modification should be up to the person themselves.

    If you absolutely must do it, find a reputable tattoo/piercing boutique that uses needles to pierce and not a gun. Or see if your daughter's pediatrician can do it.

    DO NOT use a mall store like Claire's, they are not clean enough and they do not have enough experience.Want to get my 7 month old's ears pierced. Any advice, good experience and bad experience stories?
    Please rethink your decision and let your daughter decide and have the fun of having it done when she is a teenager. It will mean so much if she has to wait for the experience. I would hate to see a baby suffer with and infected ear lobe which can happen. You must ask yourself if you are doing it for her or for you?
    O gosh..yes it would be cute, but from experience i would say wait till she is at least 10 years old. I had my daughters ears pierced when she was 6 months and i wish i didn't. She suffered so much with it. It kept getting infected , even with the round earrings!! so i did it again when she was about 7 years and still had the same problem now at 10 she finally got it good, thank goodness. At this age (10) they can take care of it much better and it took my daughter a whole year!!
    I just ahd my 6 month old daughter's ears pierced at Claire's, and it's only been about 3 weeks, and already they look fine! It was hell getting the antiseptic on though, as she would fuss and cry cuz I had to hold her down, I felt so bad! But now, she doesn't even notice, and I can put the antiseptic on no problem! The good thing about this is you can put whatever color you want on her, and not have to worry about just pink and purple. My daughter's doc said it would be better to do it young, because by the time they discover their ears, they'll be healed. Just keep an eye on them!
    I had my daughter's ears pierced at five months. I got them done at Corey's Jewlers (2 years ago). I got her some diamond studs with the screw backs. i had no problems. I don't know about the needle i don't think that is a good idea. you need to do it with the gun and if possible go when two people can do them at the same time. I have seen that done also.. You can also check with the pediactrician. i know some of them pierce babies ears also so that might work for you if you are concerned with them being steril you know.. But i would go ahead and do it.. If you wait till they are older they notice things more and probably would pull at their ears but my daughter didn't. she didn't cry long either i just gave her the bottle and she was fine..
    You have to go to professional peircing/tattoo shop to get pierced with needles. But please don't do it.

    Every infant I have seen getting their ears pierced (and I work at claires so I've seen a lot) they are scared and they cry. Imagine how freaked out your baby will be when some guy goes to stick a needle through their ear. I imagine that's scarier than a gun. Probably hurts more too. Plus how is an infant going to tell you if they're ears hurt or itch. What if they become infected? Or your child is allergic to the metals? You'll have to wait until they're red and inflammed...I say wait until the kid gets older and tells you she wants them pierced. What if when she gets older she wont want them pierced? That's what happened with me. My mother pierced my ears when I was 1. I think ear rings are stupid looking and I hate the fact that I will forever have holes in my ears.

    Everyones saying the hole will close up if she decides to take them out. I was 16 when I started hating mine and took them out. So I had them pierced for 15 years. Now I'm almost 22 and I still have a holes in my ears. They are still there and visible. Little scars. You can't get rid of them

    Look at me getting a thumbs down. When I gave her the exact answer she wanted. I gave her personal experiences and told her where to get ears pierced with needles. I never once told her she was cruel. I gave her advise...which she asked for.
    i know you said to not answer if you were gonna be cruel but anyhoo....

    you shouldn't get your child's ears pierced until they themselves are old enough to say mom i wanna do this
    I had my daughter's ears pierced at Piercing Pagoda at the mall when she was 5 months old. She cried for maybe a minute and then was fine. They used a gun and gave us cleaning solution. We have not had any infections or problems. And there is not a screw on the back of the earring, but she has never pulled them out in the 11 months she's had them. (She's 16 mo. now.) Hope this helps!
    Hi, Did you check with your pediatrician? Just asking because I know my pediatricians office does ear peircing for free and you know they would be sterile. I don't think it matters if the earing has a stopper or a screw on back, it is whatever makes you feel more comfortable. I definately don't think its cruel, I think it's would be cruel to wait at least this way she won't remember if it hurts. I know for my neices first birthday I took her to get her ears peirced (and the meany that I am, I made her go first) but she didn't even cry. She was a little startled but otherwise just fine... me on the otherhand, I was a ball of nerves lol
    are u also willing to tattoo your baby
    think it over completely. is it for you or for the baby?

    i have a sister that got her ears done with a needle as a baby. she wouldn't have it any other way because she's too scared to do anymore now. mom said the person she went to only pierces baby ears. she had little hoops that was the size of her ear lobes. my mother had a collection of them in various sizes. so as she grew it got replaced.

    i got mines later at ten with a gun. didn't hurt at all. i was a tom boy though and they ended up getting infected...badly. had to have pus drained and then stitches. was advised by the doctor that if i want to have it done later in life i need to do two things. get it done in a doctor's office because of the scar from the stitches and get 20k or above jewlery. i was allergic to the cheap metal in the claire's store that was probably the main reason why the infection got so bad so quickly. never got them repeirced. never got the guts to trust that the gold is actually as pure as it says it is. maybe later.

    scared that my daughter would go through the same reaction...i ended up not doing any for them and letting them chose if they wanted to or not later in life. my oldest is 8 and doesn't care for them.
    I just pierced my 7 month olds ears a few weeks ago and she has done awesome. If she doesn't want them later (as far as letting her make her own decision) she could NOT wear them!! and as far a walmart i went there and they used a gun its fast and done and they are new cartridges so it couldn't be that bad. Not to mention how many ears have they pierced. LOTS!! But always remember that every ones different if they get infected and U were keeping them clean maybe you should wait and be sure shes not going to be one of those that cant really have their ears pierced. As far as the needle goes i wouldn't even try it she will never stay still enough and would u do that to your self? I know i couldn't. Good luck and don't let all the cruel people who cant read make you feel bad for wanting to do it.
    Why can't you wait till she's old enough to decide whether or not SHE wants to be subjected to that kind of pain? Sounds like you just want to do cause you think it's trendy....Why don't you get her lip and her eyebrow done at the same time. It'll save you time in the long run.........
    Horrible idea.
    don't do it. let her make her own decision at 13. i know too many babies who have ripped the earrings out. not pleasant.
    as far as i know the only place you can get a piercing with an actual needle is in a tattoo / piercing shop and the will probably not pierce a 7 month old. i would ask the person who is doing it how many babies ears they have done. get in there and make sure that they are even. i got my first holes at 5 and they are off and it looks funny unless i wear drop type earrings.
    Go ahead do it. Its a good idea to do it sooner because baby's skin is soft now and will heal faster. They don't really notice it a this age and won't pull on ears but if you do it later then she will pull on her ears and make it worse or even if she doesnt do that, it will take longer time to heal.

    Make sure that you use Gold earrings because that way there is less chance of getting infections. This is recommended. Don't do it with the needles.

    Keep an eye on your bby for the first few days when you get it done.
    i had both of my girls ears pierced ,they were 2 months old. i had them done at claire's. no problems at all. you just have to make sure you use the cleaner they give you everyday, and rotate the earrings everyday... i WOULDN'T use screw on backs. think about it what if it gets snagged on something,it will rip her ear. i think i would rather lose the earring. neither one of mine cried, they did it so good there. good luck..
    I personally would never have my child's ears pierced with anything but the gun. You have to think that that is what people are more experienced in using.....besides, it's super fast.

    I didn't have my first daughters ears pierced until she was 3.

    I had my second daughters ears pierced when she was 5 months. I was scared, not sure if I wanted to. But I thought to myself, if I go ahead and do it now, then she'll be used to it and like it later....Not like my first daughter who hates earrings and doesn't like to wear them.

    It was fine. I went to Claire's. The first ear, she didn't cry. I was shocked. The second one....she did cry. I was SO upset!! I hated myself!!! lol but that was just a mother for ya. I am very happy with it now. She didn't pull on hers then, but sometimes she does now.

    Screw backs are not even necessary. The others work just fine....You'll clean them everyday anyway and can check them when you that.

    What would you do in this situation? I need advice bad!?

    I am a junior in college. There is this boy in one of my classes who I think is so cute and I would really like to get to know him. I have only talked to him once, but its IMPOSSIBLE to talk in class because a) we sit on opposite sides of the room and b) it would just be really awkward. do you think he would find it weird if i friended him on facebook? i'm pretty sure he would recognize me, i am hard to miss. I just dont want to make things awkward. what should i do? thanks!What would you do in this situation? I need advice bad!?
    Just request him on Facebook.

    It wont be akward.
  • jane iredale
  • I have a really bad habit, can anyone give me advice?

    I bite my nails and i wanna stop but its so hard for me. If you can give me some input, that would be great!I have a really bad habit, can anyone give me advice?
    --Suck on your fingers.

    --Sit on your hands when you feel the urge.

    And for the finale..

    Pick your ears. You won't want to bite your nails with the taste. It's naaaasty!I have a really bad habit, can anyone give me advice?
    There is a product sold in stores like Walgreens; Rite Aid; CVS etc. Go into the nail polish isle. I can't think of the name of it right now but it's a clear polish. Just tell the counter person that you want to stop biting your nails. It's a clear base polish and it has a nasty bitter taste to it. But it's not harmful because this product is strictly sold for this purpose. You put the polish on your nails and every time you go to bite your nails believe me you will keep your fingers out of your mouth because of the taste.
    get something called ';Thum'; - made for infants/toddlers but works for adults too - available at most groceries
    Hey theres supposed to be some stuff at walmart in the cosmetics section for nail biting. my daughters tell me it tastes really nasty(lol). you put it on and you dont like the taste so you quit.
    i used to bite my nails to but what i did was i would put nail polish remover on my nails and then whenever i tryed tyo bite them it would be nasty tasting.. it worked for me
    i have the same habit. cut them short so there is nothing to bite
    put a rubber band around your rist and when you bite your nails, snap it! lol my friend does that and it works pretty well for her
    Try to find out what is causing you to bite your nails. Are you nervous? Are you bored? Get rid of the cause. Distract yourself from the problem. When I lost my job I started biting my nails and I never did before -- after I realized when it started I could deal with the problem. It worked for me!

    You can do it!
    I suggest you try the nail polish that tastes bad (available at WalMart), but as soon as you're used to it, it won't bother you. Also, pick a date you want to stop, and keep yourself busy so you will resist biting them. You can start chewing sugar free gum, sucking on hard candy, etc., to keep yourself from biting. Biting your nails can be dangerous, and you can poison yourself in the long run. Giving yourself manicures (or getting one) can make you less likely to bite your nails because you want to keep that clean glamorous look. Good luck. If you set this goal and stick to it, you're sure to achieve.
    preoccupied your mind. do some hand activities. that'll help
    i bit my nails all the time but to stop i go and get my nails done with acrylics and it works for me but ther is this cream u put on and every time u go to bit ur nails it taste bad i dont nowhats its called tho sorry
    bite your toenails and give your fingers a rest that's my idea. Also try Prozac.
    Have your teeth pulled. It worked for me.
    i do it too.. but the thing that has kinda helped for me right now currently is to just pick one nail that you promise not to bite and then after its grown just keep telling yourself that its too pretty to bite and then continue with other ones. thats actually helped me a lot. good luck!!
    I've had that problem all my life. Start getting into your nails. For years I got my nails done so I wasn't able to bite them but now I grow my own. Maybe you should try getting your nails done, leave them on for a couple of months so your nails can grow then get them taken off. Once you see how long your nails off, you won't want to bite them.. try it to see....
    I have the same bad habit.. I heared you can scratch soap with your nails they will smell good and taste so bad :-) and that may stop you of biting them you can also try to remember always to stop yourself and maybe you need to calm
    You could try wearing gloves all the time to deter you from biting your nails. I don't know if that would work but it's the only thing I can think of. Hope this helps!
    apply nail polish to it of maybe natural colour that will give keep you off it for some time

    self consciousness will help just avoid it whenever you catch yourself doing it
    The way I stopped was, When I got engaged, I wanted nice nails so when I showed off my engagement ring I would have nice nails, and that made me stop biting my nails, so, just image you are getting engaged and want to show off a big diamond, and that might do the trick. !
    you should use nail polish in your hands...thats what all girls do and when ever they un-color their nails they are all like,';omg i need to do em again!!!!';
    Dip your fingernails in the oily substance around a horse's anus. Guaranteed to work, also called the cowboy's poultice. Also works on chapped lips.
    hot sauce on the nails, let it dry. Next time you start chewing, hoo boy!!!
    i used this nail polish for biters call nobite. omg. tastes like $h!t. it made me stop.
    put some icky soap or some nasty hand sanitizer on them or make a reward system if you dont do it for a week, go shopping! thats what I do for my habit
    Polish your nails really nicely and then you won't want to ruin them
    chew gum instead . . . try getting a professional manicure or polish them yourself . . maybe you'll be less prone to bite them if they look pretty . . . and just make a conscious effort not to do it . . . keep telling yourself that you want pretty long nails . . and pretty soon they will start to grow and you will love the way they look and you'll never bite them again . .

    just whatever you do . . don't get acrylic nails or anything like that . . your nails will never grow right again . . .
    They make a nail polish you can put on your nails that make them taste very bitter. So that every time you bite them you get that taste in your mouth. I'm sure they sell it at any drug store. Try that out.
    There's a nail polish is stores that tastes bitter and it's for people like you and it's really useful.
    Keep lotion on your hands
    I bite my nails too, and some people tell me its because im nervous, but when im biting my nails i have nothing to be nervous about...try getting your nails done or putting something nasty on your nails to stop you from doing it.

    Im think im having bad signs in early pregnancy. Need advice please?

    I am 7 and a half weeks pregnant and i've previously had 2 miscarriages. For the past week i've been getting a bad vaginal stinging sensation. I've been to the doctors for a swab and it all came back ok as well as my bloods and urine. Im also worried as my breasts aren't as sore and I'm not as tired anymore and i don't think thats normal but I'm unsure. any advice please? i'm really worried. thanksIm think im having bad signs in early pregnancy. Need advice please?
    Your tests have all come back normal which is a very good sign. Your breasts don't stay sore throughout your whole pregnancy, they are normally sore at the start and end of pregnancy, and tiredness comes and goes, you might find this week you are alert and full of beans but next week you will feel dead tired and have no energy.

    The second trimester will be the easiest part of your pregnancy although your still 5 weeks away from that.

    As you know from experience, you can't prevent a miscarriage, if it's going to happen it's going to happen. You have done everything right by going and getting yourself checked out by the doctor, but nothing seems to be wrong so the best thing you can do right now is stop worrying because that will cause you unnecessary stress and you shouldn't stress yourself while your pregnant.

    Good luck and I really hope it works out for you this time xIm think im having bad signs in early pregnancy. Need advice please?
    Im 7 weeks %26amp; 2 days pregnant and i was really tired at the beginning now i feel drained around 4pm but i pick back up again, ive endometerious and my ovaries get very sore during the day but just like before i got pregnant. Now and again my breast feel a bit funny but ive no sickness or anything else. Got my first Dr's apt next Tuesday.

    Hope all goes well with your pregnancy

    This is our first %26amp; ive a load of questions to ask him.
    You will be worried after having been through 2 miscarriages before!

    It sounds like everything is fine but if you want some reassurance you need to go back to your Doctor, explain your concerns (which he should understand due to the circumastances) and ask for some beta hcg tests to reassure yourself that they are continuing to increase and the baby is fine, alternatively ask if you could be referred for a scan to put your mind at rest, once you see and hear the heartbeat, you will feel tons better!

    Take care, I'm sure all will be fine!
    the exact same thing happened to me, 2 miscarriages this year then some stinging and bleeding with cramping during this pregnancy at 8 weeks,,,i thought i was miscarrying again but turns out i was just worrying to much,,,,,,every change in pregnancy should be enjoyed but because of past experiences they scare the hell out of you!%26lt; you just need to rest, drink plenty of water and take it easy,,,,,,im 22 weeks now!!!!!
    everything you have said including the 2 miscarriage's. is the same thing that's happened to me.. you re mind is working overtime.... don't worry at all wont do you any good. your pregnancy is going great you are going great and soon you will be a mum... i had 2 miscarriage's im pregnant now 6 months along.... because u had this experience makes it harder but it doesn't mean u are unable to carry a baby, just means at that time they baby's weren't ready to be here.. keep taking UR folic acid and chill .. my symptoms disappeared about 8 weeks i went to doctor he said to enjoy i was a lucky one and as for the vaginal stinging i had it 2. it went away and came back about 14 weeks. ure body's going through a lot things are going to get weird doesn't mean anything wrong .. good luck xxxxxxxxxxxx
    i understand your fear even though im blessed with kids i had a misscarrage at the start of the year i was early but i really wanted it and im lucky to be 34 weeks now but hun when your first pregnant your body goes through allot of changes aches and pains as for sore boobs mine woukd hurt on and of i was told it was because when your hormone levels rise they hurt more so they would be sore some times more then others so hun try to relax and take things easy till you get past those 12 weeks good luck hun
    im sure everything is ok some people dont have symptoms at all my friend was like that she was worried to there is only a few weeks difference between me and her and i was sick tired sore and everything and she had nothing

    you havent mentioned any bleeding so thats a good sign just take it easy anyway

    good luck and wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy

    Amy xx
    that's normal ur body is just getting used to be pregnant so is coping with it better plus u will be excited so that will be keeping u going. I had more energy at the end of my pregnancy than the beginning i was like a zombie in the 1st few weeks
    I have no idea about pregnancies, but I wish you and and baby all the best. I hope all goes well and please don't worry too much. Be positive about it. :-)

    I have a low voice. When I sing high songs by Queen, my Adam's Apple goes us 1.25 in. Is this bad? Advice?

    My throat hurts when I hit particularly high notes, and sometimes becomes a little hoarse. I usually stop singing when this happens. Is it really bad for my throat? Do I have a raised larynx? Are these connected in anyway? Will it adversely affect singing ability?I have a low voice. When I sing high songs by Queen, my Adam's Apple goes us 1.25 in. Is this bad? Advice?
    Your larynx is raised and you have tension in your throat and jaw.

    Try relaxing your jaw and using your lower abdomen to sing. Your lower abdomen is the gasoline that helps your breath resonate into your facial bones and out. Your vocal chords should not be involved in any way while you are singing. I believe that you are trying to create sound in your throat and your vocal chords are slamming together (hurting) when you vocalize. You are probably not releasing your jaw when you try to hit the higher notes - so open your mouth. Also the higher you go, the more abdominal support you need.

    You can do major damage if you continue to sing your way because it will cause nodes (calluses) on your chords and you won't be able to sing properly. Nodes can be treated in two ways: silence or surgery.

    If you really want to learn how to support your breath properly find a voice teacher who can help you ';belt'; in a healthy way and be conscious of your technique until it becomes muscle memory.

    Good luck!I have a low voice. When I sing high songs by Queen, my Adam's Apple goes us 1.25 in. Is this bad? Advice?
    I sincerely ignore it. Myself, and although I don't think my voice can be classified as ';low';, I get very frustrated when trying to sing along with Chris Cornell...

    Another one of those is ';What a fool believes'; by the Doobie Brothers. I can do the backing vocals, but my throat must hate me afterwards.

    As for the adam's apple, I haven't noticed any displacement.

    Perhaps pushing with your diaphragm might help a little bit, but basically I think its genetics.

    I know how you feel, I have a low voice as well. I also love singing queen songs, let's face it, guys like us aren't meant to sing Freddie Mercury's parts!
    dont sing high if you have a low voice. find something else to do besides watch your adams apple?
    When I was in high school, I tried to avoid drinking soft drinks because they said it would hurt my voice. Now that I've got a masters in music, I smoke cigars because I've realized that no body really cares about the fine details of the quality of my voice- they only care about my musicianship- and the cigars only help that.

    Yes this will hurt your voice. You're a low singer- Freddie Mercury was a high tenor. But rest it for a couple of days, and do it agian till it hurts again. You're adams apple will raise, there is probably no physical was to do without lifting your adams apple- I'm a bass, and mine moves around quite a lot too. Of course there are ways to hit higher notes without this tension in your voice, but then you wouldn't sound like freddie mercury. My advice- enjoy music.

    I need a credit card with a credit limit of at least $1,000, but I have bad credit...Any Advice?

    I don't have a co-signer, and wanted a credit limit around 1000-1500.....I need a credit card with a credit limit of at least $1,000, but I have bad credit...Any Advice?
    Secured Credit CardsI need a credit card with a credit limit of at least $1,000, but I have bad credit...Any Advice?
    just try to pay whatever credit cards you already have off.. and buy and pay it off quick, thats the best way...
    Bad credit is one of the worst problems to have... however there exists a solution.

    I will hereby talk from my personal experience.

    I did debt consolidation a couple of years ago, however If I had to do it again I would pay to some minor details,

    if someone wants to get out of debt today it is pretty easy with a debt consolidation plan, however it may get a bit tricky at times, I suggest you get as much information as possible online on this first,

    a good place to start in my humble opinion is astraight to the point ebook with question and answer I found :鈥?/a>

    Have you ever given really bad advice on here?

    And later found out the person took your bad advice and wound up dead or in prison?Have you ever given really bad advice on here?
    I JUS DID...somebody on here wanted to know how to potty train a dog.. i advised her to demonstrate it in front of her doggie first

    (i dunno wats gonna happen to her next)... lolzHave you ever given really bad advice on here?
    I have given some shitty advice in a sarcastic and mocking manner...god... I really hope those people didn't take me literally. Now that I think about it, I shouldn't have posted some of the answers I did. The questions that received a smart *** reply from me came from people who were probably mentally challenged enough to take my advice seriously. Has that ever happened to you?
    god i hope my advice didn't land someone dead or in prison!!

    help me get to 10,000 answers plz:;鈥?/a>
    Sometimes I give really stupid advice and I'm afraid the person will listen to it and completely ruin their life and it'll be all my fault! wah! :(
    No. . . . .I really don't know. . . .
    Nope I Haven't.

    People Come To Y!A To Look For Good Advice That Will Solve Their Problems So Why Not Give Them Good Advice?
    not to that extream but yeah i have. mostly because i was in a bad mood and wasn't being was mean to do
    story of my life.

    hey its NOT cool to make fun of mcculy culkin
    Okay..I confess.. Yeah I have given bad advice. And I really hope they didn't end up dead or in prison.
    I definitely hope not.

    And its not cool to make Macauley Caulkin into Lady Gaga. no.
    That would be too lulzy for words.
    i got many, i ignored.
    Geeez I hope not. None that i know of. :D
    Err No.
    i give bad advice but i don't think it goes that far

    Would a pet rat make be bad for my allergies? Advice?

    I'm thinking of getting a pet rat because I can't get a dog or cat due to the fact that I sneeze like crazy when i'm around them for about a day. Since I'm allergic to fur, and I know rats have fur, how badly do you think it would affect my allergies? Do you think I would be irritated from it if I were to have one in my house day in and day out? If there are any solutions to my problem feel free to share. thanks.Would a pet rat make be bad for my allergies? Advice?
    It really does depend entirley on your allergies. Rat dander isn't the same as cat/dog dander, so to be allergic to both would mean you have two different kinds of allergies (one to dogs/cats, and one to rats/rodents). It is completley untrue that rats are god for allergy sufferers. Perhaps rat allergies are more uncommon though, so people have come to believe that.

    I for example have a very mild allergy to cats and rats, but strangley not dogs and not any other rodent. I only get allergic reactions when I get scratched by the rats and their urine gets in the scratch, or their claws they scratched me with are dirty. This doesn't stop me from owning my wonderful rats, but in my case, all I have to do is wash my hands often.

    However, if a person has general allergies to their pet, where they start up on a sneezing rampage when they are near them, I really recommend you to find a different pet. Many people that attempt to keep pets they are allergic to, end up finding it too difficult to maintain or suffer for them, and end up dumping their pet off at a shelter somewhere down the line. So it wouldn't be fair to the pet, only decied on rats if you are positive you aren't allergic.

    So my suggestion is to simply find some rats to handle before deciding on whether you want them or not. Avoid pet stores by all means. You should find a rat breeder from where to obtain your pets. All pet stores care minimally about the quality of the animal, and its health and socilization with people. Plus, pet stores are terrifyingly loud places for rats, so even if you try handling them there, they will probably be too afraid and bite you. Look for a small private breeder on classifieds (like, and just explain your situation to them. I'm sure they wouldn't mind having you come by, and hold their friendly ratties. Hold adult rats, not just babies.

    Also, keep in mind that rats are strictly social animals. You never should keep one alone. Only get at least two of the same sex. This would mean twice the dander/shed/urine to potentially affecting you, so do ensure you are alright with multiple adult rats.

    On top of that, rats require an hour or more of out-of-the-cage handling every single day. So you cannot just be okay with being in the same room, you also need to be able to handle them.

    I would say that you should stick with a pair of females. Males mark their territory more, so they would pee more. Males also produce more skin residue that might stigger allergies.

    Good luck :)Would a pet rat make be bad for my allergies? Advice?
    rats are good for people with allergies and they are really smart too they can sense when your sad and they try to cheer you up your allergies should be fine if you use aspen shavings and no cedar or pine cause its really dusty for people with allergies and for the rats as well cause it can cause respratory problems for them and they should never be in a tank either
    no ';suz'; shes talking about a fancy(aka domestic) rat, try some research, there awesome pets!

    (i have asthma and allergies...i LOVE my 16 rats......i'm actually selling 12 or 11 do to a ';Rattie overload'; from 2 oops litters.)
    i don't think so. When i am around cats i sneeze and when i am arounf horses my skin gets itchy but i have two rats and have had them for a cuople of years and they have never given me any problems.
    No, not really. U HAVE TO GET 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY R SOCIAL %26amp; CAN GET SICK %26amp; DIE W/PUT A BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After holding ur rat(s), wash ur hands and don't touch ur face so that u don't get allergies. Rodents %26amp; rabbits make like THE BEST PETS EVER! hope this helps! :)
    Yes it is possible.

    Oddly enough chipmunks are recommended for those with fur allergy's . However they don't tame very well.
    you should try spending some time around ratties before you decide.

    I am allergic to some things and to some animals but luckily not rats.

    Maybe it is because they are small

    %26lt;:3( }~~~~~
    rats dont tend to effect allergies at all! (; i have a couple. also to all those haters, rats are one of the cleanest animals out there. they spend 1/3 of their entire day cleaning themselves!
    my friend, when we were little, she had allergies really bad and her dad got her a rat, named it teddy and didn't sneeze at all. They are good pets for allergy people. :]
    you cant get a rat, they need to be in at least pairs! they should be ok allergy-wise though, i have rats and allergies and im fine :)
    A long time ago I had pet lizards. I personally would not have a pet rat and would prefer a pet amazon giant centipede or a deranged Komono Dragon that sics what ever I point at.
    A rat? The ones running around in industrial alleys...
  • jane iredale
  • Any advice on dealing with a bad temper?

    I have a really bad temper and when I become angry my face gets red and my blood pressure skyrockets as I try to hold my tongue. It drains me to keep my mouth shut when I feel the need to say something. Any advice on controlling my anger?Any advice on dealing with a bad temper?
    My grandmother's advice to me . Always count to ten before you open your mouth to talk even if you are not angry.Any advice on dealing with a bad temper?
    Just dont think about it when you get angry, think of something you enjoy or a beautiful image or something to relax your self with. ;]
    Think before you emotionally react. That's the first step. Once you think things through you'll notice there isn't much to be angry about. Especially small things.

    It's a common problem for people to just emotionally react vs. think first. Just try it out. Think about why it happened, was it an accident? If it was just an accident, someone should fix it then we all move on. No big deal.

    Ask yourself in every situation - is getting angry going to help you in any way?
    You could seek out an anger management group or counselor.
    How deep and how far do you want to go to solving this? How serious do you want to become to solving this riddle?

    It all comes down to how serious your desire is. Otherwise you will have what you have now, over and over again untill you decide you have had enough. And in that you may just end up putting up with yourself and moving on. You wont give up faith, always yours in the end run and works just as good sort of.
    Well, yeah, try to think of a happy face. Close your eyes take a deep breath, and avoid contacts with others for a minute or two.

    What ever you do, do not break,throw, or yell... you may regret it later. And if you can, take a short nap, works for me at least.

    I have a very bad memory , any advice?

    I never remember names and numbers.

    Any special food or drink?

    Or something to do or not to do?I have a very bad memory , any advice?
    try doing crosswords, jigsaw puzzels. to remember a name think of a fruit or viegietable that starts with the persons name. example. apple for annI have a very bad memory , any advice?
    nuts. No, you're not nuts- eat nuts. And fish- cod liver oil would be good. And concentrate more. The fear of forgetting causes one to forget (i read that somewhere)

    good luck! i hope you remember this advice
    haven't touched a darkroom in some ten years or so.

    However I am really fed up with the digital world and want to start with the good old darkroom again.

    But the thing is that I really don't remember some basic stuff like:

    I think that I used to first see how long a basic time would take using filter 2.5. After that I tested different contrast (depended how the image look like) on the same time. After that I changed the time due to the change of filter (when I have decided the correct filter) and after that I dodged and burned.

    However I really don't remember what I should watch after when I decide the first time. Should I check for midtones, low or high? And when I check for contrast is there any area I should look for there?

    You see, I have a very vague memory that saying something like:

    When I decide what time it should be I should look after the dark areas and when I look at the correct contrast I should look for the white areas.

    Am I way off or what type of areas are you looking for when you decide correct time/contrast?

    / Marcus


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    Re: Please, refresh my bad memory

    Posted by: Dietmar Wolf (IP Logged)

    Date: March 11, 2007 10:14AM

    Schoolbook tells you something like this:

    Use Filter 2-2.5, make teststripes one the area which should be the ';lightest with drawing'; and lay this stripe also on the area with the shadowest area.

    Then decide only on the ';lightest point with drawing'; which time to use.

    This time is it.

    Then look at the corresponding shadow.

    If the shadow is too light, increase contrast, if it is too dark, decrease contrast.

    If you change contrast, you have eventually to adjust the time properly.

    Then make the whole print. Then look where eventually to burn and hold off.

    But this is schoolbook. There are so many ways to get to a very good print.

    Stefan has described here in the forum at least twice his ways in detail.

    Lately I even read a comment from an ';darkroomschoolbookwriter';, that if you start like Stefan described here once (the picture with the man in the leatherjacket on the chair), this is crazy and can never lead to a real good print... :-)))

    Maybe this website is something for you. A complete other approach, but interesting enough.


    There are also some technical articles and, of course, a photo of his darkroom on the site.

    Edited 1 times. Last edit at 03/11/07 11:03AM by Dietmar Wolf.

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    Re: Please, refresh my bad memory

    Posted by: Evita (IP Logged)

    Date: March 11, 2007 10:45AM


    I think you mean this thread, Dietmar?

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    Re: Please, refresh my bad memory

    Posted by: Dietmar Wolf (IP Logged)

    Date: March 11, 2007 10:58AM

    Exactly. Thank you very much, Evita.

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    Re: Please, refresh my bad memory

    Posted by: Edward van Herk (IP Logged)

    Date: March 11, 2007 10:44PM


    Regard printing as a two step process.

    First determine the time for the most important highlight (this can be a midtone on for example somebody's face). After the time satisfies you (mind the dry down effect!) then look at the shadows. Is the black really black? Has the print enough power? If not increase contrast by increasing the grade. You might want to readjust the time slightly afterwards if at the proper grade your most important highlight became darker.

    By using this two step process you have much more control over the outcome and your visualised print statement.

    So the time determines the brightness, the grade the difference between shadows and highlights (contrast).

    Best, Edward


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    Re: Please, refresh my bad memory

    Posted by: Stefan Rohner (IP Logged)

    Date: March 15, 2007 11:35AM

    ';';this is crazy and can never lead to a real good print... :-)))';';

    why, which are the reasons?

    ';';lightest point with drawing';'; thats a point for beginners, but not if you want an exhibition print. or if you want the attention of tones at you main motive. first comes the main motive, then the rest.

    Marcus, with the contrast you start you have to decide for your own, I start with 3

    and play with the times on the first stripe, on 18x24 paper I start with 4sec. first exposure, then 6, 8, 10 and 12sec. with this first stripe you know already where to go. when my time for example is 8sec. I do a second stripe with 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10sec.

    now I adjust contrast and again time if needed.

    regards Stefan




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    Re: Please, refresh my bad memory

    Posted by: Dietmar Wolf (IP Logged)

    Date: March 15, 2007 03:53PM

    Hello Stefan.

    That is exactly the point which makes it so difficult, at least for me. There are ';schoolbook advisors';, but with that, I dont get to a ';very good'; result.

    And darkroom is my hobby and therefore, I also want ';at least some'; very good results.

    But it is extremely difficult to ';pre-visualize';...

    It was last year, with looking at the link, posted from Evita, I think, I got the message. It was really very interesting. Stefan Loeligers comments/pics where also always very usefull!

    The other point:

    ';Profis versuchen Geld zu machen und haben weder die Zeit noch die Liebe ein erstklassiges Bild zu erstellen. Vielleicht wedeln sie deshalb nicht ab. Bei Ansel Adams war das eine Standardtechnik. Es ist doch einfacher einen kleinen, aber bildwichtigen, Teil des Bildes abzuwedeln als nach diesem die gesamte Belichtungszeit auszulegen und alles andere nachzubelichten. Ausserdem bestimmt man die Grundbelichtung nach den Lichtern und nicht nach den Schatten. Die sind es aber die das Abwedeln oft benoetigen. Diese 'Profis' haben keine Ahnung!';

    Perhaps this is a bit out of context of the underlying thread.

    This is the problem of the internet. Everywhere ';masters of light'; and at the end you dont know what to do, worse, you spend your time reading and thinking about how to do it, instead of actually going into your darkroom.

    regards Dietmar
    Walnuts may help, also almonds and sun flower seeds.

    Do you think yahoo could be held liable for hosting a site where people give-often-bad advice?

    this is actually a serious questionDo you think yahoo could be held liable for hosting a site where people give-often-bad advice?
    If someone actually comes here for serious advice, they have big time problems.Do you think yahoo could be held liable for hosting a site where people give-often-bad advice?
    Only if someone actually takes the advice and something really bad happens.
    Nope. There's a disclaimer.
    No, Yahoo doesn't endorse anyone's advice.

    They monitor because never know who you're speaking to. There are preditors online, and it's not unheard of for someone who is stalk someone and harass them online, OR in person if they're skilled at finding personal information. Some just try to start board wars, and those can get EXTREMELY nasty. Monitoring and reporting can make it safer to post, and weed out the people who are only here to be hurtful..
    No, they have a legal disclaimer.
    No, Yahoo is not the one GIVING the advice, they simply provide the forum for it.

    If a person gave you bad advice in a park, could you sue the city that the park is in? I think not!

    Besides, the recipient of the advice is not required to follow it, they have the free will to either accept it or reject it.

    And you can't sue someone over an opinion anyway!
    The disclaimer is very clear.
    I've wondered this myself.

    Just because there is a disclaimer , it doesn't negate potential liability. i don't think there is an applicable law yet, or a direct precedent - so the first time we ';get a real answer'; is to see what happens when someone sues.

    they have a disclaimer

    they thought ahead obviously
    well they should do, but even you are still here giving that bad advise lol
    Um, no. They aren't making you take it, or even telling you to.
    No because it is a site for various opinions you did not pay for this advise it was just given to you freely. if you do not like the opinions you do not have to take the advice.
    Not liable, because it's at the individuals free will, but I wouldn't take any solutions to a life or death decisions from here.
    No- they cant be held liable b/c it is a 3rd party. And I do not believe that people just give bad advice. Most people on here try to help. I am sorry that u have had such a bad experience on YA.
    i've noticed the bad advice too, especially in the singles/dating section. if you have a problem with a significant other, don't post there, all they say is ';break up with them';
    no because its not there fault tht ppl post fake info

    when you ask a question you need to be prepared and use your own discretion when using advice.
    no, because it is up to you to take the advice or not!