Saturday, January 23, 2010

Give bad advice or take bad advice?

I'm pretty good with advice, most of the time...I think I'd rather take bad adviceGive bad advice or take bad advice?;…Give bad advice or take bad advice?
I'd take bad advice. I would feel horrible if I actually gave someone bad advice.
give bad advice...purposely!
Neither one for me...I dont take it and I sure dont try to give it.*
Take bad advice if I have to choose
yeah i think i'd rather take bad advice too... advice giving is one of my strong points so i'm told, i wouldnt want to ruin my reputation D:

plus then you could blame whatever happens on the bad advice lol!
take bad advice, you would feel guilty if you give anyone bad advice D;
excuse me but why would anyone chose any of those topics?

lol i would never wanna give people bad advice and i would never want to hear bad advice either...i would try my best to give as much as good advice i can to people or anyone in any type of situation...
Give It!
I do both

Oh OK I get it, maybe yer like this,

';No cross against the light that fast movin car can't possibly hit ya?
take bad advise.
Take bad advice because I would know if it's bad .
i would rather receive it.
i would take sincere compliments and advise;…

good with advice...but im with you. id rather take it
Take bad advice!!

take bad advice

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