Thursday, January 21, 2010

Poll: Can you please give me some bad advice?

Go to your local Wal-Mart and steal as many things that you can without taking hte tags off of anything. THen when you see the undercover cop roaming around shout out '; HEy FATSO!! Over here! Look I'm stealing hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise!!'; Then RUN!!! While your running throw all of the stuff on the parking lot and leave a note that says ';If found please return to (your name) at (your address)';Poll: Can you please give me some bad advice?

do drugs theyre not for cool drop out of a hippy go get fly and go get high...dont worry about that he, catch his STD...dont be a revert, be a pervert...

its ahrd thinkin of all these rhymes...Poll: Can you please give me some bad advice?
Watch a ';Jackass'; marathon, try everything at home.

Get involved in a land war in Asia.
Tug on Superman's cape.

Pull the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger.

Mess with Jim.
Drink alcohol while taking medication.
Go and have loads of vodka, take some pills and drive to your local old-peoples' home and kill them all with a shotgun
hahhahaha um, do drugs, drop out of school, and ride a bike in ur hallways at school and run into everyone you see
Stop watching disney movies.
Meet someone and get married all in the same week!
ummm smoke while walking into school wth a cigarette in one hand a beer in the other
Pick your nose in front of your whole class.
Don't stay in school.
get piercing all over your body.
do drugs
Stop asking all of us questions!!

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