Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I'm really scared :( i have such a bad headache advice please?

I've never had such a bad headache in my life

I got a cold and had to work over the weekend all weekend so I think I made it worse and it's like really pumpy and when i look up or down it just really hurts and I can hardly move my head I'm so scared :(:(:(I'm really scared :( i have such a bad headache advice please?
ok 1st of all calm down, it sounds like what happened to me, if its in the forehead, on the back of the head, or back down by your neck the best thing to do is to call your doctor, tell him or her and ask if it sounds like cloged sineces [sorry im tired and i cant think of how to spell everything right now =( ] if it does he or she should send you to go get a cat scan...

sorry if this doesnt help D=I'm really scared :( i have such a bad headache advice please?
this sounds like your neck is messed up... (i go to a chiropractor frequently)

you should see a doctor, it might be a pinched nerve.

for now, you should rest it. try to stay in bed and put heatpacks on your neck.
sounds like sinus or like my daughter..migraine...you may think this is crazy but let me pray for u!! the bible says god hears us and see's us...father i ask you right now in the name of jesus that you would take the pain away from this lady...and whatever the source of it is that you would take care of that 2!! give her peace right now! relief right now! in jesus name!! god bless you!

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