Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Any advice for treating a bad knee after running?

I have really sensitive knees, and now that I'm running track, I want to treat it better. Should I use a heating pad? ... or just stick with icing it?Any advice for treating a bad knee after running?
I have bad knees as well, I find using knee braces help until the muscles are built stronger and then I ice only if there is swelling but mainly I find heat pads work just for the general aches and pains.Any advice for treating a bad knee after running?
Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE)

For any soreness/injury, you should always be icing during the first 48 hours or so. You generally don't want to exceed 20 minutes per session though, or else you can start doing damage.

Heat tends to come after that 48 hours if you need it to aid in healing, but when it comes to joints like knees, it can often just inflame them and somewhat lock them up.

If you train properly, your knees should get stronger over time. In the meantime, I'd stick with icing, and perhaps occasionally use something like a neoprene compression wrap to provide support... sometimes they work best if you just wear them during sleep, since the immobilization then can aid in any overnight healing that needs to occur, and you don't weaken the joint as you would if you wore it around all the time.
I've run into the same problem. There are two solutions.

1. Change your shoes. Running creates shock on the joints, and good knees help absorb this.

2. If it still doesn't go away, I would recommend building strength on the joints around the knee, especially the quadriceps, which are helped by doing leg lifts. Weak muscles around the knees cause the knee to slide around and make knees go bad.
Hon, it sounds like you're wearing the wrong shoes or your gait is off. Try getting a new pair of running shoes. If you go to a running specialty store (like Runner's ETC or something similar) they will help you get your feet in the right pair of shoes. If that doesn't work, try getting your gait analyzed. This might point out a flaw in your running form that's leading to your knee pain.

Good luck!
it happens all the time for me during basketball. You must be working hard. Umm I would just let it rest or maybe put a cast on(depends how serious it is). :)

answer minehttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081214060735AA834wu
Ice, stretch before and after ESPECIALLY QUADS

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