Tuesday, January 19, 2010

';Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer'; - good or bad advice ?

and why ?';Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer'; - good or bad advice ?
Good advice ,Don Vito was very wise !!!!

Well I'm starting again after formally being at level 6 :(***';Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer'; - good or bad advice ?
i sorta prefer, keep your friends close, and beat the sh-t outta as many enemies as you can before they do that to you.
I'm with Broken Blue Eyes on this one. I f I don;t like someone, which is rare, I would prefer not to be around them nor them around me. However, I tend to forgive easily and just move on...just more aware of what cause them to be my enemy than before, in case that sh*t surfaces again!. Then its on an crackin'!
Good advice, but I can't do it.
Both can be used in different situations.

sometimes we sleep with our enemies and not to our close friends.

political parties usually...... well u all know right !!

good: you can keep an eye on your enemies

bad: they have an advantage(easier for them to strike) from that point

luck. that's what it's.
That is some really strange advice
good advice...because you always need to know what the enemies are gonna do next....that's if you have any....which i hope not...
VERRRY good advice...

why? you don't know what your enemies are doin unless you keep 'em close!

Good advice because, you don't want to p*ss an enemy off, you don't know what kinda crap they can start.
Really good advice.
Yes, but only If you're a snake or a mafia type boss.. The idea obviously to enable you to backstab your enemy without a contest. Interestingly Samurai culture in Japan frowned upon such behaviour making assassinations harder and more demand for higher skill.

I think mr average keeps his friends closer as his enemies are probably both annoying and non lethal to his existence.
great advice actually!

gotta keep an eye on those who want u to fail...
bad advice.

why/what for do all these people have 'enemies'??

id rather do better or more productive /beneficial things with my time then spend it being close to enemies. i dont have room for that.

im usually around people i like or people who interest me, i feel its more rewarding, pleasurable.
i think that it depends. If they no that you dont like them then it is pointless because they will end up scrwing you over... but i think that you should just be nice to everyone and if you dont like someone... then just keep that to yourself...
good advice........

because if your enemies are close to you generally they won't be able to do anything damaging without you knowing what to expect and how to diffuse the situation.
Good, friends provide support and aid when necessary but their lack of help is less a threat to your life than if you do not watch your enemy who could strike at any time.
very good advice i always believe in that
Hmm..I have heard this saying before.. But I dpn;t agree I would rather keep my enemies as far as possible why would i want them close to me.... : )
Very sound advice. It especially holds true if you go into a highly competitive field, such as Law, PR, or Big Business. You always want to stay one step ahead of your competition, and the best way to do that is to constantly maintain tabs on them......
Bad. Keep as far away from the evil ones as possible. You'll be happier in the long run.
vERY GOOD ADVICE........I would like to see the knife ....before it trys to stab me in the back
defo good advice, believe me x

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